Distress after eating, heartburn, sick headache, and indigestiĆ³n are cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla. It algo creates a good appetite. Henry Waterson says that a newspaper should be a "complete history of yesterday," while the New lYork Commercial Advertiser say it should be " a histcry of to-day." Those parties in New York and Washington who send ua printed elips of occurrence8 three or four days before tbey eventuate seem to think that a newspaper should be a history of next week. - Norristown Herald. Abbott, Hardin Co., Iowa, March 20 1886: Dr. -Seth Arnold's Cough Killer is the best remedy for coughs and colds I ever sold. It giveg satisfaction every time. Yours truly, II. H. Sterrenberg. The best shelter for a girl is her mother's wing, especially when she is diposed to be what the Frenchmen cali a little " chic."- Texas Siftings. For Costiveness, Biliousnesg, Headache and all feverish habita use Dr. Seth Arnold's Bilious Pilla. 25 cents. The Aim Arbor Savlngs Bank. Among the Savings Banks in our state there is not e outside of Detroit that has taken a more solid and prominent position than the Ann Arbor Savings Bank. lts growth has been steady and of the kind that makes it one of the best banks in the state. The list of depositors embraces our citizens occupying all different positions, but mainly among the farmers, mechanic8 and laboren-, and these are the classes whom they especially seek. Depogits are received from ont dollar up and interest paid.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register