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Supervisors' Proceedings

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[official.] CONTINU1D. We report the amounts expended at the County House and Farm as follows: HKLP ACCOUNT. Keeper and Matron _.. 700 00 Emma Patton 56 76 LydlaBrown 156 42 Harriet Doty 10 84 Mary Rcak 24 67 1-hoebe Robinson 182 50 Sarah A.Day 8 21 Mary Atkinson 36 06 Martha McPherson 27 46 Elvira Reveis 16 56 MissTompkins „ 11 13 Laura Webster 7.40 David Denny _ 145 20 J. Conbach 2 50 Paid for labor 75 H. Kittredge 6 86 Jamas Schofield 32 00 F. Andrés 1 60 John Fuller „ 2 00 O. Weinmann... 69 00 John Barrowcliff. 17 00 C. Wagner & Co., threshing 16 92 11531 14 BLACK9HTTHIKG. Adam Bohnet _ 46 15 BEEF ACCOUNT. J. Laubengayer 52 63 Chrisüan Frey 436 55 M. Gorshans 13 70 JohnG. Gall „. 27 71 J. F. Hoelzle 33 40 563 99 BOOKS AND6TATIONEBY. D.B. Green 35 Éstate of R. A. Beal _.... 4 75 John S. McDowell 9 95 K. Kittredge _„ 2 00 L. J. Liesemer. 1 50 H. E. H. Bower 1 50 Smithe & Powere 1 00 Frank Smith 6 65 Beakes & Morton 4 25 E. P. Mason _. 75 Ypsi. Commercial Printing Co.... 1 00 33 70 BOOTS AND SHOES. L. Gruner .'.... 55 40 Doty & Feiner 21 65 FredGanss 30 56 John Burg S 90 A. C. McGraw & Co 22 56 134 07 BUBIAL ACCOUNT, CB. Sundries Ï19 50 CEOCKEBY AND GLASS. Dean & Co „ 22 46 J. S. McDowell „ 60 23 06 CLOTHING ACCOUNT. H. A. Newland & Co 33 84 Heavenrich Bros 172 50 J. 8. McDowell 2 00 A. L. Noble 4 20 Koot, Strong & Co 67 92 Heinzmann, Hutzel & Co 42 00 322 46 DRY GOODS AKD BEDDINQ. Bach & Abel 5 SS Root, Strong & Co 617 05 522 88 DEUGS AND MEDICINES. Eberbach & Son 6 60 J. J. Goodyear 2 75 MannBros 32 78 42 13 FREIGHT. J. S. McDowell 5 78 FARM IMPLEMENTO AND SEEDS. Bach & Abel _ 6 75 J. 8. VcDowell 5 55 F. Howlett 9 60 M.Staebler 39 11 60 01 FrBNITUBE ACCOUNT. Richmond & Treadwell 2 00 Schuh & Muehlig 33 00 35 00 FLOUB AND BBEADSTUFFS. Dean & Co 3 50 GEOCEEIES AND PKOVISIONS. Dean & Co J70 12 J. S. McDowell 41 97 Rinsey iSeabolt 622 76 B. F. Farrington & Co 7 74 H. J. Brown 12 00 Ypsilanti Broom Co 16 50 F. Andrés _ 13 00 P. H. Devoe 30 66 O. A. Ainsworth & Co 13 50 Manu Bros „ 4 oo A. H. Smith 6 87 Robt. McCarthy 5 00 HarrlsBros 32 25 976 38 HABDWABE. C. Eberbach 86 77 Schuh & Muehlig 28 11 Drury & Taylor. 9 19 124 07 HAY, GBAIN AND FEED, CB. By Hay sold S10 00 IMPBOVEMENT ACCOUNT. Jas.Tolbert g 42 POBK ACCOUKT. County Farm 100 00 H. D. Platt 96 75 J.H. Feldkamp _ 116 65 Emanuel Ffty iso 22 473 62 PAINTS AND OILS. Wm. Herz 5 18 REPAIBS. J. S. McDowell 14 19 John Koch 5 50 C: Eberbach 3 55 FredGauss 2 97 Doty & Feiner 29 45 C. Wagner & Bro 29 50 F. Walker &Bro 7 to M. 8taehler _ j 00 Lucas & Tessmsr 6 44 P. Vlesel 3 60 C. L. Yost 13 65 J. Van Range & Co _ 6 51 O. Gretton _ 2 00 125 76 STOCK ACCOUNT. Jacob F. Staebler 165 m TOBACCO Dean & Co 92 40 J. J. Goodyear 1 95 9435 WOOD AND COAL, T. Monaghan 290 00 E. B. Hall _ 3 00 Charles Schultz 464 78 M. Haas 13 C' 22 50 793 78 MEDICAL 8EBVICES AT COUNTY HOUSE. Dr.C.G.Darling 83 M W, Newton, nnrsing 4 50 Dr. Powers, veterinary 1 50 89 00 LEGAL SEEVICES. E. B. Norria g qq W. D. Harriman 3 j 12 „„ Total expense at County Ilouse and Farm J6191 43 RECAPITÜLATION. Total receipts from all aources... 