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Rheumatísm Vfe doubt ií íhere is, or can be, a speciflc remedy f or rheumatism ; but thousands wbo have suffered its pains have been greatly benefited by Hood's Sarsaparilta. If you have failed to find relief, try tliis great remedy. "I was afflicted with rheumatism twentj years. Previous to 1883 1 f ound no relief, but grew worse, and at one time was almost helpless. Hood's Sarsaparilla did me more gocxl than all the other medicine I ever had." H. T., Shirley Village, Mass. " I had rheumatism three years, and got no relief till I took Eood's Sarsaparilla. It has done great things for me. I recommend it to ethers." Lewis Buebank, Eiddeford, Me. - Hood's Sarsaparilla ís characterlzed by three peculiarities : lst, the combination of remedial agents ; 2d, the proportion; 3d, the proces of securing the active medicinal qualities. The result is a medicine of unusual strengt]), eftecting cures hitherto unknown. Send for book containing additional evidence. "Hood's Sarsaparilla tones np my system, purifies my blood, sharpens my appetite, and seems to make me over." J. P. Thompson, Itegister of Deeds, Lowell, Mass. "Hood's Sarsaparilla beats all others, and is worth its weight in gold." I. Bahkigto.n, 130 Bank Street, New York City. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists. $l ; six for $5. Made onlyby C. I. HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass. 100 Doses One Dollar. XBB ESST SALESMEN. Kewrpaper advertlsing Ís now recognlied to) ■hiewd business men as the best of all poMlblt nleamen - one who never leep and Is ueei weaij- wbo jjoes after busliiess early and latewho can be In a thousand places at once, nc peuk to a milllon people eaoh lay, saylng to tc on" tl" beat thlng In tfie beat mannei. NO COLD FEET! Send one dollar incurrenry, with sie ofshoe UKually woru. and try a i air of our Hagnetic Insoles for rheumatism, cold feet and bad eire ulation. Tbey are the most powerful made in the world. The wearer feels the warmth, life and revitalization in three minutes after puting them on. Sent by return mail upon receipt of price. Send your address for the " New Departure in Medical Treatment Without Medicine," with thoueands of testimoniáis. Wríte us full partículas of difficulties. Our Magnet c Kidney Belts for gentlement will poseitively cure the following diseases without medicine: Pain in the back, head or limbs, nervous debility, lumbago, general debility, rheumattam, paralysis, neuralgia, sciatica, dis eaees of the kidneys, torpid liver, leminal emissions, impoteney, neart disease, dyspepsia, indigestión, hern a or ruptute, piles, etc. Consultation free. Price of Belt. with Magnetic Insoles, flO. Sent by exprese C. O. D. or by return mail upon receipt 01 price. Send measure of waist and size of shoe worn. Send for circulara. Order direct. NOTE- The above described Belt with Insoles is warrented to positively euro cronic cases of seminal emissions impotency or mouey refunded even after one year's trial. THE MAGNETIC APPLIANCE CO., 134 Dnrborn St. Chican, III.


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