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Settled Consnmptlon Cnred. ''Several years ago a severe cold set tled on my lungs. The most populo phvsician that ever practiced here attend ed me for a long time but to no avail' After a consultaron he said I had settled consumption and gave me up. I was ad vised to try Dr. Seth Arnold'g Cough Kil. er, and to my own friends astonishment it cured me and I am now a well heartv man.- Thomas D. Paine, Jeweler, Woon socket, R. I." For sale by all drugeigt. Pnce 25c. 50c. and $1.00 per bottle. Queen Victoria has in Windsor Ca?tl thiee vases valued at $100,000 and a Set. res dinner set valued at $250,000. alone on account of Dyspepsia. Ackert Dyspepsia Tableta will cure Dyspeosia Indigestión and Constipation; sold on , positivo guarantee at 25 and 50 cents, Ij Jobs Moorf, Druggist. 'Edelweiss " is the title of an operetts just finished by the talented composer Count Solonub, and about to be performeii lor the first time at the Vienna Theatre an der Wien. 1880, R. T. Leonard, Hamburg Pa wrote: "Had severe inflammatory rheumatism for weeks; a few applicationsofSt. Jacobs Oil cured me." Oot. 19, 1886 he wntes: "Confirm statement; was entirely cured." Price fifty cents. Sold by Dru. gists. The Englisn pe);lesay since the pubhcation of Tennyson'.-i jubilee ode 'bat the poet ought to resign th laureatesbip and suggest Swinburne a an available candidate for the vaeancv. VOLT SI) HAIIFCL, but I couldn't help it. Everythins went wtodï with me and I thought I haán't a friend in thl world; dyspepsia caused this, and formontha I couldn't eat anything. and just suffered in misery till I used sulphur Bitters. Three bottles cured me.-D. Lewis, 22 Bowdoin Ëtreet. Boston, Mass It is said that the biogrsphy of Delare, the late editor of the London Times, wili not be pubhsht d, because it would ' be a disolosure of the secret history of the Times during its most brilliant period. Chancery Sfotice. The Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw, in chancery. " a Kate A. Ulber, vs. Herman Ulber. It satisfaetorily appearing to me by affidavit on file, that the deiendant Herman Ulber is not a resident of this State, but resides in Milwaukee, in the State of Wisconsin ' Onmofloaof E. D. Kinne, complainanfs solicïtor, it ; is ordered that the said defendant Herman Líber cause his appearance to be entered herem within four months from the date of thls order, and in case of his appearance, that he cause his answer to the complainaut's bill of complaintto be flled. and a copy thereof to be served on the complainanfs solicitar within tvventy days after service on him of a copy of mid bill and notice of this order, and that in default thereof, said bill be taken as confessed bF the said non-resident defendant And it is further ordered, that within twenty days, aftcr the date thereof, the said complainam cause a notice of this order, to be published in the AnnArbor Register, a newspaper printed RuWished and circulating in said county. and that said publication be continued therein at least once in each week for six weeks in succession, or that she cause a copy of this order, to be pereonally served on said non-resident defendant atjeast twenty days before the above time prescnbed for this appearance. _ _ „ C. JOSLYN, E. D Kinne circuit Judge. Sohcitor for Complainant Dated April 20, 1887. 644-650 Probate Aíotice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF WASHTENAW, SS Notice is hereby given, Ihat by an order of the Probate Court for the County of Wasbtenaw made on the 25th day of April, A. dTiK months from that date were alïowed lor crédito rs to present their claims against the estáte of SamSf . ■nOSte-t atef 8ald county. deceased, an?l that all creditiors of said deceaed are required to present their claims to said Probate Court at the Probate Office in the city of Ann ArborV'for examination and allowance, on or before the 25th day of October next, and that such claims will be heard before said Court. on Monday the 25th dav of July and on Tuesday the 2Sth day of Octobpr nexauen o'clock in the forenoraof each oi sDated, Ánn Arbor, April 25th. A. D 1887 zaa 7 WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, M4'7 Judge of Probate. Hortgrage Sale. TWAULT Havlcg been made in the conXJ ditions of a certain mortgage made by Elias C. Roberts and Amelia Roberto his wife of Salem Washtenaw County, Michigan, to Luke Dake of the same place dated December 29th. A D 1876 and recorded in the office of the Register of Dfe?f?r the Co'yof Washtenawraïd State "i-Mlchigan, on the twelfth day of January AD 18". 'n fiber 51 of Mortgageï, on page 5 on which mortgage there in claimed to bldw 5 ,?;tÚoffthisSoíice the sum o' tour hundred and thlrty-four dollars and flfteen centg-íSdan attorney's fee o flfteen dollars provided for In SpSF 8ecurelby 8ald w. Now, Therefore, By virtue of the power of alt contained in said mortgage, and teltatute to such case made and proyfded, notice hereb? elven that said mortgage will be foreclowní Satarday the 28th day of May, A. Dlíft 10 o'clock in the forenoon. by k alé at rabile the highest bidder, at the Eastftiií L5?r?twehC?Urt %Vn C1y ofTnn A? %%J? we'Sf the lace whe the Circuit Court for Washtenaw County i holden) of e premisesdescribedin said mortgage7or 'io mxh thereof as may be necestary to pay the amount dueonsaid morteage. wlth the Interest, andJl legal coste, togetlier with an attorney's fee rf fifteen dollars convenanted for therein; the pren? ïses being described in said mortgage ás aJlthat certain lot, piece and parcel ofland sitnltp fn the township of Salem, in Se CoSSfy of Wa. aDd -d wStmHma?(noífhrNohrtehNS rofsn6 following Ditch and Water Course totbe cte of Highway; thenceEast to the place of berinning, and being the tract of land wlliedbv James Hollls to Stephen Hollis y BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. This Magazine portrays American thought and life from ocean to ocean, is fiHed with pure high-clas, litera ture, and can be safely wel. comed in any family circle. PRICE 25c. OR $3 A YEAR BY MAIL Sample Copy of current number malled upan rtcelpt of 25 ctí.; back rumben, 15 ett. Premium Ligt with cither. Address: R. T. BUSH & SON, Publishers, 130 & 132 Pearl St., X. Y.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register