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Blood Wlll Teil. There is no quesi:on about it - blood will teil - especially if it be an impure blood Blotches, eruptions, pimples and boils, are all iymptoms of an impure blood, (iu to the improper action of the liver. When this important orgau fails to properly perform lts function of purfying and cleanaing the blood, itnpurities are carried to all parts of the system, and the yinptoms above referred to are merely evidences ot the slruggle of Nature to throw (ff the pononous germs. Unlegs her warmiig be heeded in time, aerious restllts are certain to Mlow, culminating in liver or kidney disorders, or in conwimption. Dr. PiercK's Golden Medical Discovery will prevent and cure these disfames, by restoring the liver to a heul hy condhion. The engrossing cletk of tiie Missouri House is a woman. Some of the gallant legislators are doub'less very muoh engrsseJ. ThroHt ail seldom sets well of itself, but deepens until it undermines the constitution, waste away health, strength and fleh, and finally fatens itwlf on the lung?, completing the wreek and ruin of the whole man. Dr. Bigelow's Positive Cure is the oüly safe, sure and speedy remedy for coughs, colds, and all throat and lung diseases. Sold by Eberbaoh & Son, at fifty cents and one dollar. Pleasant to take and safe for children. We've all heard of angry sess and that's why the watert-pout. V! rv vx vv Of the B things of this v%%VXV iife are sorrowfully let alone on account of Dyspepsia. Acker's Dyspepsia Tableta will cure Dyspepsia, Indigestión and Constipation ; sold on a positive guarantee at 25 and 50 cents, by John Moore. Druggist. A happy medium - a spiritualist who has just visited Heaven ia a trance. When all so calle d remedies feil, Dr. Sage's Cattarh Remedy cures. Lord bless you ! Ttiere ain't nothiu' in a man's house, n'r in the wide world, that Cftti take the place of babies! "REPORT OF THJs uuNDITIOtt OF THE Ann Arbor Savings Bank AT ANN ARBOR, MICH., ON MONDAY, July 4th, A. D., 1887. MADE In Accordanee wllta Sectlous 1, !■ nnl 7 of the Oeneral Baukinic I.awn am Aiueuded in 1S71. RE3OURCES. Loansand Discounts _ 0 316,512 11 Bonds and Mortgages 209,240 85 Overdrafts 2SS 21 Furmture anti Fixturei 1,930 85 Due from Neumial and State Banks.... 49,910 57 Cash on hand 19,839 36 S 607,721 95 UABILITIES. Capital Stock : 50,000 00 Surplus Fund 50.000 00 Proflt and Loss 25,181 07 JulyDividenti 2,675 00 Duelepo8itors 479,865 88 8 607,721 95 I do solemnly swear that the above statement 18 true, to the best of my knowledge and belief. CHAS. K. HISCOCK, Cashler. Subscribed and swom to before me, thls 5th day of July, Ib87. AHAM D. SEYLER. Publio. ?r-. Ferest City Bird Store, L ]?5i 6 established 187iiSingB MÊKr inS Birds, Talking ParHVS Ër, rots, Bird Cages, Pure JT' Seed, Song Restorer, j-jtC Insect Cure, Fishing .ar - Tackle, Bird Books. t Poultry Suppües, Gold W' Fish, Dogs & their Medicines, Ferrets, Bird's Eyes. S. H. WILSON, 349 Superior st., Cleveland, Ohlo. YOUR LAST CHANCEW TO BÜT ifi MIMNESOTALfó DAKOTAfi uw ma. ÁClttZ"Term. 17 tht tb. ff l RWLWAY CO. Und wül P AY FOK J ha n rij ITSELFInFlTe jfe f HALF lirin ran ol mmm tor iale in lot to snit. pncM.Knne ol # V Oonrenient to msrkata. al,ndotbr# X Well-wstered. Hoalthj pArtionlui, #Jk ƒ climate. Good charchoa, sent free mf Bchools, and sociaj adTan#_. # Uges. A región whíl filI M Ë ure of crope haa never been % Cy CHARLES E. SiMMONS, Jm Land Oom O. i N. W. Riiitfai. ifr CHICACO. ILL. Xï y Tbeee landa cannot fail to b fmfl a profltable and aXsafeinvestment 0ífaa= So agZ (OINO EAST. sj a= g s ü lö STATIONS. fl 5fi j 1 &f Hfl 1 I A. M. A. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. A. M. Chicago.Lv 6 50 9 00 3 10 4 40] 8 15 9 10 3 65 Kalamazoo 12 17 1 50 6 58 9 êO 12 30 2 35 6 45 BattleCreek 1 12 2 27 7 33 1 43 20 7 57 Jackson._... 