Real Estate Transfers
Following is a list of the real estáte transfers in Washtenaw county, as recorded by ihe register of deeds, for week ending December 12, 1887. Geo. H. Old (by adm.) to C. W. Alban, Augusta „ „$ 6oo W. W. Kel;yet al., to W. W. Goodin, York 2000 H. W Muigan to John Baumgartner Ann Arbor 5 James and Henry Beha tö Thomas Hawkiu,8clo villaje _ „., 150 Herran and wife to Gebhard Humm 1, Lodi Ego Chloe A. Clark (by i-heriff) to Richmond &Treadwell, Ann Arbor cily „ „ 30077 O. K. L. Crozii-r and wife to Arthur A. Crozier, Ann Arbor _ (y5 O. R. L. Crozier and wife to B. ƒ. Conrad' Aun Arbor 625 B. J. Courad and wife to M. P. A. Crozier, Ann A rbor _ 625 Galusha J. I'ease to William Action, Ann Albor. 250 I.ilHe Karrell to Thomas J. Farrell, will A. S. Hanson aJid wife to J. W. and E. Blakeslee. Vork 2500 Lydia Linaenschmidt to Cfeo. J. Fcldkamp, Bndgewater 50 John and Luey Anderson lo Lottie Wilson Eaton, Yp8lanti city 125 Stephen Mills to Henry Paul, Pittsfifld ... 300 Bradi'ord L. Skiff (by probate) to Charles B. 8kiffet. al., (decree of a.lfnment; I'k'tri. ti l' and wife to f amuel Kaiser, Saline 400 John Koch and wife to Chrisiiana U. Kocb, Ann Arbor City 1800 Thomas Richards and wife toRtliance Dexter, Milán villase 200 Caroline D. Puller to George C. Fuller, Anu Arbor city - 1 W. V. Ludholz to Kudolph Graf, Ann Arbor city „ - W Chas B. Skiff to Lambie & Fletchtr, . lanti city 800 Geo. Vi. Wecks and wife to Lewis F. Alber, Ann Arbor City 50 C. T. Hemon and wife (by Sheriff) to K. D. Lay, Anu Arbor _ 368 B. F. Morton et al., to Heury J. Hann, Auguta 17 7 W. W. Toer and wife to Joseph and Mary Goodman, Ann Arbor and Pittefleld 1000J
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Old News
Ann Arbor Register
George H. Olds
C. W. Alban
W. W. Kelsey
W. W. Gooding
E. W. Morgan
John Baumgartner
James Behan
Henry Behan
Thomas Hawkins
Thomas Herran
Gebhard Hummel
Chloe A. Clark
O. R. L. Crozier
Arthur A. Crozier
B. J. Conrad
M. P. A. Crozier
Galusha J. Pease
William Action
Lillie Farrell
Thomas J. Farrell
A. S. Hanson
J. W. Blakeslee
E. Blakeslee
Lydia Lindenschmidt
George J. Feldkamp
John Anderson
Lucy Anderson
Lottie Wilson
Stephen Mills
Henry Paul
Bradford L. Skiff
Charles B. Skiff
Dietrich Doller
Samuel Kaiser
John Koch
Christiana G. Koch
Thomas Richards
Reliance Dexter
Caroline D. Fuller
George C. Fuller
W. F. Ludholz
Rudolph Graf
George W. Weeks
Lewis F. Alber
C. T. Hemon
E. D. Lay
B. F. Morton
Henry J. Mann
W. W. Tozer
Joseph Goodman
Mary Goodman