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BACH & ABEL. "We place on sale this week, one case of the Original and Genuine Jamestown Dress Goods, manufactured by Wm. -Hall & Co., Jamestown, New York. We ask your attention to our New Styles for this. season. We guarantee them superior to all goods in the Market at the same prices. Why ? lst- They are made from the very best selected material, by the most ■skilied workmen, Wool dyed and colors as f ast as the purestdyes and best skill known can make them. 2nd.- Nol lo crumple eatily. They are ntirely free from foreign substances generally used to increase the weight and beauty of finish, but such disappears after a few days wear. 3rd- Are strictly reliable in quality and color, so finished as at first to show just what they are and will be until woru out ; wear longer and be the cheapest for the consumer. These Goods are sold by uí, Only. M'ECIAL BARGAIXS FOR A KEW DAYí : 1 case Tricots, All new Shades, at the oíd price, 50c. 1 case Fancy Suitingí, somethifig entirely new, all wool, 00c. 50 New Jersey Coats for street wear, in Black, Brown and blue, $4.00, worth in any market, L(. 1 case Gents' Socks, regular made at SI per dozen, usual price, $1.50. 25 doz. Ladies' colored Collars and ffs, 25c sett. usual price 35c. 50 doz. real Kid Gloves in the new Spring Shades, 4 button, at $1.25. We guarantee this glove to be as good as -an$1.75 Kid in the Market. Just for amusement we will sell for a -hort time, black, all silk Mitts at 25c per pair. 50 doz, on Sale this morning. Everything New and Cheap this Spring. It will pay you to shop where you can íind what you want and can rely on it after you get it. BACH & ABEL. OCR 85 CENT COLIIMX. Advertisements, sueh as To Rent, For Bale, or Wactó, not exeeediug three Unes, can be inserted hiee weeks for 35 cents. TI7ANTED- Lady Agente in eacb county to W eanvass for the Garfield Tea. The best selling medicine in the market. Address. Detroit Crystalline Co., 16 Park Place, Detroit, Mich. 639-42 WANTED- Any gentleman desireing a good paying job, work to be in Washt-naw Co. For particulare, apply toLock Box 22, Hauover, Mich. 639-44 1 A ACKES of good land. good buildings, with iUplenty of fruit, and hennery, near Dexter, Mich., away below cost. Matthew's Real Estáte Agency. ' 639-41 " OOD brick house with lot, comer of Orleans _Tand Forest-ave for sale at a sacrifice. Apply o Matthew's Real Estáte Agency, 639-44 "COR RENT- Suites of rooms in the Hamilton X Block. Water and Stcam heatmg included. Applv to A. W. Hamiltorl, Cor. of Hurón and 7ourth 6ts. 639 41 FOR SALE CHEAP- A Schiedmayer piano in quite good coudition. Inquire 36 W. Fourth reet, P. O. Box 934. 639-41 eoodgirl wanted, german preferred, forsmall A family. Apply 48 South Main St. 639-41 WANTED- Suite of rooms bounded by Hurón and Fifth Jefferson and S'ate. One preferred bat is connected on with a large yard. Address Box 2603, City. 639 41 LOST- A red Spectacle Case from Smlth's, Detroit. Containlng a pair of Steel bowed Spectaeles with large round Uenses. Return to Hegisteb office. 639-41 WANTED- A girl who understands cooking and othcr housework. Apply at No. 39 Thompson St. G3S-41 LOST - Oa División or Iluron Sts. An Earring with Gold Leaf and Pearl set. Finder i'.l please leave at this office. 638 40 WANTED 1MMEDIATELY- Boy 16 to 18 years of age towork on Dairy farm. Address'P. O. Box 1701. Ann Arbor. 638-40 FOR SALE- My place formerly known as the Geo. Allen place on WeBt Iluron St. Ann Ar'nor, just outside of the city limits, extending througn to Liberty St., comprising 11L acres, with first-class improvements, and all kinds of fruit, large and small. Would sell separately the ■vest part (vacant) comprising 5 1-3 acres with a frontage of 12U rods on W. Huron St Terms ?afy. Rev. S. H. Adamv. 638-10 WANTED- Situation as Housekeeper, by a middle aged woman. with relerence, in a smaU familv, Address box 119Í, Ann Arbor. Mkh. 638 43 WANTED- A competent woman at once to heip care for children and do plaiu sewing. Mra. Carhart, 18 Church St. 638 40 FOR SALE CHEAP- A good house and lot well located on Packard-st, City. Apply to Matthews, Real Estáte Agency. 637 39 A FOETUNE- The right party can make it by A assisting me to develop and procure patenta 'or several valuable inventions. Address A. O. M., Register office. 537-39 A o A A to let towards firet class security at 6 IPOU V per cent. Inquire City P. O. Box 194. 637-9 FOR SALE-Good, Scotch Seed Barley, Í1.25 per 100. My yield last year, 50 bushels to Acre. Wm. P. Brown, 1 miles N. W. of Ann Ar. tor. 637-9 rpORENT- A small neat cottage. An elderlv X couple desired, to whom some work can be giveta in truit time. Ann Arbor. March '87. J. D. flaldwin. 637tf FOR SALE- 5000 Snlder & Taylor's Prolifie Blackberry Plants, 10,000 Gregg Raspberry tips, 40u Pear Seedings, and a few Peach trees of the very best variety. Aun Arbor, March '87. J. ,T. Btldwin. 637ti ANTED- A good girt for general housework. Apply at No. 25 E. University Ave. WANTED TO KENT.- SmaU dwelling, near T. A.A. &N. R.K. Depot. O. G. Wells, Agent. T7OUND- Bunch of Keys in Moore's book store. X Owner eau get them at Registeb office. 636-8 T7OR SALE- Beauti ful suburban home of 30 or X 50 acres in Town of Ann Arbor, north of City, on Whkmore Lake road, three-founhs mile irom Court House. Good Brlck house Fram bam. 3ralnery anü Hen house 850 peach, 40 apple and 100 pear irees, cherries, plums, all young and beanng trees, grapes, quinces, raspberries, blackDeiTies and strawberriei. Plenty or water, two wèlls, creek and Huron riyer. Geo. Loomts P O Box 1546. 639-41 REAL ESTÁTE FOR SALE OH RENT.- Housesand lols valued.from Ï1000 tot6,000and containli g from on fifth of an acre to twenty acres- ali in the city limits. Homes rented on reasonable termB in central Jocalities. Farms exchanged lor city property. Enquire of J. Q. A.SEáSIONS, 6S2tf Attorney and Real Estáte Asent. Office over Expiess Office, Main St., Ann Arbor. LOANING- Money to loan on fint class real estáte mortgages at cuirent rates of Interest. SatlsfacUiry arrangements made with capitalista desiring such inyestment. Every conveyance and transactlon in abstracts of titles cerefully examlned as to legal effect. Zina P. King, Ann Arbor, Mich. tf


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Ann Arbor Register