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Tb summer-rcsorts of the Northwest are overcrowded. The Colorado beetle is devastating the potato erop of Prussian Saxony. Five persons were killed at Pittsburga, Pa., by kindling flres with kerosene. Henry Hollstone accidentally shot and killed his wife at Crystal Falls, Mich. An earthquake was feit Monday at Malta, at Cairo, and along the Italian coast. Eleven children, victimsof theexcessive heat, were buried on Monday at Rockïord, I1L Mrs. Catherine Van Buren Beaman, who was buried in a New York cemetery Pripay, was aged 106 years. The Catholic clergy of Baltimore began a vigoróos attack from their pulpits upoo the liquor trafflc Sunday. It is estimated that the iron ore production thisyear willbe 1,000,000 tons in excess of the output for 1886. John Nash Feake, a colliery-owner at Staflordshire, Eng., has failed, withliabilities from 00,000 to $200,000. W. H. W. Markham, an absconding British navy paymaste, was arrested Thursday at Kansas City, Mo. Mrs. James Bmith, of Four-Mile Run, Pa., was fatally burned while attempting to light her fire with kerosene. Mrs. John A. Logan was seriously but not dangerously injured Friday while carriage-riding at Carbondale, I1L Miss Jane Andrews, well-known as a writer of juvenile books, died at Newturyport, Mass., Friday, aged fifty-two. Charles Grosse, a prominent Citizen of Cincinnatl, hanged himself Friday because he feared he would become a pauper. The works of the Coldwater Cart Company at Coldwater, Mich., were destroyed by tire Baturday, with a loss of Í26,000. Jay Cooke, a Washington banker, and nephew ol the famous Philadelphia financier of the same name, died on Friday. James Kuhn, a farmer, was lynched Saturday at Nelson, Neb., for the murder of Henry Sallam, a neighboring farmer. Three workmen in the Bridgeport steelworks at Chicago were fatally injured Baturday by an explosión of molten metal. Jean P. Sobuct was convicted at Green Bay, Wis., of murdering his wife fourteen years ago, and sentenced to imprisonment for life. Hammond & Sons' iron works at Pittsburgh, excepting the puddlingdepartment, were burned Sunday night Insurance, 175,000. A venturosomo Frenchman named Jovis will attempt in October to cross the Atlantic in a balloon, starting from St. Nazarie. David L. Wightman, secretary of the Cleveland Humane Society, and a wellknown philanthropist, died at Cleveland Monday. The steamr City of Mackinaw ran over a row-boat near Detroit, and Christopher Nicolás and Jacob Bohier, with their wives, were drowned. Governor Rusk, who has been in failing health during the hot weather, lef t Madison, Wis., Monday, íor a month's sojourn at the seashore. Leonard Swett, one ot Chicago's famous lawyers, was married on Thursday to Miss Marie Decker, a clerk in hi3 office for the past seven years. R. F. Cowan, Supreme Keeper of Record and Seals of the Knights of Pythias, died at his home in Bt. Louis on Thursday, aged fifty-seven years. In the Georgia Legislaturo a bilí has been introduced making it a penal offense to edúcate white and colored children in the same institutions. The Wabash railway elevator at Roann, Ind., has been burned, with 7,000 bushels of wheat owned by farmers in the neighborhood. Loss, Í12.000. DEighty acres of timber near Abingdon, 111., were destroyeU by fire Sunday. eral fields near tíalesburg wera aevastatea by fire íq the afternoon. Business failure for the week in the United States and Canada numb3r 179, against 154 last week, and 183 ior the corresponding week of 1886. Josèph M. White, cashicr of the Philadelphia Times for about ten years, was on Thursday said to be a defaulter to the amount of at least $20,000. The Metropolitan Btorage Warehouse in New York burned Saturday. The building was packed with furniture and valuables. The total loss is over $500,000. The sum of $900,000 has been subscribed for the Cincinnati centennial expositlon, and it is said that $1,000,000 will be secured before the close of the week. The woolen and card ing milis at St. Hyacinthe, Quebec, and the works of the Royal Electric-Light Company were burned Monday, with a loss f $75,000. Bernard J. Michenfeldcr, son oí a weakhy weaver of Detroit, who was bitten by a pet dog five weeks ago, died of hydrophobia Friday morning. August eotton declinad f ourteen points in New York Monday on the announoement of the failure of Julius Runge, fhe big Galveston eotton operator. Detective Billy Hallaran, of Chicago, was shot and killed Baturday night by Mike Lynch, an ex-convict, whom he was about to arrest Lynch is in custody. Archbishop Walsh, of Dublin, Is endeavorfng to induce the British Government to uspend further evictions in Ire land until the Lana bilí has been passed by Farliament. At West Richmond, O., Sunday, Charles Reed hanged himself in his barn. His wife discovered the body and cut it down. She then feil in a faint, never rallied, and died Monday morning. Aíter tus race Friday at Peoría, HL, Glen Uiller, a trotting stalhon, was given a drink oí ice water, which resulted in his death Sunday. He had a record of 2:18, and was valued at 110,000. Marshall & Brothers' saw and planing milis at Lapeer, Mich., tojjether with 900,000 feet oí lumber, at Itnlay City, Lapèer County, were burned Monday afternoon. Loss, $15,000; no insurance. Workmcn in laying tracks near Monticello, Wis., discovered a mine of dynamita connected with a battery in an adjoining íield. The stuif was removed, but thore ia no clew to who placed it there. Judge Lewis, oí Sioux City, Ia., the Prohröitionist candidato íor Bupreme Court Judge, has declined because, as he says, he ha conüdence in the Republican party to settle the temperance question. At a meeting oí the Chicago City Council Monday evening a resolution was adopted providing for the entertainment oí President Cleveland, should he see üt to accept an invitation to visit Chicago. It is stated that plans for the organiza tion of women and girls in trade unions are being quietly perfected at Boston, which city expeets to be pioneer a a movement that, it is hoped, will spread to other cities. The commemoration of the lall oí the Bastile oceurred on Thursday in Paris, and passed off without disorder. Id the alternoon a military review took place kt Longchamps, where President Qrevy received a fricndly greeVing from t)M peopla.


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