Au Exchange Of Pastoral Courtesies
Ann Arbor, July 6, 1887. Rev. Richard H. Steele, D. D. DearBrother: - I was requested by the pastors of the city, at their meeting on Monday last, to give to you some written expression of our fraternal love which you have won to yourself tbrough all the years ol our association in this place, and of our deep regret that you are not to continue on with us in this relation, as we had hoped. Your faithful and successful work in your own charge has been an inspiration to us, and your intelligent and reaiy co-operation in all Christian effort fo: the public welfare has been an encouraging reliance. We shall afifectionately hope that you may still be permitted to count yourself one with the ministers in the city in their a?sociated service of common interests, and in their fraternal intimacies. In their behalf and personally. Very Sincerely Yours, Samuel IIaskell. 43 South Fifth-st, July 6, 1887. To the Pastors' Association. Dear Brethren: - The kind notice you have taken of the termination of my pastoral relation with the Presbyterian church of this city, in a letter received on this date from Dr. Haskell, is most gratefully acknowledged. We have labored side by side during these years in the spirit of perfect harmony and Christian fellowihip, and the "expression of fraternal love" which you have extended to me, I most heartily return to you, my brethren, whom I have learned to hold in the highest esteem. I have endeavored to conduct my ministry, both in my own church, and in my relations to the congregations of which you are the honored pastors, so as to deserve the spproval oí all good people and advance the common cause in which we are all interested. As I am to remaic in the city it will give me pleasure to co-operate with you in all good works and render any service to which I may be called. I can assure you that it will be a privilege to continue those " fraternal intimacies " which have been so refreshing and helpful during these seven years of our most cordial relations. May you all be greatly strengthened in your work for the Master, and will you accept my warmest thanks for all the interest you have taken in my labers in Ann Arbor. Most Sincerely Youre,
Old News
Ann Arbor Register