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Read CareƱilly! There was a great rush for Dry Goods last week. Thtre will be more of a rush this we-k. It will pay you to read this advertiseinent carefully. Simon's Bla-; Gros-Grain Silks, marked down K ! a yard. They are the most durable Black Silks in the World. We guƔranle them in the most liberal manner, and this guarantee the maker stands behinds us. Quality A hitherto $1.25 now $1.00 " B " 1.50 " 1.25 C " 1.75 " 1.50 D " 2.00 " 1.75 E " 2.50 " 2.00 [Down 50 cents. Our Colored Surah's are very cheap at $1.00. We show all the desirable colors in Pink, Light Blue, Cream, White and several shades in Tans and Light Brown. No better Gros-Grain Colored Silks in the World than ours at $1.00 a yard. All shades of Tans and Browns in stock this week. Excellent value in Black Watered Silks at $1.50 and $2.00. Our Light Pink, Light Blue, Nile Green, and Heliotrope Watered Silke at $2.25 are very handsome. Do you know a bargain when you see it? Among the very Goods you would think to be the last to tumble. Seasonable Goods. When you read the price you will want to see them. Ten tyles or more of Summer Silks at 55c a yard, heretofore 75c, $1.00 and $1.25. They are good yalue at the old price. They are surprise value now. Cali it Percale or "Shirting there's no nonsense about it. Tough and plump 36-inches wide. The weight is from the Cotton in it. Hard-twisted and hard-woven every thread of it. A stuff for hard wear if you will, very neat and dressy, too, handsoruely printed in stripes, plaids and figures on White ground. The price has been 16c. lts been a lively goer at 16c. We make 1 12} cents. Take a quick glance at our Cotton Dress Stuffs. Counters piled high. It will be a crazy crinkle year. Last year fixed it. Fine, hard-twisted, irregularly woven, crinkley, goods you shouldn't iron, rough dry them in the sun. Cream and White grounds. A dozen styles, four or five times as many colorings. See a bit, 8 and 12c. Batistes seem daintier than ever. All on Cream grounds and plump yard wide. Figured stripes and odd designs. These are the Cottons that drove out the printed Linen Lawns, 12ic, The finest Batiste that is made, 12Jc Why, use your leisure time in buying material and making Underwear this warm weather when we can furnish you with ju6t what you want and for less money. Don't judge our Underwear by what you see in other stores nor by the prices you hear quoted. Judge it by the Underwear itself, and see it here. Examine the sewing, the cutting, the decoration and styles. You Ladies know the good from bad. Not a word about that. We ask your judgement, not your favor. Trashy Lace Flouncing are common enough in some stores. Easier to make trashy than good. Easier in Lace than most Goods. They say we have the nicest patterns and the best assortments of Black Lace Flouncings that you ca:i find anywhere. Nothing trashy about them, that's certain. 42-inch, $2.00, $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00. Cream and White Flouncing 42-inch 75c, $1.00, $2, $2.25, $2.50 and $5.00. We are showii.g this week the finest line of beaded trimmings in the city. If you want cheap trimmings we have them. If you want medium price trimmings we have them. If you want high priced trimmings we have them. Will you examine our Beaded Trimmings at $2.00, 5-3.00, $4.00, $7.00, 10.00 and 12.00 a yard. 25 dozen Gauze Vests for Ladies at 25 cents. (Don't come expecting to get the 25 dozen for 25c. You will be disappointed if you do.) We mean 25c each. Yes, 25 cents. Perfect, regular goods made to sell for 40c. Also twentyflve dozen Ladies' Gauze Vests at 50c each. We know of no garments at all approaching either of them in quality that were ever before ofl'ered at the price. Unless you know more about Underwear than the Writer of this you will say they are cheap. Bach & Abel. ocr 25 cest column. Advertisements, such as To Rent, For Sale, or Wanta, not exceeding three lines, can be inserted hree weeks for 85 cents. rpo RENT after July lst at a low price, 2 Suites X furnifched rooms, large and airy at 74 Washington-6t. 617-49 A1PA Parlor Organ for 500. In good conAyu dition. Mustbesold. Cali at once, 10 Lawrence-st., or address Box 250. ' 647-49 FOR SALE- 33000 stock of drugs in a prosperoub growing town in Western Indiana.;Population 1201) ; one other store. Splendid chance for a live man. Address J. M. hhe, Clay City, Ind 647-5-2 T70R SALE OR EXCHAXGE for a gcod farm' 20 -TCityLots; also large House and Barn Will sell any one lot or piece separate. 3 bloeks from Main St. Apply at 48 South Main St. 617-9 FOR IN VALID LADY- Use ofHorse and Carriage. Wojldsut,ply barn feed and attention if wiehed. Apply 18 Main St. or this office. 647-9 FOR RENT-Suite of Rooms in the Hamilton Block. Apply to A. W. Hamilton, 647 9 BERRY CRATES 40 and 50 cents; also Step Ladders. C. H. St. Clalr & Sons, 33 North Fourih-st, Ann Arbor. 616-4S HODSEKEEPER WANTED to take full charge of farm house. Must be good, competent woman, and well recomended. Applv J. S. Mann P. O. Box 1U9. 616-8 GOOD PASTUKE for Horses and Cows, adjoining the river. 60 to 75 ets per week. Apply J. S. Mann, P. O. Box 1119, Aun Arbor 646 8 LOST- On Friday nigtt, April 29th, a Red Shawl with Gold Stripes. Finder Will be rewarded by leaving at 97 South Main-st. 616-8 TTENTION, 8OLDIERS, COMRADES - All Soldiere, their Heirs, or other persons having acknowledgements to make to papers of reoord oftPension Vouchers, will find it much to their advantage to eau on Comrade W. K. Childa, in the office of the Washtenaw Flre Insurance Co., In the basement of the Court House I will asslst Soldier or their Heirs to procure Pensions or increase of Pensions without charee. 646-48 FOR SALE CHEAP- 350-Acre Farm In the Western part of this County. Address box 1036, Ann Arbor, MIch. 645-7


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