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"Old Zion," the first brick Methodist church built In Iowa, located at Burlington, has recently been transformed into a theater. The law trranting State certificates of incori)oratlon weDt Into effect July 1, 188Ö, and since that time 567 certificates have been granted to State and 133 to foreijrn incorporatora A. J. Graham, editor of the Red Oak Independent, was found dead in hls office tha other evening. A bottle labeled tinoture of aconite was near. He bought the poison in the morning, telling the druggist ha wanted it for a friend in the country for medicine. Tempoxary insanity was the canse. The harneas and saddlery house of Mueller & Nepper, in Sioux City, made an assignmont the other day. Liabilities. $11,000; assets, $22,000. The pharmaceutical certiflcate of L. J. Anderson, a druggist at Humboldt, was revoked recently because, during a two months' absence in Chicago, his store was run by an unrejjistered young man. Anderson can not engage in the drug business in Iowa again. The State Supreme Court has decided that the law reorganizing the grand jury of the State is constitutional. John Damy, at one time a well-to-do citizen of Le Mars, but for the past two years an inmate of the Plymouth County Poor-house, went to bed a few nights ago with a lighted pipa The bed-clothes caught fire, and being feeble he was unable to help himself and was burned to death. The German-American Savings Bank at Burlington has increased its capital stock from $60,000 to $100,000. There are 297 Presbyterian Sundayschools in the State, with an enrollment of 30,887 membera The appointment is announced of George Vf. Ogilyie to be superintendent of the Des Moines & Northwestern railroad, known as the Fonda line, and L. F. Martin to be superintendent of the St Louis, Des Moines & Northern, known as the Boone line. Miss Martua Fairer, a white girl, whose parents move in good society, in Mason City, eloped a few days ago with Thomas Jefferson, a colored jockey. The young woman's family had renounced her. Farmers near canning factories have realized twenty dollars per acre this year for the eweet corn thev raised. IIXINOIS. The fo'.lowing rates of State tax for extensión ag-ainst the equalized assessment oi allproperty in Illinois for the year 1887 have been determined upon: For genera] State purposes, three and nine-tenths milis on each dollar; for State school purposes, one and four-tenths milis on each dollar; aggrerating flve and three-tenths milis on each dollar. Governor Ross, of New Mexico, has removed the cattle quarantine restrictfcras from Dlinois, except Cook County. The Soldiers' Home at Qiiincy has admitted 524 inmates, of whom 262 ara natives and 262 foreignera The foreigners are divided as follows: Germany, 110; Ireland, 95; England, 12, and Scotland, 10. Two hundred and fifty-six are married or have living children; 67 are widowers without children and 197 are single. The trades and professions nuraber 63, and there are 151 farmers and 192 laborera A number of farmers in Pope County who have occupied their lands for a quarter of a century were ousted a few days ago by ejectment suits brought by non-resident claimanta An alleged incendiary fire destroyed the four ice honses of the Moline Ice Company late the other evening. Loss, $4,500; no Insurance. Edgar Fitzgerald, a fifteen-year-old son of J. J. Fitzgerald, of Jefferson County, was thrown from a norse and almost instantly killed the other afternoon. J. E. Eddy, proprietor of the City Hotel at Geneseo, shot himself dead a few days ago. He was nearly flfty years old and leaves a wife and famüy. Financial troubles were said to have been the cause of his act George Wolford, of Georgetown, who had been shamefully abusing and maltreating his wlfe, was taken out by a party of neijhbors the other night, tied to a, tree and glven a thorough whipping. He was then turned over to the authorities and placed injali William Gaffney and Samuel Carnahan, of Paris, were killed the other day by the cavlng In of a gravel bank. William Wrightman, sixty years of age, dled fiom aeglect and starvationin Chicago a f jw nigbts ago. Km. Sohnaubelt, mother-in-law of Anrcjist Schwab and mother of Rudolph Bohnaubelt, the supposod bomb-thrower, reach ed Chicago the other day. She came alone from Germany. WISCONSIN. In the