Ann Arbor Markets
Office of The Register, 1 July 7, 1887. f These quotations are corrected weekly. ünder the bead "Wholesale" we quote prices as paid to farmers bri ngi ng their products in, and nnder the bead "retail are prices to consumere as sold over the counter. We are under obligatlons to the Central Mills, Rinsey & Seabolt, John Helnimann and M. Weinmann fór favors rendered. Wholesale Market. Wheat- 84@85c perbu. Apples- 81.00 per bu. Beans- 80@125c per bu. Beef- 6K@6c per B. Chickens- 10c a Ib. Clover seed - $6.50 per bu. Butter- 12Jc per ft. Calf Skins- 7@9c green. Corn- 25@28c per bu. Esgs - 12c per doz. Hay- 812 a ton. Hides- 6c per ft. Live pork - 5c per 1b. Maple syrup- Í1.26 per gal. Mutton - 7@8c per m. Oats- 32c per bu. Pelts- 10c@$l 50. Pork- 7c per ft. Potatoes- 75c@80c per bu. New- f 1.50 Tallow- Z]4c per tt. Turkeys- 10@Uc per lb. Veal- 7c per B. Retail Market. Apples- $1.25 per bu. Bacon- 12c per tb. Beans- 6c per qt. Beefsteak- 10&12%c per Tb. Butter- 16c per ft. Cherrles- dried, 20325c per B. Cornmeal - 2c per n. Eggs- 15c per Soz. Flour- at the milis, J1.25 per cwt Grapes- 3@5c per lb. Ham - 14c per ft. Hominy - 1c per lb. Honey - 18c per lb, Lard- 10c per lb. Lemons- 25@30c per doz. Mutton- 6@12c per lb. Matmeal- 4c per lb.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register