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Geoige M. Pullman arrived at New York Monday from Europe. Mrs. Cleveland celebrated her twentythird birthday Thursday. The steamer Manhatta has foundered ofl Calcutta. Many Uves were lost. David Hoffman, the train wrecker, was hanged at Nebraska City, Neb., Friday. The yacht Thistle is en route to this country to capture the "America's cup." All the counties in Ireland except Antrim will be proclaimed under the Crimes act The well-known whisky distiller, Thom as J. Monarch, died at Owensboro, Ky.t Thursday. Paris newspapers state that the new Panama canal loan has already been sut scribed in fuil. The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Bt. Matthew, in Chicago, was burned Baturday. Loss, $32,000. .- --i - Tne barge Theodore Perry went to the bottom of Lake Erie in a storm, on Saturday, drowning live persons. Congressman Asa H. Glover died at Georgetown, Ky., Thursday. He was a relative of President Cleveland. Gerhard B. Allen, one of the most prom. inent business men of St Louis, died at ftichüeld Spnngs, N. Y., Thursday. The Henrietta (Texas) National Bank failed Monday. The deposits footup$S8,000, while the capital stock is $150,000. Forty-eight horses were burned todeath in the Fleishman stables in New York, which were destroyed Monday morning. The Louisiana Insurance Campany of New Orleans is insolvent, with habilities of {54,000. The assets are placed at $22,000. George Washington (colored) was lynched Saturday at Mississippi City, Miss., by a mob for a criminal assault upon a little white girl. Miss Jennie Lamar, daughter of the Seeretary of the Interior, was married to W. H. Lamar, of Washington, Ga., at Macon, Thursday night. Mr. C. Burgess, of Chicago, was elected president of the National Harness-Makers at the closing of their session at New York on Thursday. The pine tracts in parts of Northeastern Michigan have been greatly damaged by a cyclone. On one forty-acre tract not a tree was left standing. A disastrous fire at Buffalo Thursday destroyed Zeigele's brewery and the carbarns of the Buffalo Street-railway Company. Loss, f300,000. At Henrietta, Tex., Monday, Curtís & Atkinson and E. F. & W. L. Inard, catrtle firms, failed. Their liabilities are $5,503,000; assets, f1,115,000. Lord Salisbury, in the British Hou?e of Lords Monday evening, announced the settlement of the frontier dispute between Kussia and Afghanistan. The Warren powder-mill at Thomaston, Me., blew up Monday. Ueorgs Shüppard was blown to pieces. The explosión was heard for several miles. A committee left Kansas City Monday afternoon en route for Washington, to request the President to visit their city. The invitation contains 21.000 names. The District A9sembly, Knightí oí Labor at London, Oat., has adopted a resolntion urging the separation oí the Canadian Knights from th8 American body. The President will spend most oí the slimmer at his country house, Oakview. He has no intention of leaving the capital until October, when he will go to Atlanta. The Saranac (N. Y.) Iron Company (Bowen & Signor, proprietors), have made an assignment. The liabilities are figured at $300,000, and the assets at about Y75,030. Three collie were killed by an explosión of fire-damp Monday in the ill-fated mine at Nanticoke, Pa., where twenty-six men perished in like manner in December 1885. A bureau cal'.ed the Department oí Statistics has been created by tiie Intern t ite Commerce Commission, and Mr. C. C McCain, oí Minnesota, has been appointed its auditor. A very severe storm oí lightning and rain visited Phillipsburg, N. J., Saturday Several houses were struck by lightning andtwo ladies, Mrs. Fox and Mrs. Beers were killed. The seines and boats, with all the crew of tho schooners Colonel J. H. Franc and Argonaut, were seized Bunday oí East Point, Prince Edward Island, by th Dominion cutter Critic. William McKee Dunn, a Representativ írom Indiana in the Thirty-sixth and Thir ty-seventh Congresses, died on Sunday a his summer residence in Maplewood, Va. aged seventy-two years. Wallac3 Phillips, one of the spectators at Sell's cu-cus, at Clinton, 111., who was shot during the progress oí a sham Indian light, died Monday. Another of the iniured persons is very low At a late hour Friday night flre broka out in H. C. Burbank's wholesole elothiughouse, St. Paul, Minn. The loss was $150,00a The Minnesota Bpico Company's stock was damaged by smoke. The Canadian Council has issued an order prohibiting the importación oí neat cattle from the United States into Manitoba, the Northwest and Britisb. Columbia except for breeding purposes. While drunk Sunilay night at Pina Bluff, Ark., John Gracie fatally stabbed his aunt, and next stabbed his wife and his little nephew, inflictinE, however, but slight wounds. He was arrestad. Miss Josia Holme9, who was the erchange clerk of Ulb defunct Pidelity Bank at Cineinnati, O., was arrested Thursday and held in $10,000 bonds on the charge of aiding and abetting Harper in his illegal conduct. DA violent volcanic eruption has occurred on the Island of Ualita, off the coast of Almería. Streams oí lava are issuing lrom the cráter of the volcano, and the glare oí the flamea emitted are visible for fifty miles. Lee Shellenberger, who was under sentence of death for the murder of his nineyear-old daughter, was taken from jail in Nebraska City, Neb., Saturday night by a mob of masked men and hanged to a trea in the court-house yard.


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