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EBERBACH & SOI, DRTJÖGISTS And Pharmacists, No. 12 Soath Main Street, Keep on hand alarge and well selected stock of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Dye-Stufls, Artists' and Wax Flower Materials, Toilet Articles.Trusses, and PURE WINES & LIQUORS Special attention paid to the furnishing of Physicians, Chemists, Schools, etc, with Philosophical and Chemical Apparatus, Bohemian Chemical Glass-ware, Porceiain Ware, Pure Reagents etc. ' Physicians' Prescriptions carefully prepared at ÖJMBER LUMBER! LUMBER.! If you contémplate building cali at FERDON LUMBERYARD! Corner Fourth and Depot Sts., and get our figures for all kinds oí LUMBER We manufacture our own Lumber and "ruarantee VERY LOW PRIOESÍ 49-GiTe lis a cali we wlll lunko 14 unir l ii l .r.-l . as oiir lárice and well Krarti l stock fiilly sustaim our asserlion. JA)h TOLKERT, Prop. T. J. fí KF.ÍU . Supt. 427-478 BIISIY & SIABOLT rtSTOS. 6 JL.2ST1D 8 "Washington Street, Ann Arbov Michigan. Have alwajs on hand a complete Stock of even thinginthe GRÖCERY LINE! Teas, Cofees and Sugan All prime Anieles bought for Cash and can iel. atlow figures. Our frequent large involoes o' Teas is a sure eign that we give bargains In QUALITY AND PRIOB. We rosït our own coflees erery week, alwajt fresh and good. Our bakery turns out the very best of Bread. Cakes and crackers. Cali aui" seeus. 482-50! TANSY GAPSULEC I' THE LATEST DISCOVERY. W Dr. Laparle's Celebrated Preparation, Safe and AJways Reliable. Indispensable to LADIES. Send 4 cents for Bealed Circular. CALUMET CHEMICAL GO., Chicago, . gass Forest City Bird Store, ". _ k. flablished l7i SinuHHB ■&" ing Birds, Talking ParHHIM Br rot?. Bird Cagea, Pure T Seed, Song Bestorer, .r MtV Insect Cure, Tishing 3 Tackle, Bird Books. fik Poultry Supplies, Gold W Fish, l)ogs x their Medicines. Ferrets, Bird'? Eye. S. H. WItSON, 349 .Superior St., Cleveland, Ohio. ifiLAND HOME STOCK FARM v Percheron Hond. y A k v French Coach Honea. y' Jfc V Savage & Faruum, ImporX _hH fe lfrs an{ Breeders of rer H Bhtt cheron and French Coach rWA Hek Horses.IslandHomeStock; K k SHtt Farm. Grosse lsle.Wayne I Êf ■ County Mich. We offef a H H very iargc stud of horses to ' B]3w "'Sd ■ lelect from, we euarantee Í (H BUPI ■! our stock, make prices reaEKr V sonable and sel! on easy WM terms. Visttorsalwayswef wr come. Largo cataloeuc ■■Jr ''==■ Address NH SaTase & Famnm, - - Dbiroit mich.


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Ann Arbor Register