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1IMICHIGAÑ (.iOISfi EAST. 8.9 g, STATIONS. LgCO 3 S S L a cS z ■ % 5 a. mJa. m. p. m. p. m. p. m. a. m. Chicago. Lv 0 50 9 00 S 10 8 15 9 10 8 55 Kalamaz o 12 17 1 501 6 58 12 30 2 35 6 45 BaitleCreck 1 12 2 27 7 33 1 43 8 20 7 57 Jackon._ 3 15 4 23 8 49 3 15 4 50 9 15 Chelsea 3 59 5 35 9 53 Dexter 4 14 6 5010 07 Ielhi Mills, 4 22 10 14 Ann Arbor 483 530 945 4 35 6 0810 25 Ypsilanti 450 5 45 956 402 6 24 10 40 Wayne Jim ! 5 15 6 05 5 15 6 47 11 03 Detroit 1 7 15 10 55 6 10 12 05 NiaearaKalls ' 2 2215 48 133 6 58 ', Buffalo ..! 4 35 7 5ó 3 55 6 10 F. M. P. M. A. H. A. M. A. M. A .H GOINQ WEST STAT.ONS. _ & í S J_3,e_!_is _1_ A. M A M. A. M. A. MBuffalo ■ !ll 30 5 45! 6 05 9 00 11 35 NiagaraFalls 12 15 6 31 1 12 20 A. M. A. M.lP. M. P. M. P. M _ Detroit, I,v 7 00) 9 10 1 30 4 00 8 00 9 15 Wayne Jun ! 7 40 9 53 2 03 4 45 8 37 9 55 Ypsilanti : 8 0110 12 2 20 5 12 8 58 10 20 Ann Arbor i 8 1610 25 2 82 5 80 9 12 10 38 Delhi Mills 8 26; 542! Dexter 8 35 5 50 9 32 Chelsea 8 48 6 05 9 52 Jackson 9 86 11 38 3 32 7 10 10 52 12 03 Battle Creck 11 03' 1 12 4 40 8 52 12 12 1 35 Kalamazoo 11 52 1 50 5 15 1 20 2 85 Chicago, Ar 5 15 6 40 9 30 7 00 8 05 r m.If. m. p. m f. m. a. m. p. m. O. W. RUGGLES. H. W. HAYES, G. P. & T. A.. Chicago. Local Ag't, Ann Arbor. Toleöo.lnn Arbor & Nortn Micüan R'y Time Table going into eflfeet Sunday, Oct. 9, '67. Going North. Going South. STATIONS. pÍss.pÍss. m. Sondará Time. .J, p P. M. P. M. A. M. LV'EJ [ARE A. M. P. M. P. M. a 16 6 5 15 Toledo 1 9 00 1 10 8 42 4 05 1 7 51. 6 02Monroe Junct'nj 8 10 12 31 7 51 4 12 8 05! 0 10! Dundee I 8 03 12 24 7 40 4 35 8 35' 6 85 Milán 7 45112 04 7 20 4 53 9 05; 7 00 Pittsfield 7 26:11 43 7 10 5 101 9 25! 7 ló:..Ann Arbor... 7 15 11 80 6 50 5 30. 9 50 7 83! Leland's 6 30 11 14 6 30 5 45 p. m. 7 46 Whitmore Lake a. m.11 0 6 16 5 52 7 53 Hamburg 10 55 6 10 6 28 8 30 Howel' i ;10 20 5 33 7 20; ' 9 30 Durand i [ 9 30 4 36 7 46 9 55 Corunna ' 19 08 4 15 7 55 10 01 Owosso i 9 00 4 08 9 15! 11 16! Ithaca ' 7 46 2 46 9 331 1186 St. I.ouis 7 27 2 26 9 41' 1141 Alma ! 7 20 2 20 10 30 12 30!. „ilt. Pleasant...1 6 30 1 30 i', m. P. M. I A. M. p. M. All passenger trains run daily except Sunday. Connectious at Toledo with. rallroads diverfrtiig, At Manhattan Junction with Wheeling & LakeEtfe ?.. R. At Alexis Jimctinn with M. C S K.. L. 8. K'y acd F. & P. M R K A Monroe Junction wiin L. 8. s. M. S. K'y. At Dundee with L. 8 A M. S.. and M. & O. Ry. At Milán with W., St. L. & P. Ry. At Pittsfield with L. 8. & M. 8. B"j. At Ann Arbor with Michigan Central R. R., and at South Lyon with Detroit, Iansing and Northern R. R., aud G. T. Ry. H. W ASHLKY W. H.BENNKTT. Superintendent, Gen. Passenger