7659 35 Plus balance overdrawn 43 52 Total 7702 87 Amount outside relief. $U2S 20 Amount expeadeJ at House and Farm „ 6191 43 Amount of old orders paid S83 24 7702 87 POOK FUND, DR. Balance overdrawn $ 43 52 The following amounts are due the Poor Fund from cities and towns for last year's board and care of their poor at the County House : City of Ann Arbor, bal t 630 16 Town of Augusta 198 9 " " Freedom 65 00 " " Manchester 65 00 11 Northfleld 45 00 " Lodi 260 00 " Lima - 65 00 " " Salem 11 78 "Saline 65 00 " " Sclo 175 71 " " Sharon 75 00 " Superior 130 00 " Sylvan 106 60 " '■ Webster 89 28 " " York 65 00 ' Ypsllantl 65 00 City " Ypsilanti 624 31 $ 2739 23 The County Farm consists of 120 acres, valued at t 9000 00 Estimated Talue of Buildings.. 15,000 00 124,000 00 Farm prodncts for year now closed are as folio ws: 400 bushels Wheat @ .73 f 292 00 455 " Oats @ .30 136 50 480 " Corn @ .28 134 40 250 " Potatoes 1.00 250 00 100 ' Turnips @ .25 25 00 10 " Onions @ .75 7 50 S 845 10 30tonsHay O10.00 30100 Products of Garden 100 00 " - 12 Cows @ 35.00 420 00 " " Poultry 30 00 Increaseof Swine 60 00 910 00 Products $1755 40 Pauper labor estimated at $ 100 00 PEB8ONAL PROPEKTY. The Farm Stock consists of: 4 Horscs @ $150.00 ? 600 00 liCiws (at 35.03 420 00 1 Buil 40 00 28 Swine 1)3 00 130 Fuwls (S .25 32 50 81285 50 Estimated valueof Farm Tools... $ 725 00 ' " Furniture 2200 00 " ' " Clothiug on hor,d 75 00 Estimated valué of Boots and Shoesonhand 30 00 Estimated value of Groceries on hand 30 00 Estimated value of Dry Goods and Bedding 100 00 6 Bbls. Pork $17.M 105 00 40 Corda Wood 5.00 200 00 30TonsCoal @ 6.00 180 00 3645 00 Total Personal $1930 50 Total Male Paupers maintained during the year 136 Total Females 67 203 Average number of inmates _ 84% Whole number nnder 16, inmates 14 Whole No. of Idiots, inmates 5 Averrge " " " " 5 Whole ' " Blind " 2 Average " " " ■' 1 Whole " " Mutes " 3 Average " " " " 3 NATIVITY OF PAUPERS. American 92 Germán 35 Irish rg African 17 English 11 ('anadian 10 Frenen „ 4 Italian 2 203 Average number of persons supported at County House during the year 94 Average cost per week of whole support 8 1 25 We estímate for ensuing year as follow8 : Beef $ 600 00 Blacksmithing 50 00 Bouks and Stationery 30 00 Boots and Shoes 150 00 Clothing _ 40j 00 Cook and kttchen help _ Í75 00 Crockery and Glass _ 40 00 Drugs and Medicines 25 00 Dry Goods and Bedding 550 00 Expense Account 50 00 Farm Labor 350 oo Farm Tools and Seeds 100 00 Flour and Breadïtuff 150 00 Frelght 25 00 Furuiture 85 00 Groceries and Provisions 1000 00 Hardware _ , 150 qq Engineer 150 qq Improvement Account 100 00 Keeper and Matrou 700 0D Lumber 5q qq Medical Services at County House i00 oo Miscellaueous 150 qq Paints and Oils 2 00 Pork 500 0D Repairs 200 00 Outside Temporary Relief. 