redistricting of the State the Leg ialature made one hundred and one assem. bly dlstricts, whereas the constitution of Wisconsin says there shall not be to exceed one hundred. This tact was not discovered untll the Governor had signed the law anil the statesmen had departed for their hornea The question now Is whether it will be necessary to cali a special session of the Legislature, weed out the obnoxlous district and have the thlng legaL Governor Rusk has i sued a formal order for the cleaning out of the iinmoral dens at Hurley, and promised the loc:ü authorities all the assistanee needed. A well-dressed youug man nameil Frank Novotny recently swindled a number of his friends at La Crosse. He robbed hls landlord and wheedled hls best girl out of $200. Blackhawk Tribe No. 2, Order of Red Men, was organized at Beloit a few evenings ago, and the following oflicers were chosen : Prophet, E. D. Scott;GreatSachem, E. A. Howell; Sensior Sagamore, A. L Howard. Edward B. Borland, traveling agent for a Milwaukee drug house, was oue of the victims of the reefint propeller Vernon disaster. Twenty-Reven orphan children have recently been provlded comfortable homes in the town of Highland, Iowa County. It has flnally been decided to remove tha Lutheran Seminary from Madison to Minneapolis. During the past twenty years 101 divorces have been granted in Brown County. At La Crosse a scheme is on foot to organIze a stock company with a capital of $50,000 to purchase grounds for a permanent agricultura! and stock show and hold tha first fair next year. The Exchangre Bank of Meaford made an assigntnent a few days ago. The deposits were between $20,000 and $30,000, and all the school trustees, county and town treasnrers, and farmers and business men in the district were interested. Hon, Anson Rogers, ex-mayor of Janesville, dieil :i few days ago after a long illnesa MINNESOTA. F. H. Hirschman, a Duluth furnitiire-daaier, made au asaig-ument reoently. Liabillties, $80,000; assets, $5,000. The Pipestone Reservation la now cleared of all aettlers, tbe families who settledther having moved from thelr homes with thelt furnlture and effect. Captain Bean and Judge Kinuey, agent for the Yanktons, have secured from the settlers written agreements not to return on the reserve and to remove all their houses, barns and improvements by March 1 next. Aone-half Interest in the valuable Iroa lands on the Vermillion range, near Duluth, was recently sold by the Consolidated Vermillion Compauy to EngHgh Capitalista for $3,000,000. The land comprises 2,400 aerea of valuable iron property, some o) which have already been partlally developed. The Englishmen will use $200,000 or more in developing the property. Excitement is still running high in Wabashaand vicinlty over the diacovery of the ailver and gold flelds at 8hoo Fly. Tho latest assays run about fifty dollars to the ton In gold and about twenty-eight dollar to the ton in silver. Numerous propoaala h ave been made for purchasing shares of stocks, but the company thus far refuaes to sell a dollar's worth of stock to any one, and will proceed as fast as possible to sliik shaf ts and put in milis for the proper de vel - opment of the minea The dip htheria scare at Rochester has entirely subsided and schools have filled up again. Potatoes at flf ty cents a bushei have paid the farmers better than any other erop in Olmsted County this year. The dedication aervicea of the Gustavus Adolphus College at St Peter took place a few days ago, " Uovernor McGill making tha opening address. The exercises concluded with a grand musical convention and pyrotechnical displays. By a premature blast a few days ago al the mine in Tower two miners, Wüliam Hamm and John Reardon, were instantly killed. Both leave families. Four others were injured. A large number of fllings were made in the land-office in Duluth the other day In the twenty to thirty and thirty to forty indemnity limita of the Northern Pacifio road, whlch were recently decided by tha Secretary of the Interior as forfeited. Isaac J. Cutler, an old resident and extensive farmer of Glasgow township, while feeding hls hogs recently was attacked by a large boar and came very near being killed. The timelv arrival of the hired man saved his llf e. Mrs. Le Due, of Miuneapolis, eighty-four years of age, en route to Aurora, I1L, accompanied