Samuel Krause
Closed 8 o'clock Standard time every Eve. except Saturdav THOST BARBAINS -? IMfflUD Women's Kid Button Shoes worth S2.00 for 31.25. Gents' Button, Lace and Congress Shoes for $2.G0, sold elsewhere for $3.00. Gents' Seamless Kangaroo Congress for $3.7ö, worth Í5 00 Misses' Spring Heel Button Shoes for $1.75, worth $2 25 Ohildren's Spring-Heel Button Shoes for $1.25, worth $1 60 The best 50c Baby Shoe in the City. It will pay you to come in and look at our Bargain Counters. We know we can please you and be full of smiles when you have worn them out and oome for the next pair. - 48 S. Main-st.
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