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___ BUSINESS CARDS. -5oi e. frothingham, m. d., Ct Physíolaii ana Hnreon. V5 Hamilton Building, Rooms 1, 2, and 8. K'Hours: Mouday. Tuesday, Thureday and n?dy!lO ' to 12 A. M.; Wednesday and Saturday, 2 lo í r. fX. W. HAMILTON A Attorney t Law. ■iil Bractice in both State and United Btatei JÍÍS Office Rooms, one and two, lfit floor of K; brick block. corner of Huron and Fottrth $Z Ann Arbor, Michigan, 424-475_ piÓKGK W. RENWICK, " TKACHEE OF i()lCEClILTÜRE,SIÏ[61M)H]lRMöM&PIO0. EnsuccUyUughtbymaAdd, I. O. G. T. wuhtenaw Lodge, Ho. 719, meete erery MonZ evening at 7:30 in thc-ir temple, third door ?Lt of the Post Office, and third ñoor. GeoeceScott, C. T. 520-32 O. W. Sage, K. Sec. DEAN M. TYUER, M. D., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Mte and residenoe over postoffice. flrst m_ 621-g33312,. ABÜTDT. (Office over First National Bauk.) Hours from 9 to 11 a. m., 2 to 4 p. m., Sunday, from 2 to 3 p. m. B".Ilcco, 23 Stnte-st. 658tf PEERLESS TRUSS Ia given on trial and warranted to give satlsfaction or money refunded. CHRONIC CASES A SPECIALITY. Ofice, No. 6 "Washiagtoa-st., Over Einsey & Seabolt's Store, Ann Arbor. O.C.JENKINS,D.D.S., DENTAL OFFICE OTEB AXDRKWS BOOK 8TOBE, 13 MAIN STREET, ANN ARBOR. 456-507 NICHOLS BROS., DENTAL OFFICE Scond Floor Mattonic Block, over Nu. lngs Bank, Aim Arbor, Micb. leeth extracted without pain by the use of as or vitalized air. 436-487 ZINA F. ZING, Law and Collection Office. 0. 8. COMMIS8IONER, and Agent for plftting [EBurance in reliable companies. W All business entrusted to thie office reoelTOi trompt and carelul attention. Meney romitted tunediatelyon collection. No.42 Main street, South, nn Arboi.MitíH. 427-4-8 HOE ACE T. PUEFIELD, larpenter and Joiner 36 South 12th Street, Post-office box MB. All -work in my line promptly attended to. KXJPTTJftK ! EGAN'S IMPERIAL TRU3S. Spiral Spring with graded presure 1 to 6 ponnda. Worn öay and night by an Infant a week oíd oí adultofSO years. Ladles' Trusae a specialty. Enclose etamps 10) Testimoniáis of Cures, measurements, etc EGAN'S IMPERIA1 TRUSS CO., Ann Arbor. Mich. WM. BIGGS. Coutractor l Builder AuI all Kinds of vork in connection il h the above promptly execute. Shop Cor. of Church-st and University ave. Telephone 9 ; P. O. Box 1243. WILLIAM ARNOLD, SELLS 1847 R! GERS BROS.' SPOONS, FORKS AND KNITE8, At bottom prioes, engravlnij included full Une of the Justly celebiated HOCKFORD WALTHAM and ELGIN WATOHES. Open face, Key and Stem-wlnding a lways on hand and regulated, ready for a man e pocket. If you cannotreadthis get one ofJohnston & Ca .s eye-glasses or Bpectacles for sale by WM ARNOLD, 36 Main St. Ann Arbor, Mich. 424-475 A New Discovery. Price Only 50c. Per Bottle. HAS KEVER FAILED TO CURE. Thl Taluable remedy i not only a uro curi for Neuralgia, but ha no equal when used as an ÍnJeotion m tbo foUowlug LOCAL DISCHARGES, or VVHITES, ULCCRS, SWELLINGS, and NEURM.GSA of the WOMB or BOWELS. Trythls remedy and you wlll nse no othor. The ipense la unusually small and valué Ís unequalled ty any otherknown preparation. UI1MD Trouble. and monlbly pain. ar at VW J Iwl D once rolle vtíd by lts use. LADIESREADTHIS! " Aftor Fourteen Months." Plflagantvlllo, Iowa. Mr. Btektee- Slr: After laylne for 11 nionthi nd dooU.rinir with seren dlfferont physloian without any tneftt to me, 1 wa induced to use Stelietee' Nuuralffla Drons The use oí vour medicine was the only relief T got. t am able to do all my work. 1 can choerfullj recommend lts use. MRS. VESTA FREv XTT. ."Doctor Coutd Not Help Hr." Middlevüle, Mlch-, June SI, I88ft. Mr O. O. Steketee, proprletor Steketee's Neuralgia My wlTe was affllcted wlth lnflammatlon and neuralgia, of the womb for sometlme. Doctors could not Lelp her. but half a doien dose of your Steketee's Neuralgia Drop. cured hr. Vw1liTSlUA Aak your drugglst for Steketee'a Neuralgia Drop. U not for sale by your drugglat Iwlll .endlt expresa pala, to any addres. In tha O. 8., three boules for I ne dollar and flfty cents. For Sale by 11 Druggl.u. MAKE YOUR OWN BITTERS. A four' ouDce packasa of Stikïtm's Dry Bitters wlll make one gallon of the best Bitter tnom, wtalcb wlll cure Indigestión, Pain In tho fctomach, Fever and ARue, and act npon tho Kldueys and Bladder, and Is the best Tonlc known. Can be used wlth orwlthout spirits. Full dlrectlon on each package. By ruail, Prlce only a contt. V. S. Stampa taken la paynient. Address CEO. C. STEKETEE, 89 Nlonroo St., Grand Rapids, Mloh. MÏNT1U.V THI3 PAPBE.


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