1200 00 Tobacco 100 oo Transportation 175 00 WoodandCoal 75000 ,53000 Of the estimated expenses of the ensuing year, twenty-seven hundred dollars are due from towns and cities for board and care of their poor. This leaves fifty-eight hundred dollars to be provided for. We are aware that the coming tax is Ukely to bo unusually large, and we do not wish to increase it by an excessive demand. Yet we also expect some increase in our own expenses, arising from our smaller crops of wheat, potatoeB and vegetables, which for the ñrst time in eight years will make it needful for us to buy breadstuffs. We respectfuliy ask, therefore, that you give us five thousand dollars, and wesiall hope not to be in debt at the year s end. Our new heating and ventilating apparatus promises to be a complete success. Most of you have had opportunitv to inspect it, but you have not as much proof of lts need as some of us whom duty oftener calis to the House. We believe it will pay in saving of fuel ; in a great reduction of fire hazard ; in ecuriiig perfect ventilation, in which all previous plans have failed : and in Ereatly increased comfort to the inmates by a uniform sufficient heating of every part of the House. Buch results realized are very gratifvingto us who are more immediately responsible for the care of the House and inmates. And we wish to express our sense of obligations to you for your prompt and liberal action in this ter. We wish also especially to commend your able Committee, under whose supervisión the work has been done, for their intelligent and painstaking care in this matter ; for they have neither neglected, nor made play of the duties assigned them, as results clearly show. We are also happy to say that the contractor seems rather to have sought credit for the thoroughness of his work than profit by slighting it. We believe the taxpayers have their money's worth and more, and will be more than satisfied. For ourselves, we have done our best to meet expenses with the moderate means at our disposal last year. That we have not quite succeeded, isperhaps no surprise. We shall still try to secure good results in our official work, with as little tax upon the public as possible. Respectfully submitted. D. B. Greene. Wm. Aprill. E. P. Mason. Superintendents of the Poor of Washtenaw County. County House, Oct. 4, If87. AFTERNOON SESSION. Called to order by the chairman. Roll called and quorum present. The special hour having arrived for the election of Superintendent of the Poor, Mr. Gilí moved to elect by ballot. Carried. Mr. O'Hearn and Mr. Case were appointed tellers by the Chair. FIRST BALLOT. Whole number of votes cast „ 24 Of which Elisha Loomis received 13 Mr. D. B. Greene received _ 8 Mr. E. B. Pond received 2 Blank 1 Mr. Elisha Loomis having received a majority of the votes cast, was deelared elected. On motion of Mr. Graves, the Board adjourned to to-morrow at 9:30 a. m. J. V. N. Gregorv, Chairman. Frederick Howlett, Clerk. Friday, Oct. 14, 1887. The Board met, pursuant to adjournment. Called to order by the chairman. Eoll called and quorum present. Journal of yesterday read and approved. The annual report of the Treasurer was read by the Clerk, which, on motion, was received, ordered spread on the Journal, and referred to the committee to sattle with County Officers , and the following is the report in full : To the Ion. Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Washtenaw County : Gentlemen : - I herewith transmit my report of moneys received and paid out by me from the flrst day of January, A. D. 1887, up to and including the 30th day of September, A. D. 1887. Also a statement of resources and liabilities as shown by the books in this office on Oct. lst, 1887. All of which is respectfully submitted for your inspection and examination. Frederick H. Belser, County Treasurer. BECEIPTS. EAST MICHIGAN ASYI.UM. Appropriation $ 500 CO Sundries 138 44 638 44 HOUSE OP CORBECTION. Appropriation 200 00 FEEEDOM TOWNSH.T". Taxes j. j 85 LiquorTax Í98 00 Primary money L93 80 Library money 20 79 817 44 teachers' institute. Institute Fees 177 50 CHAEGKD BACK TAXES. Sundries 59 59 YPSILANTI TOWN. Taxes 2,557 10 Delinquent Taxes 7 76 Primary money J01 40 Library money ia &3 2,772 88 DXXTZB TOWNSHIP. Taxes 1,463 33 Primary money 150 00 Library money 10 44 1,623 77 LIMA TOWXSHIP. Taxes 2,133 05 LiquorTax 198 00 Primary money 169 80 Library money 1182 2,512 6" LYNDON TOWNSHIP. Taxes 1104 77 Primary money 105 CO Library money 735 1,217 72 PITT&FIELD TOWNSHIP. Taxes 2,828 09 Primary money 204 60 Library money 1424 3,047 43 SALEM TOWNSHIP. Taxes 1,628 89 Primary money 304 20 Library money.. 1407 1,94716 SHARON TOWNSHIP. Taxes 2,045 97 Delinquent Taxes 19 17 Primary money 213 00 2,278 14 SUPEEIOB TOWNSHIP. Taxes ííi494 59 Primary 214 20 Librarymouey 14 80 2,723 5S WEBSTER TOWNSHIP. Taxes 94 97 Primary money 123 Ou Library money 8 66 226 63 DKXTER VILLAGE. Liquortax 1 ggg $ MANCHESTER VILLAGK. Liquortax 3 ug CHELSKA VILLAGE. Liquortax lm DELINQUENT CO. TAX. Tax Colleetions 27 El , . SALINE VILLAGE. Liquor tax g91 fi0 OARD OF SCHOOL EXASUNEBS Approprlation 500 00 WITNESS FUND. Appropnation joq „„ STKNOGBAPHER FUND. Appropnation qq T , M1LAN VILLAGE. Liquor tax 6M q,, JUROBS' FUND. Appropriation lpo0 m OENKBAL FUND. Sundre8 1830 74 LODI TOWNSHIP. Taxes 2,468 32 Delinquent taxes 4 89 Liquor tax 297 00 1 rimary money 187 80 Wbrary mnuey 13 07 2,970 58 _ SCIO TOWNSHIP. J. ; 1,839 61 UtriiT quent laxes 10 77 Liquor tax m w Prfmary money„ 4U 00 Library money 28 60 1987 98 YORK TOWNSHIP. Taxes 2,32t 93 Delinquent taxea 26 80 Primary money 418 20 Library money 16 3 Liquor tai 148 50 2,035 26 MICHIGAN ASYLUM. Apportionment óOO 00 ANN ARBOB TOWNSHIP. Taxes 2,441 74 Primary money 1C8 00 Library money 11 69 -2,621 43 FI'IL FUND. Apportionment S00 00 ANN ARBOB CITY. Taxes 9,618 16 Delinquent taxes 132 66 Primary money 1,749 60 Library money 121 77 Liquor tax 10,06170 21,6817 PUBLIC Bl'ItDINO FUND. Appropriation 2,000 00 SALAEY COUNTY OFFICEK8. Appropriation 3.0CO 00 SALINE TOWNSHIP. Taxes 3,042 07 Primary money 358 20 Library money 24 93 Delinquent tax 3 93 3,429 13 NORTHFIELD TOWNSHIP. Taxes 37 10 Tax sales _ _ 39 Primary money 196 20 Library money 16 58 250 27 FINE MONEY FUND. Fines collected S4 41 AUGUSTA TOWNSHIP. Taxes 1,424 01 Delinquent taxes 79 21 Liquor tax _ 297 00 Primary money _ 872 6J 2.172 82 MANCHESTER TOWN. Taxes 3,004 33 Delinquent tax 17 76 Liquor tax 64 35 Primary money 468 60 Library money 18 91 3,573 95 SYLVAN TOWNSHIP. Taxes 2,418 68 Delinquent tax 21 81 Primary mon.ey 433 20 '2.873 69 POOR FUND. Appropriation 4,000 00 Towns and eities 2,766 67 Sundries '. 