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W. S. Hicks ig in Nw York. M. .M Green spent Sundy ia Detroit. W. W. Wines was ia Detroit, Tuesday. Mrs. J. T. Jacobs was in Detroit, Tuesday. Judge Harriman is in New York oq business. Frauk Trussel, of Hilan, was in the city Wednesday. James Clark, of Sioux Falls, Dakota, ig home on a visit. George C. Cooper, of Lansing, was in the city, Monday. Col. Q-eo. P. Sanford, of Lansing, was in the city Sunday. C. B. Bassett, of Saline, ia clerking for Goodspeed & Sons. Miss Elyda Lovejoy spent Sunday with her párente in Detroit. Mrs. W. G. Doty and baby are visiting friends in Manchester. Mrs. A. T. Hill, of Detroit, visited Ann Arbor friends last week. M. J. Fritz left Saturday for a two weeks' trip to Arkansas. Mrs. Dr. Herdman is visiting friends at her former home in Ohio. Paul Chnstman, of Jacks in, was in the city a few days laet week. Rev. T. M. Maclean. of Ypsilanti, will sail forErgland on the 28tb, John Orippen, late with Blitz & Langjdorf, is working in Bay City. F. C. Fadner, of the Fhnt News, was in the city the first of the week. Z. Roath was in Langing Tuesday attending the wedding of a niece. Godfrey Wagner, of Chicago, visited his father in this city over Sunday. Rev. Dr. Haskell attended the prohibition convention in Detroit, Tuesday. Fredenck Sohmid was in East Saginaw the first ot the week on business. Miss Nellie Seabolt retumed Saturday from a two weeks' visit in Detroit. Asa M. Wellner, of Auburn, N. Y., ig visiting hi niece, Mrs. C. J. Rule. F. A. Howlett and family spent Sunday at their former home in Lyndon. Col. Green, of Washington, D. C, was the guest of Prof. Green, over Sunday. Prof. Elisba Jones was in Grand Rapids, Thnrsday and Friday, visiting the High Sahool. Ex-regent E. C. Walker and Bryant Walker of Detroit, were in the city over Sunday. E. J. MacEwaas, of the Agricultural college, Lansing, was in the city the first of the week. Wm. C. Hiller and Miss Mary Kraut were united in the holy bonds of wedlock, yp.cterHfly. Dr. Cari Rominger will start Friday night for a trip to British Columbia and California. Dr. Ford and H. J. Brown attended the funeral of the late Dr. Pitkin, in Detroit, last Friday. William J. Abbott, of Chicago, returned home last Saturday, after a few days' visit at O. Mack's. Geo. D. Hiscock, of Earlville, 111., was the guest of his cousin, C. E. Hiscock, over Sunday. Irving Pond, of Chicago, was the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Pond over Sunday. Miss Johnson, of New York, who was the guest of Miss Angelí last week, returned home, Monday. Miss Hattle C. Bours, of Detroit, returned home Tuesday atter a weeks' visit with Mrs. H. C. Brown. Miss Birdie Breakey has returned from New York city where she has been visiting friends for eeveral weeks. Louis Rominger left for his home in Chicago, Tuesday night, after several days' visit with his father in this city. B. S. Waite, wife and three children, of Menominee, Mich., are visiting Mrs. W.'s parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. Cramer. Fred. Pistorious has returned to this city after a residence in Saginaw of threeyears. His family will arrive in a few days. Mrs. John Roost, of Delhi, who has been in ill health for some time, is again able to ride to this city to visit her friends. Miss Royce returned home last Saturday from New York, where she has been spending the past year in Cooper Institute. T. R. Tuomey, of Tuomey Bros., Jackson, was in the city Wednesday, looking after the interests of their Ann Arbor store. Ambrose Kearney, of this city, and Miss Kittie Kearney, of Northfield, spent the past week with friends in Chatham, Ont. Mrs. John R. Miner, left Thursday evening for an extended visit to friends in, Ont., and Rochester and Dansville, N Y. Sheriff Walsh returned Monday from a trip to Toledo, Defiance and Alliance, O., where he was looking for Geo. McCormick's stolen team. Mrs. D. C. Giffen, who has been spending the past three months with Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Schairer, in this city, returned to her home in West Point, Neb., Friday. Prof. C. W. Belser, of Carthage, 111., will leave there about the middle of June and return to ihis city where he will spend hia summer vacation. He has accepted a position at Harvard next year. Mateo Francisco, the young man Prof. Steere brought to this country from the Phillipine Islands, when he visited that country a few years ago, will return to the land of his birth when the Professor goes in Jone. Chas. T. Mann, for the past three years in the employ of J. G. Davis fc Co., wholesale druggist in Detroit, is expected home Saturday for a weeks visiL When he returns to Detroit he will engage in the retail drug business alone.


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