Agent. A. J. PAISLEY, Agent, Ann Arbor. í PAINT 1 ■ ÜT nelnir f OIT k CO'S OXE.COAT V.XCMX PAIÜT o-o's T }'.,n,t 1-riri.iy, lun it toClmrch Sunday. Eight = rt 3 FasNonable Shadcs: Mack, Maroon. Vcnralion "S 3" Blue, Yelkm, Olive I-ake, Brcwsler and Wagon se CgS Creáis. No VaznhMng necassary. Drios hard g.2" wlth a "fchiDc." Une Coat and job is done. e vq S YOUR BUCCY f T Tip top for Chairs, Lawn Seat?, Sh. Flower 2tí rTZ Pots, Ií.tby Carriayes Curta ín Poles, Furniture, ZO BaU Front Dcors, Store-froms, Screen Doors, liouts, M3 3 Mantles, Iron Fences, in f.ict evcrythinff. Just .So m tJic tliíng íoz the Jadíes to use about t!io houáe -S ■ fe FOR ONE DOLLARS COIT'SHONESTil rc yon nng to Poinf ths ycar? If so. don't á , !iny a p.iint containing water or benzine when q 2 S L„ F the same lüc-nt-y (ornear ly so) youoin procure S3 tT U1T A: fOS I'MIK I'AIM1 that iswarrnntvd to L tí S Im be an HONKST, ESUIXE UX8EEÜ-O1L PAIKT 8 g and free from witter and benzine. Pt'iuund this & - _ lriiml añil (al iir. otli-r. rchonQ handiing 3 5 g Wa# i', üre our agciits ar.d aulhorizcd byus.ln writing, ti 5 to niiri-int il (o WW ñ EAi:S With 3 Í.OATS or 5 egS 8 Ylí.lKS Hllh 2 (OATS. Ouf Shades are the jjjgS t Latest Styles used in the East now bccoiníng c " 9ÜU so popular ia the 'West, and up with the times v a 9 Lj Trv ;,.:-, brand of IIOSK8T PAIST and yon wül ■fJJ rf never regret it. This lo the wise Ís suíTicient U o HOUSE PABMT Jjj gCOIT'SFLOOH PAINT Si ll Paint tliat never dried bevond tlic sticky point, C ■p waste ;t week, ppoil the jb, and theo ■weatj Next time caH for (11 ti I'OM KLUOU l'AI.NT SE iX 4 pnpular and su ti a ble thadefi, mirranteil tu rirj !_■ mm hard xb a rurk Tir nifhí. No troublc No S- g SiaWOST DRY STICKY S SHINGLBSI The best Rooflng in the world is Walter's PatentShingles Made of Iron, Tin or Steel. Cheaper More Durable and Ornamenatl Than Slate Warranted to give eatiefaction. For partioulars and prices address CEORCE 5COTT. Architect. Sole Agent forWashtenu-w County. tOOLD MEDAL, FABIS, 1878. BAKERS JreaïïastGocoa. W Warrunted abtolutely pure Coeottf from which the exceaa of Oil has been removed. It has three time the ttrength oí Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Silgar, and is therefore far more economical, costhig leas than one cent a cup. It is delicioua, nourishing, Btrengthening, easily digested, and edmirably adapted for Invalida aa well aa for pereoaa in hcalth. Sold by Orocer everywhere. W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass. TUIC nADEDsonfilclnPhilieiphu I . I . ' "'tislngAgeney of Mvsers. N W. AVER SON, our nuthurizcd ageuts.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register