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BUSINESS CARDS. TTSókgb e. frothingham, m. d., Ci"" phyxlcian and Snrgeon. Vïflt-e HamUton Building, Rooms 1, 2, and 8. nSceHoure: Monday, Tuesday, Thureday aad rtdiy! 10 1 to 12 A. .; Wednesday and Saturday, a toí TTkx. W. HAMILTON A Attorney at Lnv. SiU practicein both State and United Statee mort Office Rooms, one and two, lst floor of rtMW rick Wock. comer of Hurón and Fourth %L%L,. A.nn Arbor, Michigan. M-S 7TÍ0BGE W. RENWICK, TKACHER OP f SU OILTDRIIMGIHG, H ARH01T á PIÁIOL HnnccfanytoughjtmAddre, "" I. O. G. T. wuhtenaw Lodge, No. 719, meete every Monm cvening at 7:80 in their temple, third door (t of the Post Office, and third fioor. Geokok Scott, C. T. 620-82 O. W. Sage, K. Sec. DEAN M. TYLER, M. D., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. niñee and reaidenee over postofflee. flrst m. 621-83A. F. SMITH, nnArbor, - Michigan. Pmblic Farm Auctioneer. Sales made in any part of the County. Correspondence promptly answered. Box 224L 638-45+ O.CÍENKINS.D.D.S., DENTAL OFFICE OVER AITDBEW'8 BOOK STOBK, 13 MAIN STBBBT, ANN ARBOB. 456-507 NIOHOLS BROS., DEFTAL OFFICE geconfl Floor Masonic Block, over SavIngs Bank, Aun Arixir, 9ticb. reeth tracted witoout. pain by the use SINA F. ZING, Law and Collection Office. 0.8. COMMI88IONER, and Agent for placluc iiBuranee in reliable companies. AU business entrusted to this office reoeíTOi rrompt and caretul attention. Msney remittwi mmediatelyon collection. No. 42 Main Street, South, ..nn Arbor.Mloh. 427-4"8 " WM. BIGGS. Mador I Builder And all fcinds of work Ín connection I li tbe above iirum i ly oxecuteil. Shop Ckr. of Church-st and XJniversity ave. Telephone 9 ; P. O. Box 1243. D. W. AMSDEN, (Sucoe8sor to Henry Richards.) -DEALER IN- fiihb Ml) jotT oob -ANDCO A.L - ALSO- Flour and Food ! Yard adjoining Flremeu's Hall. Old friends are invited to cali, and others in want of anytfcinginmyUne. „. w. AMSDEW. WZLLXAM AENOLD, SELLS 1847 RIGERS BROS.' SPOONS, FORES AND KNIVK8, At bottom prices, engravlas! incladei lull Une of the Justly celebioted ROCKFORD WALTHAM and ELQIN "WATOHBS. Open face, Key and Stem-wlnding a lwayn on hand and regnlated, ready for a man e pocket. If you cannot readthi get ene of Johnston & Co .t eye-glassee or spectacles for sale by WM. ARNOLD, 36 Main St. Ann Arbor, Mlch. 424-175 SOBAOS T. PTJBKELD, Carpenter and Joiner 36 South 12th Street, Post-offlce box MS. All work in my line promptly attended to. LBUPTTJRK ! EGAN'8 IMPERIAL TRU8S. Spiral Spring with graded pre rare 1 to 6 pounds. Worn day and night by an Infant a week old oi adultof80 years. Ladies' Trutó a specialtT. Encloae (tunps loTestimonial of Cure, meaanrementa, etc. EGAN'S IMPER1A1 TRU8S CO., Ann Arbor.Mlch. TANSY CAPSULËQ ■ "the latest discotbby. w Dr. lasarte' Ortebrattd Preparation, Bafe . Mid Alway KJlble. Indl!iiabU to JjADiMS. Send 4 cents for Saaled Circular. CALUMET CHEMICAL CO., Chlctgo. 'ÏÏ-. SHINGLBSI The best Rooflng In the world 1b Walter's PatentShingtes Made of Iron, Tin or Steel. Cheaper More Durable and Ornamental Than Slate "Warranted to giv satisfactlon. Por partloulara and prioes address GSOB.GS SCOTT, Architect. Sole Agent forWaeh tenaw County. THIS P APEE ??iEL.SF&.n


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Ann Arbor Register