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A Bad Mistake

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As was predicted by mauy, Gov. Luce has vetoed the University appropria bilí. June 2d, he returned the bilí to the legislature, asking them to reconsider it and take out ihe $75,000 appropriated for new laboratories. The Hoie very promptly and wiscly re'used to reconsider it. Monday evening the Grovernor sent the following veto to the senate: Many provisions of the bilí whieli it would have offered me pleasure to approve, yet after a faithful consideration others were found which seemed to meought nottoreeeive Executive sarction, and the message was therefore sent with the sincere hope that the bill mightbe recalled and Buch amendments made as wonld commend themselves to the Legislature, the Executive, the University and the judgment of the people, but as the Legislature has 'not complied with my respectful request I can now bat obey that other provisión of the Constitution, which requires the Executive to return to the Legislature such bilis as he cannot approve without ais Bignature and ask a reconsidertition at your hands and in so doing I desire to disclaim any purpose ofembarrassing the Universtty. This institution has perfonned such an important part in our educational history that everj Citizen oí' Michigan mus-t feel an honorable pride in its success. In returninir the same allow me to bnefly append the Mlowiug reasons among the mauy suggesting themselves for such action : 1. It is unjust to burden the taxpayers of our State to edúcate foreign students and with inadequate returns in tuition from them. It is unfair that Michigan with lts 791 students shall pay approximaiely $101,110.94 during ihe next two years and that 781 foreign Btudents shall receive equal advantages there and pay only about 870.000. The lands from which the Univereity interest fund is derived belonged to us as our portion upon a divi-ion of the same among the sutes, and no citizen of anotber state has any more rights to its beneflta without recompense than to any other tax raised for other purposes. All the firnt class colleges of Eastern States, raming with and even below the Cniversity, hare found from long experience that they eau aud do charge tuition to foreign students many times larger than the University does. and were the same provisions incorporated intothe U iveriity bill that the Legislature wisely, in my opinión, attached to the Agricultural Ooilege bill.viz., requiring foreign students to pay such tuition as would peusaie me siaie ior extra expense lncurred m their accommodation, I believe the amount appropriated by this bill might have been materially lessened. 2. I am unchanged in myopinion that a greater part of the 875,000 item asked for the pnrpose of an experimental and Chemical laboratory should he eliminated from the bill. That additions and changes should be made in ihe laboratory privileges is unquestioned, bnt I am thoroughly cunvinced that such additions as are seriously needed can be nearly or quite met by funds received by the increase in tuilion of foreign students above suggested and from the increasing one-twentieth mili tax, whieh will add S13.U00 to former receipta from this source during the two year. 3. The University has arisen to lts present high position with much less appropriations than is proyided In this bill and with no material change in the number of students. 1 flnd during the last two biennial periods there was raised by general tazation for the support of the university the following amounts, viz. : 1883 4, 8155.900; 1885-6, 82O0.E0O ; while if this bill becomes law it will be necessary to raise by taxation for such purposes the sum of 8299,210 for the next two years. Believing that the permanent prosperity of the University will be enhanced by a material reduction in the apprqpriation provided In this bill, and that it will increase the confidence of the people whose institutlon it is, in lts wise, prudent and economicl management, I do hereby respectfully return the same foryour consideration.


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