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NO COLD FEET ! Send one dollar In currency, with fcize of shoe usually worn, and try a pair oí our Magnetic Insoles for rheumatism, eold feet and bad clrculation. They are the most powerful made in the world. The wearer feels the warmth, life and revitalization in three minutes aíter putting ihem on. Sent by return mail upon receipt of pnce. Send your address for the " New Departure in Medical Treatment Without Medicine," with thousands of testimoníala. Wrlte us full particular of difficulties. Our Magnetic Kidney Belts for gentlemen will positively cure the following diseases without medicine : Pain in the back, head or limbs, nervous debility, lumbago, general debility, rheumatism, paralysis, neuralgia, sciatica, diseases of the kidneys, orpid liver, seminal emissions, lmpotency, heart disease, dyspepsia, Indigestión, hernia or rupture, piles, etc. ConsultaJ tion free. Price of Belt, with Magnetic Insoles, $10. Sent by exprefs C. O. D. or by return mail upon recept of price. Send measure of waist and size of shoe worn. Send for circulare. Order direi-t. NOTE- The abore described Belt with insoles is warranted to positively eure chronic cases of seminal emissions and impotency or money refunded even after one year's trial. Til E XAGSETIC Al'PMAM F. CO., 134 Dearborn St., Cblcago, III. An ïll-bread man - a gick baker. x „Vo v . Blood Eliiir is the only TVV,lv- " Blood Remedy guaranteed. It is a positivo cnre for Ulcere, Eruptions or Syphilitio Poisoning. It purifies the whole system, and banishes all Rheumatic and Neuralgic pains. We guarantee it. John Moore, Druggist. Tae collector at Bomb y has atnong his curiosit'es b Chinese god marked " Heathen Hol." and next to it a dollar marked " C .riftian idol." II S ■■!. A young and pretty girl stepped into a shop where a young man who had been enamored of her, but "dared not speak, stood behind the counter. In order to remain as long as possible. she eheapened everything. At last she said : " I believeyou think I am cheating." "Oh, no," said he " to me you are always fair." " Well,' whispered the lady, " I wouldnot stay so long barcaining if you were not so dear." She did not have to cheapen when the druggist only charged her 25 cents for " Pomeroy's Petroline Poroused i'laster.'Tor her mother's Rheumatism : she did n')t grudge this sinall sum, for they had round them a sure cure. For Sale by H. J. Brown, Dist. Agt. forAnn Arbor. R' mbrandt's e'ching ot "Christ Healing t'e S-ck " has been gold to the British Mii-enm for $6 500. There are but eight ot these etchings in existence. THE CREAT Germán Remedy.j Rtruthsforthesick.R Ill For those deathlv $1,000 wtll bo paid III II Bilious Spellsdepend for acase where &i III HonSlILPHUKBlTTEKS PUUR BITTERS Wil I I lilit will cure you. not assist or cure. It □ -r "--- QCTCr fa"8" mthattiredandallgonc cieansethevitiatedin Illfeeling; If so, use blood when you seelll IHsuLPnüR Bittebs; ts lmpuritles burst- III It will cure yon. ng through the skinlll II Operativeswhoare J ■ U üclosely confined in 5p„r Bitters iB Qthe milla and ínÍPhea?th wÏÏ fcrt ■Sshops;clerk9,whodo " beam wl I0J Fl not procure sufficient . II Illexerclse, and all who sulphur Bitters III lareconfinedindoors, wlll cure LiverCom-l l8tiouldu8e Sulphur piaint. Don't be dis-lll IWBrrTERS. They wil couraged:itwlllcurelll ÏSnotthenbeweaKand yOn b ' M SHslckly. ■ ' - - S IIIsüi-phur Bitters; jeitnyiii IJ it never fails tocure. sulphur Bittebs m " Don't be without a will make your blood n Qhnttlp Trv it vou nnre. nch and stropg. ui lll'TadiëT'ïn'dêacatê Try Sdlphur Bit-I Hlhealth, who are all rERS to-nlght, and III III run down, shoulduee you will sleep well II W : . i - ■ ■ ■ ,1 f.'.-l I iH.t f.Tlt.UI Do you want the best Medical Work published? 