Lew H. Clement
DON'T YOU DO IT! The man who claims to GIVE Something for Nothing is the very same man who is trylng to GET Something for nothing Watch Him ! Doa't you belieye him when he claims he will sell you just as good an article for $50 as every one el se sells for $100. GENUINE TJ. S. 81O GOLD PIEOES CAN'T BE SOLD FOR A CENT dad' k„no,wn a?d bonestly made Instruments can never ba compared with inferior, cheap (?) ones any more than $10 gold pieces COmpared Wltn a new cent One haa value, the other apWhen you want a piano, organ or anything in the music line, go deaUn yu can always rely on Honest goods, Honest prices and "Square" 25 S. Fourth-ñt. Special Bargalns in Seroml hand Planos thls Month. Planos to Bent.
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Ann Arbor Register