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F. Pistónos is on a busnes3 trip west. D. O. Goodspeed was in Omaha Oct. 31 Zina P. King was in Detroit, Monday Wallaee W. Bliss was in Jackson, Sunday. Mrs. C. Castle has returned frons Boston. Mrs. S. S. Blitz is visiting relatives in Detroit. W. W. Wines was in Detroit, Monday, on business. Geo. Haviland is back from the Gogebeck country. Airs. H. W. Hayes is recovering from a severe sickness. Ilarry Devlin, of Jackson. is the euest of W. A. Haten. A new boy gladdened the heart of Titus Hutzel, last Sunday. Rilph McAUaster spent Sunday and Monday in Jackson. Mrs. G. L. Williams, of Milan, is the guest of Mrs. L. C. Goodrich. W. E. Spraüue, of Detroit, visited his parent8 in this city over Sunday. W. F. Davidson, of Port Huron, was in the city Tuesday and Wednesday. Prosecuting attorney Norris was in Ypsilanti, Wednesday, on business. Mrs. G T. Dorrance, of Jackson, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. W. H. Dorrance. Miss Zada Rhoades visited friends in Detroit a few days the first oí the week. Mrs. H. J. Brown, whahas been visiting in New York, is expected home to-tnorrow. S. M. Miller, a prominent insurance agent of Lansing, was in the city yesterday. W. C. Ransom, deputy railroad commissione.- of Michigan, was in the city last week. Prof and Mrs. John Dewey entertained Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Riggs, of Trenton, Snnday. N. H. Wines, now lccated in Battle Creek, spent Sunday with his family in this city. Miss Augusta Hildner, of Detroit, was the guest of her brother, Con. Hildner, last week. Dr. John Kapp returned Wednesday evening from a week's trip to Misëissippi, on business. Rev. and Mrs. Brown, of Owosso, are visiticg the latter's mother, Mrs. Essex, on Bowery-st. Miss Gertrude Hollister, of Green Oak, Mich., is spending a few days with Mrs! M. W. Culver. Mrs. Jas. H. Wade gave a reception to her lady friends at her residence yesterday afternoon. Benj. Martin, of Bay City, visited his brother, O. M. Martin, in this city, the first of the week. Mrs. Will Jaynes, of Chicago, with-her two childreD, Samuel and Kidder, are visiting ihends in the city. Miss Maggie Donovan has returned from a two months' visit with friends in Chicago, and Turner, 111. O. F. Hunt, law '81, of the law firm of Gnffin & Hunt, Detroit, was the guest of J. E. Beal over Sunday. Ottmar Eberbach is in Lansing in attendance on the state board of pharmacy, of which he is president. Mr. and Mrs. John G. Braun and son, of the National hotel, Petoskey, have been in the city the past few days. Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Crowl, of Beaver Dam, Mich., have been visiting M. W. Culver, of No. 24 Maynard-st. Mrs. G. M. Hodges, of Montreal, arrived in the city Saturday evening to spend the winter with her parent9, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Gates. E. G. Stiles, of Breckenridge, Colo., acting superintendent at the mines of the Star Mountain Mining Co., is at the Arlington House. L. E. Chapín, of Toledo, was the guest of W. W. Wines, over Sunday. Mrs. Chapin, who had been spending the week there, returned with him. Mrs. John C. Schmid and daughter Lizzie, who have been vieiting friends amd relative8 in Chicago and Counci! Bluffs, for the past four weeks, have returned home. Mrs. Henry Wade Eogers is a delégate to the sixth conference of the Women's Home Missionary Society of the M. E. churcb, now in progrese in Syracuse, New York. Will Worden, book-keeper at Wines & Worden's, gave a farewell tea party to those connected with the store and a few invited friende, at his father's residence, last Thursday evening. Dr. L. L. Davis, ot Eaton Rapids, president of the state dental association, and state visitor to the dental department of the Univeraity, was in the city on Monday. He received a few days ago a cablegram from EDgland offering him a fine situation in his line. Miss Georgië Goodrich left Ann Arbor friends last Tuesday morning for a fevr month8' visit to her sister, Mrs. Oliver Downs, at Oskaloosa, Ia. She was accompanied as fár as Chicago by Mrs. Dr. Vaughan, who goes to visit friends and relatives at St. Louis, Ho. Jacob Sohneider, of Saginaw, and Miss Louisa Sindlinger, of this city, were married in the Bethlehem churcb, Wednesday afternoon at two o'clock, by Rev. Neumann. The newly wedded couple left on the evening train for their new home in Saginaw, carrying with them the best wishes of. a host of friends. W. W. Worden on Saturday evening will gever his connection as book keeper with Wines & Worden, and on Monday will leave for San Francisco, Cal., to asso ciate hiinselE with his lother in the manufacture of drugs and chemicals. Will, as he is familliarly known, has a host of friends in this city, where he has always lived, who wish him sucoess in his new field of labor, and none are more sincere in this wish than The Register, which will visit him each week.


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Ann Arbor Register