To Tourlstts anl Travelers. hanic never goes to work without his A m voiiiier should you start on a jourru y with .fully equipped by always havlng a box tbeiiig : iu -t e plastersln your itnapgack. Fomeros 8Kheumatismi Neuraigia, Backache, c i ,n vou are probably far from a doctor, the ■■ Knie of haring a piaster at hand cannot be P i'mated Pedestrians, oarsraen, base"!t 'rricketers, gyinnasts, and all athletes will llew'i true friend. For relievlng and cunng d, ' i,p soreness of Chest, all pains and aches, ■Cl!?mol'y invaluablc. For Sale by H. J. Brown, fff Agent for Ann Arbor. I „ gt t0 student hotel waiter - " Please ■„e mean egg." Waiter-" Yes, ma'am; ■ U eet my raoket immediately." - BurËgton Eree Press, BThosewho believe that nature will work lacough or cold should understand that ■'s is done at the expende of the constiü„n Eaeh time this weakens the sys■„ and we all know that the terminaE'ofthi? dangeious practice is a com■mPtive's grave. Don't take the chances, ■v'natitty cent boule of Dr. Bigelow's ■jsitive Cure will íately and promptly cure ■v recent cough, cold or throat or lung Ejble. Buy the dollarbuttle of Eberïch&Sdnj or oliron'c cases or famüy He. . ■ ufe'said the new pastor, "you have Hyeryfine auditorium, and the pulpit is ■t,4i"obo h in conception nd workman■;p. So far, so K'Od i and with a 8ta8e ■op'er'y fitted np in the chapel, and a Kj dancing floor and the proper cooking ■iterials, 1 dou't see why we may not Hake this a thriving, wide awake church Hdaccomplish no end of good." - ChicaKLiving Church. pASKINB (THE NEW QUININE.) mÊ Gooi Appeflte, I W $W New Strength. 2 Qniet Nerres, Sweet Sleep. A POWEEFÜL TONIC that the mos t delicate stomach will bear. . SPEOIFIC FOR MALARIA, RHEUMATISM, NBRVOUS PROSTRATION, and all Germ Diseases. ■THE MOST SCIENTIFIC AND SUCCESSFUL ■LOOD PUKIFIER. Superior to quinine. ■ Mr. F. A. Miller 630 East 157th street, New York, ■as cured by Kaskine of extreme malarial prosH&tion after seven years sufFering. He had run Kn fiom 175 pounds to 97, began on Kaskine H June, 1886, went to work in one month, reKinedhis full weight in six months. Quinino Hd Mm no good whatever. ■llr. Gideon Thompson, the oldest and one of ke-most respected citizens of Bridgeport, Conn., Bi'."ln ninety years of age, and for the last Breeyeaishave feuffered from malaria and the ■reets of ijiinlne poisoning. I recently began m:th Kaskint . v. liich broke up the malaria and ■creased my weight 22 pounds." ■K'asiine can be taken without any special ■edical advice. ïl 00 per bottle. ■ The Agent of KASKINE has on Public Exhibi■oa a remarkable MANIKIN, or model of the laan body, showing the Stomach, Heart, Lungs, ■Ter, Spleen, Kidneys and the other organs ■d parts in Health and in Disease. By ■ Iiispection the afflicted can see the ■tureardlocation of their troubles and learn ■w KASKINE relieves and cures them. KASKINE CO., 54 Warren St., New York. I:: Arbor Smalt Fruit Hursery ! All kinds of Berry Plants ; Fine lants of the Sharpless ; The best trawberry ; Fruit and Ornamental ees from Ellwanger & Barry, Eochesir, N. Y. Orders must be sent early. WINES AND SYRUPS. Sweet Home-made Wine for Invalida, nd the Encharist, Sour Wine, Rasperry Syrup, Shrub, Pear Syrup. Plymouth Rock Eggs. E. BAUR, fest Huron St., - Ann Arbor. INSURANCE, REAL ESTÁTE AND LOAN AGENCY OF L W. HAMILTON fices, No. 1 and 2, First Floor, Hamilton Block. Parties desiring to buy or sell Real Estáte wiU ■Ut to their advauta ge to cali on me. I reprethe following flrst-class Fire Insurance Com "les, having an aggregate capital of over ,000: Tïe Grand Rapids Flre Ins. Co., ■lic Oblo f armer's Ins. Co., (insures "lydwellings). Toe Herman Fire In. Co., Ine Concordia Flre Ins. Co., he Citizens' Flre Ins. Co., Iïoe Werlcliester Flre Ins. Co., n Milnaukce KIcclianic's Miiliuil fe Ins. Co., lic New Hanipsblre Flre Ins. Co., 'ne Ainazon Fire Ins. Co. Rates Low. Losses llberally adjusted and "npüy pal(i. 1 üso isane Life and Investment Pollcies in the SI. Mutul Iife Insurance Company. A 555,000,000. Persons desiring Accident Insur", (an have yearly Pollcies wrltten for them or ■"elert Coupon Insurance Ticket issued at ow Ratea in the Standard Accident Insurance raipmy of North America. Money to Loan at toil Rates. Office hours from 8 a. m. to 12 M., W2t0P.lL ALBX. W. HAMILTON, Hamilton Block. W is Generally conceded by physios that the spring truss is the best ?Wn instrument for retaining hernia, 'ng a uniform pressure and conformjS to the various positions of the body. ey are clean, comfortable and durOur stock is large, embracing all the "fling makes. We guarantee satisfacISoTSSSSüiSi" Cllpper No 2 ANN BBO'S, Druggists, Ann Arbor.
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