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II A 1.1 N 8100 Rinnrd. $100. The readers of Tms Register will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall 's Catarrh Cure is the only positivo cure now known ia the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease requires a con.stitutioual treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure i taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucus surfaces of the system, thert-by distroying the foundation of the di.eape and giving the patiënt strenRtb, by building up the constitution and assisting na'ure in doing its work. The Proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer one hundred dollars, for nny case it lails to cure, Send for list of testimoniáis. Address, F. J. CHENBY & CO., Toledo, O. I-Sold by Druggists, 75 Cts. CATAUltll (TKB. The Duke of Devocslnre, aow in his eightieth year, enjoy robust health, and thinks nothing ot walking a mile and a half to ohurch and home again every Sunday. The Cutcst I.lttlo 1 llillys. "Cute"! he echoed. " Well I don't kaow as the adjective wculd have occured to me in just that ccnnection. But if you mean ma', tl er do their work thoroughly, yet make no fuss about it ; cause no pain or weakness ; and, in short, are everything that a pill ought to be, and nothing that it ought not, then I agree that Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets are about the cutest little thin8 going! ___ Mr. Daniel 0 Day, president of the Buffalo National Uas company, was an Brie Riilro.d workman at $1.50 a day when che oil fever broke out. He went in for oil, struok it, and is coif worth several million. ■Wien Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria, When she was a Chüd, she cried for Castoria, When she became Mis, she clnng to Castoria, Wlon .he had Children, she gare them Castori, It -is doubtful if Martin F. Tupper of "Proverbial Philosoph" fame lives to see his seventy-seventh birthday, which cccurs in July ncxt, he is so broken down in healtb. Consumptlon Cared. An old physieian, retired from practlce, havlne had placed in his hands by au East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy lor the speedy and permanent cure of Consumption ■ Bronchitis, Catarrah, Asthm&l.Throat and Lune Affections also a positive and radical cure foí Neirous Debility and all Nervous Complaints after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, has feit it his duty to make it knownto his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I wlll send free of charge, to all who deSlifH. imsrPüipe in Germán. Pron oh orEnt-lioh, with full directions for preparing and usílr Send by mail by addressing with stamp, namiue Paper. w. A. Noyes. 149 Power $ Block, Eockesttr Several wealthy society people and many tradesmen in San Francisco have just been victimized by a young English swell, who pasaed himself off as a nephew of Cardinal Manning. Those who believe that nature will work off a cough or cold should understand that this is done at the expense of the constitution. Each time this weakens the system, and we all know that the termination of thi.a dangerous practico is a com8umptive'8 grave. Don't take the chances, when a fifty cent bottle of Dr. Bigelow's Positive Cure will sately and promptly cure any recent cough, cold or throat or lung trouble. Buy the dollarbottle of Eberbach & Son, for chronic cases or family l use. i General Cluseret, who has been in turn a Garibaldian, aide to General McClellan, Fenian and Communists, is now instruoting Pariíian Anarchiste in the fine arts which they most practice. TO THE LADIES ! If you are afflicted with rheumatlsm, neuralgia, neryous exhaustion, dyspepsia. orwhhdiseasesof theliver, kidneys, Éeadacheor cold feet swollen or week ankles, or swollen feet, an Ab dominal Belt and a pair of Magnetic FÓot Batteries have no superior In the relelf and cure of aU these complaints. They carry a powerful maguetic force to the seat of the desease Fot lame back, weakness of the epine, fallinir of thewomb, leucorrhoea, chronic inaammation and ulceratlon of the womb, incidental hemorrhage of flooding, painful, suppreseed and irreeular menstruation.barrenness, and change of life, Known?16 APPanee and Curatiïe Agent tJincet?n PP0' w1 Magnetic Foot Batteries. J10. gent by expres C. O. D., and examination allowed.or by mail on receipt of price, and if not found satisfactory even after six months tnal they can be returned and monandCsize f h lD orderiDg send meure of walst i. T5?ï worn OTer the underclothing. They hold their power forever. Send for the "New Department In Medical Treatment Without Medic&e." with thousands of testimoniáis. Send for circulare. Write us full dfrect.U " regards your d'fflculties- orders THE MAONETIC A ÏM'I.I AX( V. EO., 134 Dearborn St.. lilca-o, Hl. The Duke of Connaught, who is in command of the army at Bombay, has been obliged to have a special act of parliament passed to enable him to return to England to take part in the jubilee celebration. It is a Curious Fact That the body is now more susceptible to benefit from medicine than at any other season. Henee the importance of taking Hood's Sarsaparilla now, when it will do you the most good. It is really wonderful for purifying and enrichening the blood, creating an appetite, and givmg a healthy tone to the whole system. Be sure to get Hood's Sarsaparilla, whioh is peculiar to itself. Frank Vieetelly, the artist, was supposed to have perighed in the ïll-fated expedition of Hicks Pasha. A Syrian Greek who has arrived at Cairo, says tbat among the European prisoners at Khartoum is a "short, stout man, with a full beard, wearing glasses." There is every reason to sappose that this man is Vizetelly.


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