282 75 7,049 42 INTEREST FUND. Sundries 275 16 COUNTY FUND. Appropriation 4,íO0 00 BRIDGEWATER TOWN. Taxes 1,976 96 Delinquent taxes 1 62 Liquor tax 396 00 Primary mouey 216 60 Library money J5 07 2,606 25 STATE OF MICHIGAN. Taxes 38.145 70 Delinquent taxts 72 02 Sundries 25 72 38,213 44 YPSILANTI CITY. Taxes 4,191 00 Liquor tax 4,974 35 Delinquent taxes 16 16 Primary money 1,023 00 money _ 71 20 10.273 71 CONTINUF.NT FUND. Appropriation 3,000 00 ABE MAYBEE DRAIN. Draiutax 406 93 E. BKANCH BIG MARSH. Dralntax 105 21 BKi MARSH DRAIN. Draintax 253 05 YORK AND SALINE DRAIN. Drain tax 333 19 Amouut overdrawn at Aun Arhor Savlngs Bank,Oct.l, 1887 13,205 94 Total 5162,508 32 (CONTINUED ON THIRD FAÜE.) (CONTINUED FROU SECOND PAGE ) DISBUKSEMENTS. Overdraft at Ann Arbor Savings Bank, Jan. lst, 1887 f 3,132 52 KAST MICH. ASYLUM . Paid treasurer 2,367 43 HOUSB OF CORRECTION. Paid trea-urer 65 60 FREKDOM TOWNSHIP. State and County taxes S 199 85 Paid treasurer 617 6 2,417 44 TEACHERS' INSTITUTE. Paid Conductor., 176 00 CHARGED BACK TAXES. Sundries n 13 ANNUAL TAX SAI,E. Apportionment 97 62 YPSILANTI TOWNSHIP. State and County taxes 2,555 67 Paid treasurer 217 31 2,772 88 DEXTER TOWNSIIIP.' State and County taxes 1,463 33 Paid treasurer ltiO 44 1,623 77 LIMA TOWNSHIP. State and County taxes 2,133 05 Paid treasurer. 379 62 2,512 67 LYNDON TOWNBHir. State and County taxes 1,104 77 Palu treaurer 112 95 1,217 72 PITTEFIELD, State and County taxe 2,8a 27 Paid treaeurer 218 84 3,050 11 SALRM TOWN6HIP. State and County taxes _ 2,267 69 Paid treasnrer 318 27 2,585 96 8HARON TOWNSHIP. State and County taxes 2,045 67 Paid treaBurer 232 17 2,278 14 SUPERIOR TOWNSHIP, State and County taxes 2,4S4 69 Paid treasurer 428 36 2,922 85 WEBSTER TOWNSHIP. State and County taxes 2,204 71 Paid treaeurer 181 66 2,338 37 DEXTKR VILLAGE. Paid treasurer i,683 00 MANCHESTER VILLAGE. Paid trefUBurer 2,920 50 CHEL8EA VILLAGE. Paid tressurer 1,485 00 DELINQUENT COUNTY TAX. County tax ret'd delinquent. 54 83 SAIJM VILLAGE. Paid treasurer $91 00 BOARD OF SCHOOL EXAM1NEKS. Orders paid 298 00 JAIL FUND. Orders paid _ .. 667 30 WITNESS FUND. Orders paid 32 80 STENOGRAFHER FUN1). Orders paid 672 64 MILAN VILLAGE Paid treasurer 594 oo JUROR8' FUND. Orders paid 2556 90 GENERAL FUND. Orders paid 9 69 LOni TOWNSHIP. State and County taxes 2,528 32 Paid treasurer 518 00 3,028 50 SCIO TOWNSHIP. State and Countj taxes 3,528 46 Paid treasurer 648 87 4,176 83 YPSILiNTI CITT. State and County tazes 6,716 41 Paid treasurer 5,137 84 10,854 25 YORK TOWNSHIP. State and County laxe 2.324 93 Paid treasurer 602 7S 2,927 60 MICHIGAN ASYLUM. Paid treasurer. 27 67 ANN ARBOR TOWNSHIP. State and County taxes 2,526 74 Paid treasurer 179 69 2,706 43 FUEL FOND. Orders paid $44 41 ANN ARBOR CITY. State and County taxes 9 616 16 Paid treasurer. „ „ 11,070 90 20,687 06 PUBLIC BUILDING FUND. Orders paid 3,270 36 SALABY COUNTY OFFICKR8. Orders paid 4,841 09 BALINE TOWNSHIP. State and County taxes .... 