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l Sqiinre SIhIiiik'iiI ly a Carpentcr "Foryearsl have had a chest troubl amounting to nothing short of consump tion. I saw h )W othtrs ia like oonditijn jjSd been cured by the use of Dr. Pierce' G-olden Medical DUcovery, and resolví- to test its merita in my own case. Th resulta are so plañe as hardiy to require Uistock or any auger ment in favor o thie grate remedy. It does awl ït claims It builds up the systtm, supports an strengthens where others fail." He adz "My recovery, which is now on a sur foundation, hinges enlirely on the compás 'of this wonderful Restorative. havinj tried other remedies without a bit of re lief." Hermosülo, Sonora, shipped six million ornges last year and expects to slr; twenty five per cent. more this year. Peculiar lo the combination, proportion, and prep aration of its ingredients, Hood's Sara parilla accomplishes cures where oihe prpparationa entirely fail. Peculiar in it nood name at home, which is a "tower o strength abroad," peculiar in the phenom nal sales it has attained, Hood's Sarsa pirilla is the most. successful medicine fo parifying the blood, giving sirength, and creating an appetite. The sugar trade has taken a great stride lince 1880, the production increasing yea after year. Tne erop of 1884 was the largest ever known, and that of the pres ent year it is expected will be fully up to it KASKINE (THE NEW QUININE.) . 1 wf GooöAite S È.$M New Strengtii Úniet Neryes, KSweet Sleep. A POWERPÜL TONIC that the most delicate stomach will bear. A SPECIFIO FOR MALARIA, RHBÜMATISM, NBRVOUS PROSTRATION, and all Germ Diseases. THE MOST SCIENTIFIC AND SUCCESSFCL BLOOD PURIFIER Superior to quinine. Mr. F. A. Miller, 630 East 157th street, New York was cured by Kaskine of extreme malarial prostration after seven years suffering. He had run down from 175 pounds to 97, began on Kaskine in June, 1886, went to work in one month, regained his full weight in six months. Quinine Üd him no good whatever. Mr. Gideon Thompson, the oldest and one of I tliemost respected citlzens of Bridgeport, Conn., I ays : " I am nintty years of age, and for the last 1 4ree years have sunered from malaria and the ettcts of quinine poisoning. I recently began wiih Kaskine which broke up the malaria and f creased my weight 22 pounds." Kaskine can be taken without any special medical advice. tl 00 per bottle. The Agent of KASKINE has on Public ExhibiI tion a remarkable MANIKIN, or model of the I human body, showing the Stomach, Heart, Lungs, Liver, Spleen, Kidneys and the other crgans [ and parts in Health and in Disease. By an Inspection the afflicted can see the nature and location of their troubles and learn how KASKIN E relieves and cures them. KASKINE CO., 54 Warren St., New York. k Arbor Email Fruit larsery ! All kinds of Berry Planta ; Fine Plante of the Sharpless ; The best Strawberry ; Fruit and Ornamental trees from Ellwanger & Barry, Rochester, N. Y. Orders must be sent early. WINES AND SYRUPS. Sweet Home-made Wine for Invalida, and the Encharist, Sour Wine, Raspberry Syrup, Shrub, Pear Syrup. Plytnouth Rock Eggs. E. BATJR, West Huron St., - Arm Arbor. INSURANCE, REAL ESTÁTE AND LOAN AGENCY OF A. W. HAMILTON Offices, No. 1 and 2, First Floor, Hamilton Blook. Vartles desirlng to buy or sell Real Estáte will flud lt tothei r ad van tage to cali on me. I represent the following flrst-class Ftre Insurance Com pañíes, having an aggregate capital of over s - ,000,000 : Thë rand Raplds Fire Ins. Co., The Ohlo Fiirnior'N Ins. Co., (Insnres only 1 illiiiKS . TheOerman Fire In. Co.', The Concordia Fire Ins. Co.', The Citlzens' Fire Ins. Co., Tne Wertcbester Fire Ins. c.-. The Hilwaukee ■" Mutual Fire Ins. Co., The New ilHinpohirc Flrf Ins. Co., The Ainazon Fire Ins. o. Rate Low. Loases llbp-mlly adjusted and oromptljr pald. I also Issue Life aní hrtestmeut Folíeles In the "o un. Mutual Lf Jp Insurance Company. A iets $55,000,X. Petsons desirlng Accident Insurtaoe, can hWê yarly Folíeles written for them oi Traveler'a Coupon Insurance Tickets lssned at Low R&te In the Standard Accident Insurance Compaay of North America. Money to Loan at Cttrrat Raten. Office hours from 8 a. m. to 12 H., 'ta2tor.H. ALEX. -W. HAMILTON, Hamilton Block. , It la Generally conceded by physicians that the spring trusa is the best nown instrument for retaining hernia, pving a uniform pressure and conform"ig to the various positions of the body. hey are clean, comfortable and durable. Our stock is l&rge, embracing all the Jsading makes. We guarantee satisfaction. . Browne A Sharpe II wir Clipper S. I 80, PosUMte 15c. oríioí4ieB5ss.IIor"' cllppr No 2 ÍANN BBCS, Druitglsts, Ann Arbor.


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