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BUSINESS CARDS. fKOTHIKGHAM.M, ntove Hamilton Building, Rooms 1, 2, and 8. ftffiS'Hours: Monday, fuesday, Thureday and Triday! W to 12 a. .; Wednesday and Saturday, 2 loirj1 . -fíjx. W. HAMILTON a Attorney at Luw. VFIU practicein both State and United Stotes ,v!jrt6 Office Rooms, one and two, lst floorof Kw teick block. corner of Hurón and Fourtli etó"Ann Arbor, Michigan. 4M-Í16 TÉORGE W. RENWICK, TKACHES OF 10mCDLTDRBSlYGIHG HÁBMOST &PIÁI0. HonsuccfullyUughtbymaAddre, I. O. G. T. ishtenaw Lodge, No. 719, meets every Mondven!u7at Ï: 'in their temple, third door :S cf the Post Office, and third floor. Gkokge Scott, C. T. nO-SZ O. W. Sage, B. Sec. " DEAN M. TYLER, M. D., PHYSICIAN &SURGE0N. OSce and residence over postoffice, first loor. IDE,. .AEaisriDT(Office over First National Bank.) Hours from 9 to 11 a. m., 2 to 4 p. m., Sunday, from 2 to 3 p. m. Besidence, 23 Statest. 658tf KBLLT'S PEERLESS TRUSS Is elven on trial and warranted to give satisfaction or money refunded. CHRONIC CASES A SPECIALITY. Office, No. 6 Washington-st., Over Rlnsey & Seabolt's Store, Ann Arbor. O.C.JENKINS.D.D.S., DE3TTAL OPFICE OTEB ANDREWS BOOK STORE, 13 MAIN STREET, ANN ARBOR. 456-507 NICHOLS BEOS., DENTAL OFFICE seeond Floor Masonlc Block, over Saviugs Bank, Ann Arbor, Mlcli. leeth extracted hout.pataby "üfaf ZINA F. EING, Law and Colleetion Office. D 8. COMMISSIONER, and Agent for pladng InBurance in reliable companies. All business entnusted to this offlce reoelyei prompt and carelul attention. Maney remltted tamediately on colleetion. No.42 Main rtreet, South, ann Arbor, Mtoh. 427-4"8 SOBAOE T. PTJR.FIELD, Carpenter and Joiner S6 South 12th Street, Port-office box M5. AU work in my line promptly attended to. RUPTUBK ! rÉ-Bh-l EQAN'8 IMPERIAL TRU3S. SkM B Spiral Spring with graded pre sure 1 to 6 pounds. Wom day and r nightby an Infant ft weeV ola o mm adultof80 years. ldies' Trusset L■■ a specialty. EncloBe amps fo TRÜSS CO., Ann Arbor. Mich. WM. BIGGS. Contractor S Euilder And all kinds of worfc in conncctlon with the aboye promptly execnteu. Shop Cor. of Church-st and University ave. Telephone 9 ; P. O. Box 1243. WZLLZAM AENOLD, SELLS 1847 RLGERS BROS.' SPOONS, FORKS AND KNIVKS, At bottom prioes, engravini? tocluflea full line of the Justiy celebiatco ROCKFOBD WALTHAM and ELÖIN WATOHES. Open face, Key and Stem-wlndlng a lways on hand and regulated, readyfora m&ns pocket. If you cannot readthie get one of Johuston & Co .s eye-glaises or spectacles for sale by WM. ARNOLD, 36 Main 8t. Ann Arbor, Mloh. 42475 A New Discovery. Priee Only 50c. Per Bottle. HAS KEVER FAILED TO CURE. Thi Taluabla remedy ! not onlj a tan cura for Neuralgia, but has no qual when med as an InJsotion Id the following Jlwtm: LOCAL DISCHARGES, or WH1TES, ULCERS, SWELLINGS, and NEURALGIA of the WOMB or BOWELS. Ttt thl remedy ana you wlll use no other. Th xpenle i unusually .mail and ralue 1. unoquallod t5 any other known preparatlon. lÁll B Troubles and monthly pain aro at WUnflD onc relieyed by lt. ue. LADIE8READTHISI " After Fourteen Months." I'lasntvl 11, lowa. Mr. 8teket(-Sir : After lajlnl for U monthj and doctorüi wlth Ten different lilyplolani without anv MnSft to me. I wal lnduced to ue Steket' NeuralSa Dropt. The uw of Tour medicine wa. the only relief fíotfam abl. to ío all "H -.VsTaT-REWITT J recommend iti use. MR3. VESTA rtttwui"Doctors Could Not Help Her." MkldlBvllln. Mlch.. June2l.lSS1. Mr Q O Steketee, pnjprietor ñteltotee'a Neuralgia MÏ wlfo a amiited wlth lnHammatlon nd neSfalgla of the -b for jomrtlmo. Doctors could not help her. but half a doren dote of your Steketee s Neuralgia Drop. cured her. ÏÏ&JTm'ilLS. Ak Tour drngulst for Steketee's Neuralgia Drops. 11 not for .ale 5? your dragglrt I wlll .end II P raid, to any address In the D. 8.. thre bottlca for one dollar and Btij cent. For Sal by all Drugglst. MfiKE YOÜR OWH BITTERS. A four' oonce packag of 8,TK""'sR.??e BrrTKBS wlll make one gallon of the best ■Bitters faiown. whlch will cure Indinestlon, Pain. in tho Stomacb, Kever and AKue. and act. upon the K.Wneys and Bladder, and 1. the be.t Jonlc knpwn. Cab be u.ed with orwlthout pirlt. JL1" on each package. By mail, Prlce only cntü. U. 8. Stamp, taken In payment. Addre CEO. C. STEKETEE. 89 Monroe St., Grand Rapid, Mloh. tUMTION THI3 PAPSS.


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