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SHILOH'S VITALIZER is what you need for constipation, Loss of Appetite, Dizziness and all sympton)8 of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. Soldby Eberbach & Son. Other men's sins are before our eyes, our own behind our back. - Séneca. CROUP, WHOOPIJSG COUGH and Bronchiti8immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. Sold by Eberbach & Son. A Nw Di tcovery. Price Only SOc. Ptr Botile. HAS NEVER FAILED TO CURE. This Tftluable remedy Ir not only a iur cura for Neuralgia, but has no equal wben uted as an injeotiOD la the fullowing dlseases: LOCAL DISCHARGES, or WHITES, ULCERS, SWELLINGS, and NEURALGIA of the WOMB or BOWELS. Try this remsdy and you wlll uae no other. Th expense i uminuall y small and Talue Is unaquallad by any other known preparatlon. WAMQ Trouble and momhlv palns are et WT J m D once relieved by lts usa. LADIESREADTHI8! " After Fourteen Montha." Plcaaantvllle, Iown. Mr. f teketee- Slr: After laylna for U monthi and doctorlne wlth eeTen different pnynlclans without any benefit to me. I was lnduced to use Steketee's Neuralfla Drops. The use of vour medicine was the only relief pot. I am able to do all my work. I can cheerfully recommend lts use. MUS. VESTA i-KEWITT. "Doctoro Could Not Help Her." Mlddlerille, Mlrh., Junell, US. Mr. O. O. Steketee, proprlotor Steketee's Neuralirla Drops: My wlfe was affllcted wlth lnflammatlon and iieurtugta of the womb for sometlme. Doctors could not help her, but half a dozen doses of your Steketee's Neuralgia Drops cured her. Vorv truly yours, "WILLIS J. MÏLLS. Ask your drngirttt for Steketee's Neuralgia Drops. Il not for sale by your drugcist I wil! send It eipress pald. toany addressln the D. 8., three boules for one dollar and flfty cents. For Sale by all Drugglsts. MAKE YOÜR OWN BITTERS. A four ounce packane of Stikktsx's Drt Bittkbs will make one gallon of the best Bitters known, which wlll cure Indigestión, Faina in the Komacn, Fever and Acue. and acts upon the KldncyB and Bladder, and is the best Tonlc known. Can be used with orwitbout spirits. Kuil dlrectlons on each package. By mail. Price only 85 cntt. U. b. stamps taken ia payment. Adüross CEO. C. STEKETEE, 89 Monroe St., Grand Rápida, Mloh. MINTIÓ THIS PAPEK.


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