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BUSINESS CARDS. TTioEaK E. FROTHINGHAM, M. D., (i physlctan and (tnrifeon. nee Hamfiton Building, Rooms 1, 2, and 8. office'Houre: Monday. Tuesday, Thureday and yritey, 10 to I2 - Wednesday and Saturday, a lo i ■ TSX. W. HAMILTON A Atlornejr at Law. WU1 practice in both State and United Statei rmuití. Office Rooms, one and two, lst floor oí (hnew brick block. comer of Hurón and Fottftb BAnn Arbor, Michigan. 4M-U6 p EOBGE W. RENWICK, TKACHEK OF VOJCECULTDRB.SINGIKG, HÁRHONY & P1AM0. " I. O. G. T. Waehtenaw Lodge, No. 719, meets every Monái cvening at 7:30 in their temple, third door : of the Post Office, and third floor. Georgk Scott, C. T. (20-32 O. W. Sage, K. Sec. DEAN M. TYLER, M. D., PHYSICIAN L SURGEON. Office and residence over postoffice, first toor. ■ O.CJENKINS.D.D.S., DENTAL OFPIGE OVER ANDREWS BOOK STOKK, 13 MAIN STBEET. ANN ARBOB. 456-507 NIOHOLS BROS., DENTAL OFFICE gerond Floor Bf asonlc Block, over Sm. tngrs Bank, Ann Arbor, Mlch. Teett extracted without pain by the use of km or vitalized air. 486-Í87 ZINA F. ZING, Law and Collection Office. O. S. COMMISSIONEK, and Agent for placlns tnstuance In reliable companies. All business entrusted to this office reoeire prompt and careral attention. Mney recilttei lmmediatelyon collection. Nc.2 Mam street, South, .nn Arboi.Mlch. 427-4-ü WM. BIGGS. Contractor i Builder And all kinds of work in connectlon witta the aboye promptly execnlca. ■ Stop Cor. of Church-st and University ave. Telephone 9 ; P. O. Box 124S. D. W. AMSDEN, (Successor to Henry Richards.) -DEALER IN- jlib Mb $tí] Víoob -AND- - ALSO- Flour and 7eed! Yard adjoining Firemen's Hall. Old frienis are invited to cali, and others in want of anythininmyllne. D. w. AMSDES. WILLIAM AHNOLB, SELLS 1847 R'.ftERS BROS.' SPOONS, FORKS -A.ND KNIVKS, At bottom prices, engravin? inclüdfd full Une of the justly celebisted ROCKPORD WALTHAM and ELQIN WATOHES. Open face, Key and Stem-wlnding a lways on hand and regulated, ready for a man 6 pocket. If you cannot readthis get ene of Johnston & Co .s eye-glasses or spectacles for sale by WH. ARNOLD, 36 Main 8t. Ann Arbor, Mlch. HOEAOE T. PURFIELD, Garpenter and Joiner SS South I2th Street, Post-offlce box M5. All work in my line promptly attecded to. BTJITT7RB3 ! ttZ Hbn EOAN'S IMPKRI AL TRU8S. B B Spiral Spring with graded pre 3 snre 1 to 6 poonds. Worn day and r night by an Infant a week old oi m ■ adultofSO year. Ladle' TraM t-, a specialty. Enclose itamps to) TBDSS CO., Ann Arbor. Mlch. TANSY GAPSUlII THE IiATEST DISCOVEBY. w Er. taparlo'a Clbrted Preparation, 8fe and Alwoya Bailable. indUpanaabl to LADIBS. Bend 4 cenu for Bealcd Circular. CALüyET CHEMICAL CO.. Chicago. Z?X. SHINGLBS! ThO best Rooflng In theworld la Walter's PatentShingles Made of Iron, TIn or Steel. Oheaper More Durable and Ornamental Than Slate Warranted to givt aatisf action. For partloulars and prices address GSORGS SCOTT, Axohlteot. Sole Agent forWashtenaw County. Je v Advertisements j. AU peoplootDyspcBtie j&QiUiySb. Should learn to lengthen daP??ifyvv out thetr darfl. .H hbÉSki VHien Indigeitioa mlc p cali, ' -w - ■ Or Contlption7T'wo cS9 HHMpr than all K? Make life aburden, bar y&i OK? lnTámnfsalt(rbealtb ■ m Tou'u j,


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Ann Arbor Register