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Smií t's Emulsión 1 Pare Cod Liver OU, with Hypophosphites, Id General Deliility, Emaciation, C'onsumption and WastiiiK iu Children, ís a moht valuable food aad medicine. It creates an appetite for le o ', strengthens the oervous ayutem and builds up the body It ia prepared in a p.Uatable form and presen bed univereally by PhysicianB. Take no otiier. Washington Critic : Congreas is alwajs biggest at the tapper end. mint Trae Merit wlll do. The unpreeedented sale of Bosehee's Germán Syrup within a few yeaia, hag aatonished the wcrld. It is without doubt the safest and best remedy ever discorered for the speedy and effectual cure of Cougha, Coldg and the severest Lunar troubles. It acts on an entirely different principie from usual precriptions given by Physicians, as t does not dry up a Cough and leave the disease still in the system, but on the contrary removes the cause et the trouble, heals the parts cffected and leavcs them in a purely healthy sondition. A bottle kept in the house for use when the diaeasea make their appear&nce will save doctor's bill and a long spell of serums illneps. A trial will conyinoe you of theae facts. It 's positively gold by all druggistfsaud general dealers in the land. Price, 75 cis., large bottles. Boston Post : A son of a gun is apt to be a bore. IT IS WONDERFOX how easily rheumatism begins, and how nsidiously it grows in the system, until one is startled to find himself its victira in either the acute or chronic form. He then learns the fearful tenacity of iu grip and the utter powerlessness of the urdinary remedies to give relief. Probably to no disease have physicians given more study, and none has more completely baffled their eíTorte to provide aspecific; and until Athlophoros waa discovered there was no medicine which would surely cure rheumatism, neuralgia and nervous or sick headache. Thousanda of testimoniáis like the foliowing prove bevond question that Athlophoros is the only reliable remedy, and that it will do 11 that is claimed for it. East Saginaw, Mich. About four weeks ago I was taken with a severe attack of rheumatism. My feet were so swollen that I could not wear my boots; in fact, I could just hobble along, and got very little sleep at night, as I suffered intense pain whether I sat up or laid down. I went out and bought a pair of crutches to enable me to get around. Alter buying them, when on my way home, I stopped in at W. B. Moor's drug store, and noticing Athlophoros for sale I decided to try a boitle. After taking half a bottle I laid my erntches aside, only using them the one time - on my way home. The swelling is all reduced, and I now wear my boots with perfect ease. I have not had any pain since. I would not take $20 for the balance of the bottle if I could not get more. Any one sufièring with rheumatism need not suffer any longer if they will take Athlophoros. Jed Gbioware, Mate of Steamer W. R. Burt, running betweea East Saginaw and Bay City, Mich." Erery druggistshould keep Athlophoros and Athlophoros Pilis, but where they cannot be bought of the druggist the Athlophoros Co.," 112 Wall St., New York, will end either (carriage paid) on receipt o regular price, which is f 1.00 per bottle for Athlophoros and 50c. for Pilis, f For liver and kidney dlaeases, dyspepsla, indigestión, weakness, nervoua debilíty, Siseases of women, constipation, headache, impur Diood, &c., Athlophoros Pilis are unequaled. t k Jbbr kil Fruit fary ! AU kinds of Berry Planta ; Fine Planta of the Sharpless ; The best Strawberry ; Fruit and Ornamental trees from Ellvranger & Barry, Rochestr, N. Y. Orders must be sent early. WINES AND SYRUPS. Sweet Home-made Wine for Invalida, and the Encharist, Sour Wine, Raspberry Syrup, Shrub, Pear Syrup. Plymouth Rock Eggs. E. BAUR, West Huron St., - Ann Arbor INSURANCE, SEAL ESTÁTE AND LOAN AQENCY OF A. W. HAMILTON Offices, No. 1 and 2, First Floor, Hamilton Blook. Putlai deririnc to buy or Bell Eeal EsUte wlU índlttothelradyantige to cali on me. I repteN&t the followlng flret-class Flre Insunmoe Cora PUlet, havlng u &ggrogt capital of over HO, N0.0S0: San Flre, ..... I.ondoa ■ardían Insaranee, - Lnda Hrtbra, . . . Londoi 'm Inmirance Assoelatlom, lonloo ■hHuii'n Nutunl Flre Ins. Vo., _ ,f llwnnkne Hm AiMoelntlon, Pbtladelpbla ■■erlean Flre, . Pblladelpbla Weatebeater Flre, - . New Tork ■ew Hnmpnhir Flre, . Manchester Urand Raplds Flre, rand Knplda Vaderwrltei, . Provldence R. I Traden. -.... cblea KatM Low. Losse Ubenaif adJoDted aoé oromptly pald. I alw lame Lite and Inreetment Policial In tht New Tork Mutual Life Inrannce Company. A iet) 185,000,000. Penons deslring Accident lasnrtnoe, can hare rearij Pollcle written for tbem ot Tnreler1! Coapon Insurance Ticket) lamed at Uw Ratea in the Accident Imoranoe Oompanj of North America. Money to Laan at Currem Mea. Office hours from 8 i. m. to 12 b., and 2 to P.M. ALEX. W. HAMILTON, _ Hamnton Block Itls Generally conceded by physioiana that the spring trusa ia the best wiown instrument for retaining hernia, Kivinx a uniform pressure and conformog to the various positions of the body. They are clean, coiufortable and durable. Our stock is large, embracing all the 'eading makes. We guarantee satisfacöon. Browne Sbarpe Hair Clipper So. t .5O s Postaire 10e. , rowno Hbarpe Hortte Clipper STo. 3 oo ; JPoatase aöo. ANN BRO'S, DrugsiBts, Ann Arbor.


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