8,042 07 Paid treasurer 387 06 3,429 13 NORTBFIELD TOWNSHIP. State and County taxec 1,812 20 Paid treasurer. 21317 2,025 37 FIKK MONIY FUND. ApporÜODxoent 454 35 AUGUSTA TOWNSHIP. State and County taxes 1 424 01 Paid treaiuier 801 12 2,225 12 MANCHESTER TOWNSHIP. State and County taxes 3,004 83 Paid treasurer 661 66 3,565 98 SYLVAN TOWN8HIP. State nd Connty taxes 2,418 68 Paid txeaeurer... „ 450 00 2 868 68 POOR FUND. Orderspaid „ 4,418 gg INTEREST rCKn. iDt. paid Ann Arbor Savingg Bank et 18 COUNTY FUND. Ordenpaid 2,305 05 BRIDGEWATZR TOWN. State and County taxes 1,976 96 Paid treasurer. 628 66 2,605 62 STATE OF MICHIGAN. Paid treasurer 38,039 24 Sundries „ 1,999 41 40,038 65 CONTINGENT FUND. Orders paid 2,471 48 NOBTH BRANCH BEAB MARSH . Orderspaid j jj LEE GANSE DRa:n. Ordenpaid g 06 FULLEB AND HARDY DRA IN. Orderspaid „... 43 79 ABE MAYBES DRA1N. Orderspaid....... 477 34 E. BRANCH BIG MARSU. Orderspaid ]oi $0 BIG MARSH DBAIN. Orderspaid 238 45 YORK AND SALINE DRAIN. Orderspaid „ 304 55 To'al - $162.508 32 Statement of Kesouroes and Liabilities on October lst, 1887, as shown by the books in my office. KESOUECES. EaBtern Michigan Ay)um....$ 1,097 40 Charged back taxes n 13 Delinquent Co. tax 65 30 Sttnographer fund 766 61 Jurors' fuud 2152 40 Fuelfund 840 10 Public building fund 3 034 95 ISalary county officers 4,997 03 Poor fund 43 52 County lund 1765 40 State of Michigan 1779 9] Contingent fund 3753 9j Bridgewater Drain No. 1 323 Unknown heir fund 5,038 67 $ 2J,S49 t6 LIABIUTIES. House of Correction 72 in Teachers' Institute 100 60 Insurance fund 52 go Manchester village _ 1 8 00 York and Augusta drain ' 3 09 Spenser maren drain "" 40 88 Board of School Examiners...."..' i7 27 Jail fund .„ .. 1 8S 07 Witnees fund '?!L 7 General fund , ÍX? ín Lodi township -" X' 2 08 York townehip _ """ S Michigan Asylum ' 62 38 Ann Arbor City ; ' i nxt m Fine money fund _.'."!"'.'.'.!!"'."". 75 41 Manchester township.. '" 7 9Sylvan township .'.'„!', 5 01 Interest fund n w Uridgewater township 5 City of Ypsilanti "ZZ'Z 1 448 OT N. Branch bear marsh drain " ' 410 Waniy add. to Sugar Creek drain....'.."" 5 07 McCarth Branch No. 1 7 95 N Branch Bear Swamp drain. 5 o York and Augusta drain No. 2.. ' " 's oí Doan & Ferris drain " L s? Fuller t Hardy drain.. .. Í o Hutchinsou drain „„, ï 5 Abc Maybee drain „ ei qK E. Branch big marsh drain ." " 4? Big marsh drain 14 m York and Saline drain í tí Thos. Harvey, Estáte of...'..'...'."."' 4 586 6fi Edward Simpson '„ m ( onsclence fund ó John D. Doan, Estáte of ■; on RobertJune 25 00 Levi June.....„ __._ ' 25 E0 Account overdrawn at Ann Arbor 'sávingsBank 1S205 M Totol - Ï254958 Mr. Purtell,from the committtee of the whole, inade the following report : The committee of the whole to visit the Connty Poor house beg leave to port that after a careful and thorough examinatian of all of the departments and the farm, we found each department in excellent condition and the farm well cared for, showing skill and good management throughout. Therefore, in view of the same, I would in behalf of the