3 15 4 23 8 49 3 15 4 50 9 15 Chelsea 3 59 6 35 9 53 Dexter 4 14 5 50 10 07 Delhi Mlilfe 4 22 10 14 Ann Arbor.... 4 83 5 30 9 45 4 33 6 08 10 25 Yiailanti... 4 50 5 45 9 56 4 02 6 2410 40 Wayne Jun 5 15 6 05 „ 5 15 6 47 11 03 Detroit 7 15 10 55 _ 6 10 12 05 St. Thomas 11 15 2 45 1 00 9 55 8 45 Niag'ra Fal 2 22 5 48 1 33 6 58 Buffalo 4 35 7 56 7 25 3 55 6 10 GOIMG WBST. i ii i i „ti STATIONS. _ o I S_q o aUi A. M A M. A. H. A. X. Buffalo 11 80 5 45 6 05 9 00 11 35 Niag'ra Fal' 12 15 6 3' 1 12 20 St. Thomas. 4 15 10 00 115 4 45 A. M. A. M. P. m: P. M. P. M - Detroit, Lv. 7 00 9 10 1 30 4 00 8 00 9 15 Wayue Jun 7 40 9 53 2 03 4 45 8 37 9 55 Ypsilanti... 8 01 10 12 2 20 5 12 8 58 10 20 Ann Arbor... 8 16 10 25 2 32 5 30 9 12 10 38 Delhi Mills 8 26 1 5 42 Dexter 8 35, 5 50 9 32 Chelsea 8 48 6 05 9 52 Jackson 9 3511 35 3 32 7 10 10 52 12 03 BattleOreek 11 03 1 12 4 40 8 52 12 12 1 35 Kalamazoo 11 52 1 50 5 15 1 20 2 85 4 45 Chicago.Arl 5 15 1 6 40 9 80 7 00 8 05 1 02 O. W. RUGGLES. H. W. HAYES, G. P. & T. A., Chicago. Local Ag't, Ann Arbor. Toledo, Ann Arte & Nortü Michigan JTy. Time Table going into effect Sunday, May 22, '67. Going North. i Uoing South. STATIONS. Pak I&s. MT BttndardTimeJ J & P. M. P. M. A. M.:LV'E] [AbBA. M.'p. M. P. M. 3 15 6 25! 5 16 1 Toledo i 9 151 1 10 8 55 3 55 7 85: 6 02 MoDroe Junct'n 8 20,12 31 8 00 4 05 7 50 6 15 Dundee i 8 1012 24 7 50 4 33 8 25 6 85 Milán 50 12 04 7 28 4 53 9 00 7 00 Pittsfleld I 7 26 11 43 7 04 5 10 9 25 7 15 „Ann ArborJ 7 15 11 30 6 50 5 30 9 50 7 33i Leland's 6 111 14 6 30 5 45[p. m. 7 46 Whitmore Lake A. M.D1 08 6 16 5 52 7 53! Hamburs I 10 55 6 10 6 28! 8 80 Howel' !10 20 5 33 7 20 9 30 Duiasid ; 1 9 30 4 36 7 46 9 55 Corunna I I 9 08 4 15 7 55! 10 05 Owoüso _ ' 9 00 4 08 9 15Í 1 11 16 Ithaca i 7 46 2 46 9 331 11 35 St. Louis i 7 27 2 26 9 41 11 42' Alma 7 20 2 20 10 30 12 30 ...Mt. Pleasmit ! 6 30 1 30 P. M. P. M. A. M. P. M. All passenger tratas run daily except Sunday. (Jonuectlous at Toledo wlUi riillrondb diverglBg, At Manhattan Junction with Wheeling I.akeKne P.. R. At Alexis Junctior with .". C R R ,L. 6, tt'y and V t V, M u- k A Monroe Junctlon un L 8. 6. M. s K'y. At Dundee with L. 8 4 M. 8.. and M. & O. Ry. At Müan wilh V.,8t Li P. Ry. At Pittsfleld with L. S. A M. 8. B"j. At Ann Arbor with Michigan Central R. R., md at Sonth Lyon with Detroit. 1 ansine and Northern R.R., and. T. Ry. H. W. ASHLKV '-V. u.f!KNKl ' Pnn riT. ''i , '4p-' iha.mi Agent. O. G. WALES. Agent, Ann Arbor. ONE DOLLAR PAYS FOR From next Issue after receipt of subscrlption to January, 1888, for new subscribers only. Now is the Time to Subscribe for The (Mest, Larpst, Cneapest, Best and Most Newsy Religions Family NewsraDer PnWisliei in Michigan. A largo Elghtpage Rellgiou. week) j newspaper. 1H ALL KESPECTS tIRST-CLASS. One wlth whlci th yoUNUER as well as the OIJBER member of the fam ,U are dellghted. Each namber coutalns fltO Mnmns well-fllled wlth the best original and canfoUT IclccttKl reading, in whlcb árdeles to Interest, amoMt Sstruct and benent every reader wlth. MVrill-.IIHWIf. and TBM PEWAITC , UEPABT3IMST8 I KXVKILBD. liress, christiaFIÊRALD, Detroit, Miá BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. This Magazine portrayi American thought and Ufe from ocean to ocean, is filled with pure high-class literature, and can be safely wel comed in any family circle. PRICi 20c. OR $3 A YEAB BY MAIL. Sample Copg of eurrent numbtr mailed upen rlceipt of 25 ets.; back numbsrt, 16 eti. Premium JAmt wlth either. Addrtss: _ ... E. T. BT7SH tl SOK, PuUishers, 130 & 132 Pearl St., N. Y. SendStoroOT ounce box of Waste K'nSï'.l erySllk,wouldeostl lnekelns. Wboumü ", i. List sent only when appllcatlon lsaccoropao1'? "' business ca"t.


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