by her two daughters, to visit her gon, Dr. È H. Le Duc, died of appoplexy om the east-bonnd St Paul train, just west ol Polo. MICHIGAN. In Ishpeming the other night James McConkey stabbed Charles Williams twice, inflicted fatal injuries, in a quarrel over a woman. JIcConkev was arrested. Arthur Billar, barber, was arrested in Bay City a few days ago as a counterfeiter. Dies for bogus sllver dollars were found in his possession. Robert Brockie, a farmer of Pavilion, fel] from a load of corn-stalks the other afternoon and struck on hia head. Hisneckwas dislocated, and he was picked up for dead, but when taken home it was found that ht was still allve and a doctor was called. The doctor at the earnest request of hia friends set the farmer's neek. Brockie continued to live and is now able to talk. This is said to be the first case on record, so far as known, where a man lived af ter his neck was dislocated. Dr. J. H. Montgomery, of Marshall, was tricken vuith paralyais the other day and died in a short time. He was an old resident of the city and a leading physician. Mrs. C. H. Talmage was fatally burned at Marshall a few days ago by a gosoline explosión. She tried to lignt the Btove in the dark and the ffasoline flowed too freely. Reports to the State Board of H ealth by flfty-two observers in different parts of the Btate for the week ended October 29 indlcated that iuñainmation of the brain and membranous croup increased, and remittent fever, typho-malerial fever, diphtheria and dysentery decreased in area of prevalenoe. Diphtheria was reported at uiteen places, scarlet fever at thirteen, typhoid fever at twenty-two, measles at four places. The State Board of Fund Commissionera have been authorized to purchase Michigan war bonds, if obtainable at a reasonable premium, with the surplus in the State Treaury; also to buy Government bonds when deeined advisable. The female philanthropists at Muskegon are preparing plans for the erection of a home for the friendless. The employés of the State School for tho Blind at Lansing struck the other day because iron bars were placed at the wi ndowa of their rooms. The October report of the State Prison shows the following: In prison October 1, 700; received during month, 38; recaptured, 1; total, 799; discharged by expiration of sentence, 22; discharged for new trial, 2; transferred to insane asylum, 2; died, 1, leavingin prison, October, 31, 772. UAKOTA. The other morning a slide of rock occurred on the lüO-foot level of the Iron Hill mine, near Deadwood, bringing down ore of the estimated value of $100,000. A cave happened a short time ago revealing very rich ore, but it did not compare with this body last laid open. . Assays were said to give the return of about {■'JO.OOO per ton, and it was thougüt that a large body existed which would reach that value. The bauks of Yankton report greatly increased business activity siuce the erop began to move. The Bismarck Tribune iys: "The breeding of bronehos ought to be diseouraged by the refusal of people to buy the treacherous animáis. The mule is lamblike compared with one of these Montana-bred mankillers." Governor Chureh has issued his proclamation appointing November 24 as Thanksgiving Day. It was positively stated the other afternoon by prot,pectors on the school section north of Hurón that a tuirty-six-inch vein of coal had been struck at a depth of 305 feet. Much mail is still addressed to Yankton as the capital of Dakoto. There are only twelve of the thirty-eight States of the Union that have as many miles of railroad as Dakota has. John D. Lawler, of Mitchell, has been ap pointed Treasurer of Dakota by Governor Church, in place of John TV. Raymond, reaigned. Mr. Lawler was bom in JËrie County, N. Y., in 1855, and came to Dakota in 1882 and located at Mitchell where he has Bince resided, and is president of the First tïational Bank of that city and a real-estate owner. In 1886 he was elected to represent the Mitchell district in the Territorial council. Two Scandinavians residing on the north side of Lake Poinsett, about twenty-five miles northwest of Volga, were thrown from the boat in which thev were hunting recently and both drowned. A Burlington & Missouri surveying party is sketching the lay of the Belle Fourclie valley in the Black Hilla


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