cominittee move that the thanks of this Board be tendered to Mr. and Mrs. McDowell for the yery able manner in which they have diBcharged the duties intrusted to them. We also made a thorough and complete examination of the work done in the way of steam heating and ventilation ; and although it ia not quite completed, we feel satiefied that the work has been well done in a Bubstantial and workmanlike manner, and that the ventilation, which was much needed, will without a doubt prove a grand success. And although the cost may seem extravagant, we feel confiilent that it will be a saving to the County in the end, and that now the people of Washtenaw County may well feel proud of their County Poor House. Therefore, we deem it ourduty to thank the members of the committee on Public Buildings and Prof. M. E. Cooley, under whose supervisión the work was carried on. On motion of Mr. Gilbert, the report was adopted. Mr. Kress, from Committee on Criminal Claims No. 1, reported the following bilis and recommended their allowance at sums stated, to-wit: Clalmed. Allowcd. Wm. Walsh, sheriff, earchingforhoreeti S 48 00 5 48 00 Wm. Walsh, sheriff, for attendance in C. C _ 150 S0 150 EO Jacob Staffen, dep'y sheriff... 64 14 6114 Chas. Schott, depuly sheriff... 3 40 3 40 Wm. Walsh, sheriff, travel, arrests, etc 60 20 80 20 John H. Warner, dep'y sheriff. „ E3 05 63 05 Jacob Blaffen, dep'y sh riff... 5 00 6 00 Joseph Preston, deputy sheriff, Court attendance 5100 5100 Chai. Schott, deputy sheriff, attonding Court 26 7S 26 75 George S. Snyder. attending Court, deputy sheriff 25 60 25 50 Report adopted. Mr. Hughes, from Criminal Claims Committee, No. 2, reported the following bilis, and recommended their allowance at sums stated, to-wit Claimed. Allowed. Wm. J. Clark, Justice ol the Pef.ce S 4 50 5 4 50 E. B. Pond, Justice of the Pence 4 50 4 50 A. 1). Crane, Justice of the Peaee 7 43 7 43 E. B. Gidley, constable 12 22 12 22 E. B. Pond, Justice of the reace - 87 05 87 05 Report adopted. Mr. Gilbert offered the following resolution : Resolved, That the committee on printing receive bids for printing 3,000 copies of the proceedings of this Board in pamphlet form, and also have the proceedings published in the Washtenaw Post on eame terms as last year. Mr. Purtell moved to amend by requiring the proceedings to be published in some paper published in the English language ; which amendinent was lost by the following vote, the aves and nays having been called for : Yeas - Braun, Breining, Case, Depew, Dansingburg, Graves, Gregory, Krees, McCormick, O'Hearn, Purtell and Sage. Nays- Butts, Dwyer, Gilbert, Hughes and Weston. Yeas, 12 ; Nays, 5. The question then recurring on the original resolution, the same was lostby the following vote: Yeas - Braun, Breining, Gilbert, Hughes, Krese, McCormick, Weston and Dwyer. Nays- Butts, Case, Dansingburg, Gardner, Graves, Gregory, O'Hearn, Purtell, Sage, Young and Yost. Yeas, 8; Nays, Mr. Gilí moved to adjourn to 2 p. m. AFTBRNOON 8BSSI0N. Mr. Purtell offered the following : Resolved, That the committee on printing be instructed to eolicit bids from the several