8end 3 2-cent stampa to A. P. Ordway & Co, Boston, Mass., and receive a copy, ftee. ïew Advertisements gm AU people of Dyspeptlo HCSSiVab Should learn to lengthen fnSÊSKs. out thelr days. á BBaBSte.When Indigeition mk BMMbWI Or Constlpation. worse SbBPBHHMHB tban all. Jn9fv Jlakes lite a burden. bear v K$ inTarrañt'aSeltxerhealth ímp you'll flnil. tYíTtíihiFg The White Sewing Machine Was awarded the only First Premium and Diploma glven any Sewing Machine at Uichlgun State Fair, Jackson, '86. and took more Premium In '85 than any other SewIng Machine in the World. Simple, Silent, Snre, Perfect, Powerfnl, Popular. The Best Machine, The Best WoodWork, The Greatest Range of Work. TIib "WMte" Macliiie emiioties more MECHANICAL IMPROVEMENTS Thn any other Sewing Machine in the World The Automatic Bobbin Winder, Vibrator nd .- ti ti' u Regulator, In fact every Improvemeut known. We WarrantEverrMMblue forSymr Because we know It wUl last. Try It, and jou will be pleassd. Buy it, and you will be Mtlifled White Srwhjs Machine Co. i.. otiiom:, )iii. V Office. Hnron-t, one door wet of Svirg's Bnk, Aun Arbgr. Mlch. 22-3T EBERBACH & SON, DRÜGÖISTSAPPHARMACISTS No. 12 South Main Street, Keep on hand a large and well seleoted stook O DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE-STUFFS, 4RTISTS' AND WAX FLOWBB LAT BIALS, TOILBT ARTICLES, TRUSSES, Ao PUKK WINBS AND LIQUORS Special attention pald to the fumishing of Phj ■ öclans, Chemists. Schools, etc., with PhtlosophloaS and Chemical Apparatus, Bohemlan ChemXctü QlasBwaie, PorcelalH Ware, Pure Beagent, etc PhyBlciane Preecriptions carefully preparad tl all hours. 427-178 LTJMBËK LUMBER! LUMBER! If you contémplate building cali at FERDON ■HA!! Corner Fourth and Depot Sta., and get our figures for all kinds oí LÏÏMBER We manufacture our own Lumber and sfuarantee VERY LOW PRIOBS1 S-(; I ve iis a cali nd we wlll mak 1 vour interest, as oar large and irell gritdcd stock fully sastalns oar assertlon. JAMES TOI.BEKT, Prop. T. J. KtKIII, Bnpt. 427-178 IIISIY & SSABOLT 35TOS. 6 JLETT2 8 "Washington Street, Aon Arbor Michigan. Have always on hand a complete Stock of everj thing ii t ut; GROCERY LINE! Teas, Coffees and Sugar All prime Articles bought for Cash and can sell atlow figures. Our frequent large invoioea of Teas is a sure siga that we glve bargains In QTJALITY AND PBIOB. Weroastour own coffees every week, alwayi fresh and good. Our bakery turna out the yery best of Bread, Cakes and crackers. CaU and see hs. 482-507 PENNYROYAL WAFERS. tpresoription of o physiciaa wig has had a life long expenence in treatiag female diseases. Isused monthly with perfect succes by over 10,000 ladus. Pleasant, safe, effectuaL Ladies askyourdrut gist for Pennyroyal Wafere and take no Bubstitute, or Inclose poesaee f or ealed particulare. Soldby all drupBista, $1 per box. Addresa THBIÜEBaEACBEMICAL CO., Drraorr, Mica. Sold In Aun EBEBBACH A SO. iHIS PAPtR"1" Newfiper AÍr. iSm I SVÜJtluliw Agencr of Ueasra. H.TOtKW OH. oar aothcatoed gcñi, CXJSHMAN'S Menthol Inhaler, AFTOBDS QCICK REUEF ÜP NEURALGIA, HEADACHE, HAY FEVER, CATARRH, ASTHMA, And by continued use effects a cure. - satisfaction Guaranteed or money B f unded. Slx months treatment for 60 centA; If your druggist has not the Inhaler in stom L{ntlwabp5 you may return it, and if recelvei lin good CO d'fcraran3dTsrnlae1srmain,effree on ap. pliCatiOnt the TTCV SHMAN. Three Kivebs, Mica For Sale by DruKictts in Ann Arbor. MACK1NAC. Summer Tours. Palace Steamera. Low Rates. Ton Trip por Wek Btwa DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND Bt. CUir? beland House, BUnne City. Kvery Week Day Between DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Special Sunday Trip during July ad ASUt. OUR ILLUSTRATCD PAMPHLETS Bt nd aiourKon Tioket wil! be furnUhed ■ by your Ticket Aient, or sddrM E. B WHITCOMB, Gn'l Pin tgtni, Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nay. Co. DETROIT, MICM.


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