Wagner & Co.
OXJT, OXJTT Down go the Priees On all Siimmir Weight Goods. We do not wish to keep over until next season any Summer weight goods and propose to sell them now if the price will move them. Bbfore quoting any priees we wish to state that we can not give one-half off on this season's goods as our stock is not marked to sell at 50 per cent. profit All goods not purchased this season will be sold regardless of cost. Read the following prices, all are goods purchased this season : Men" Suits, flne enssimere, #6.00 ent to l. .. Meii's Suil, tiue cassimere, 7.00 cut to $5.50. Hcn's Suits, all wool cassiniere, $10.00 ent to $8.50. Men' Suits, flne, all wool, $15.00 cut to 812.50. Mens Suits, fine, all mini. 918.00 ent to $15.00. Boys' Sailor Suits, in gray and blue, short pants at $1.50. Boys' Suits, short pants, good quality, cut from $3.25 to $2.75. From $4.00 to $3.25. Froni $5.50 to $4.25 and from $8.00 to $5.00. Boys' Suits, long pants, cut from $3.25 to $2.75, from $5.00 to $3.75, from $8.00 to $5.50, etc. We have a good assortment and have marked the goods very low. We have also taken a large lot of fine pants ranging in price from $4.00 to $5.50 and give you your choice for 3.50. 21 S. Main-rt.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register