publishing houses for the publication of 3,000 copies of ihe proceedings of this Board in pamphlet form, and have the same ready for distribution on or before November 20th next, and for the publication of said proceedings in some paper printed in the English language, beginning next week and continuing from week to week until completed ; and to arrange for the publication of the proceedings in the Washtenaw Post, at a cost not to exceed $50.00. Resolution adopted. Mr. Graves, from Criminal Claims No. 2, reported the following bilis, and recommended their allowance at sums stated, to-wit: Claimed. Allowed. James Doyle, Justice of the Peace f 35 50 $35 50 JohnH. Martin, constable... S0 05 27 05 Myron Webb , Justice of the Peace 14 70 11 70 D C. Griffln, Justice of the Peace 85 45 85 45 M. J. Lehman, Justice of the Peace 14 45 14 45 J. Henry Ford, expenses in the capture of Crum, et. al. 57 10 24 15 W. H. Bishop, Juetice of the Peace 9 35 9 85 George E. Davis, Justice of the Peace 3 60 3 50 M. B. Brennan, Justice of the Peace 27 50 Disallowed Report adopted. Mr. Braun, from Criminal Claims Committee No. 1, reported the following bilis, and recommended their allowance at sums stated, to-wit : Claimecl. Allowed. Chñ tian Brenner, deputy sheriff. I 12 10 t 9 80 George Palmer, deputy sheriff. 41 06 31 91 Nelson Sutherland, deputy sheriff. 68 42 68 42 William Walsh, sheriff 15 00 15 00 Report adopted. Mr. GUI, from Criminal Claims Committee No. 2, reported the following bilis, and recommended their allowauce at oums stated, to-wit: Claimed. Allowed. i-ngene K. Frueauff, Justice of tbe Peace I 99 25 S 79 26 Frank Josliu, Juüüce of the I'eace 103 59 88 59 Report adopted. Mr. Graves offered the following : Resolved, That the County Clerk is hereby instructed to purchase supplies for the Court House and the several County officers (except the County Superintendentsof the Poor), and that the Clerk be authorizcd to draw orders on the contingent Fund for the payment of eaid supplies ; and that the Clerk be required to furnish to the Board of Supervisors an itemized statement of such purchase at their annual meeting in October next. Adopted. Mr. Purtell moved, that each County Oíficer be requested to furnish to this Board, on Wednesday next, an itemized statement of Bupplies purehased by him since January lst, 1887. Carried. Mr. Case moved, that the Building Committee be instructed to insure the County Poor House in some reliable company. Carried. Mr. Dansingburg offered the following: Resolved, That the Clerk be allowed $.'55.00 for lurnishing a copy of the proceedings of this Board to the printer. Adopted. Mr. Case offered the following resolution: Resolved, That this Board do re-adopt and continue in forcé the resolution passed October 22d last, relating to the depositing of the County money at interest, and make the same apply to the year A. D., 1888. Adopted. On motion of Mr. Weston, the Board adjourned to Monday morning at 11 o'clock. J. V. N. Gregoey, Chairman. Fred. A. Howlett, Clerk. (TO BE CONTINCED.)


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Ann Arbor Register