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BUSNESS CARDS. I TLkx. w. hamilton ■ Attorney ui l.n . ■ vv'ill practice in both State and ünitod States I fiourts. Office Rooms, one and two, lst üoor of I toe ncw brick block. comer of Huron and Fourtc ■ jtreete, Ann Arbor, Michigan. 424-475 I r KOEGK W. RENWICK, f TBACHEK OF I ÏOICB CÜLTÜRE,SIN61NG, HA.RM0HY & PIANO. I garmony successfully taught by mail. Address, I P. O. box 2151, Ann Arhor, Mich. I DEAN M. TYLER, M. D., I PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. I Office and residonce over postoffice, first I Hoor. I (Office orer First National Bank.) I Hours from 9 to 11 a. m., 2 to 4 p. va., I Sunday, from 2 to 3 p. m. I Rosldence, 2:t M :i-si . IpEERLESS TRUSS ! Ia given on trial and warranted to give satisfartion or money refunded. CHRONIC CASES A SPECIALITY. I Office, No. 6 Washington-sí., .' Over Rinsey & Seabolt's Store, Ann Arbor. O.C..MKINS, D. D. S., DEFTAL OFFICE IIVKK ANDKEW'K BOOK STORE, 13 MAIN STREET, ANN ARBQK. NICHOLS BROS., DEHTAL OFFICE I !■ nl Fluor SI iisouic Block, over STliifi" Klink, Ann Arbor, Mlcb. reeth extracted without paiu by the use of gL or vitalized air. ZZ2TA 7. SING, Law and Collection Office, ". 8. COMM1SSIONER, and Agent for plaoünj iraarance in reliable companiee. - All business entrusted to thijs omce teaetvt prompt and eareiul attenticn. Meraey reiaiU.: fmmediately on collection. No.42 Main rtreet, South, .nn Arbor.Mich. tRTJPTTJKE ! EGAN'8 IMPERIAL TRUSS. Spiral Spring with graded pre sure 1 to 6 pounds. Woni day auo night by an Itifant a week old oi adultofK) yeare. Ladies' Transe a i-pecialty. Knclose stampa lollfctimonials of Cures, measurements, etc EGAN'd IMPERIA) TRUSS CO., Hamilton Block, Ann Arbor, Mich WM. BIGGS. Contractor 1 Mier And all kinds of worlt In connectlon uilli tlio !!■ nrumptly - Shop Cor. of Church-st and Cniversity ave. Telephone 9 ; P. O. Box 1243. WZLLZAM AENOLD, SELLS 1847 RlGERS BROS.' SPOGNS, FORKS AND KNIVE , At bottom prices. lnclortf full line of the justly celeb?6tc5 HOCKFOED WALTHAM and ELGIN WATCHE8. Open face, Key and Stem-winding alwajs on hand and regulated, ready for a m&n e pocket. If you cannotreadthis get one of Johnston & Co .s eye-glasses or spectacles for Kale 1 y WM. ARNOLD, 86 Main t. Ann Arbor, Mich. A New Discovery. Price Only 50c. Per Bottle. HAS NEVER FAILED TO CURE. Thls valuablo ramedy Is not only a snre cura for Neuralgia, but. has do equal wben used as an in Jection In tbo following diaeasoa: LOCAL DISCHARGES, or WHITES, ULCERS, SWELLINGS, and NEURALGIA o! the WOMB or BOWELS. Tryttals remedy and yoa will ue no otber. The expense Is unuaually email and valuo Is unaquallJ by any other known preparatlon. ïkf Aun Troubles and monthly pains aro at W Iwl D once relteved by lts use. LADIESREADTHBSI " After Kourtoon Montha.H Pleftaantville, Iowa. Mr. Stelcetee- Slr: After layinff for H month and dootorincf with eeven different phyoictans without anv benent to me, 1 was lnducod to use Ktokctoe's Neurnl4 pla ïrop. Tho uso of your medicine was tho only relief 1 I dm able to do all my work. I cun eheerfuUy reoommeud 1U uso. MRS. VESTA FIIEWITT. Doctoro Could Not Help Her.1 MiddleTille, M!ch„ June2t,188. Mr. G. Steketee, proprietor Stekctee's Neuralprlii Drops: My wife was afflicted wlth inflammatlon and neuralgia of the womb for sometime. Doctors could not help her, but half a dozen doses of your Steketee'B Neuralgia Drops cured her. Very trulv your, WILLIS J. MILLS. Ask your drupTRint for Stelcetoo'B Neuralgia Drop. If not for salo by your druffglst Iwlil sendlt expresa paid. to any addreas In Uie 0. 8., throe boules for 3uo dollar and flíty ceDts. For Sale by all Drugtflata. UU YOUR ÖWH BITTERS. A four onncö parkae of Stbketke'S Dry BrrTEBS will niako one gallon of tlie best Bitters known, wbich will cure Indigestión, Faina Ín the Stomach, Kever and Ainie, and aot upon tho Kidneya and Bladder, and is the bestTonic known. Can bo used with or without spirlta. Full direction on each pacltae. By mail, Prlce only 02 conta. U. S. Stampa taken la payment. Addresa CEO. G. STEKETEE, 89 Monroo St., Crand Rápido, Mloh. ' MINTION TUIS PAPEK. flTITTQ A TOT?TÏ mny Tw rouna on me at Gfltv ÏUXÏS rñ.t JLOL p. iiou-eU&Co'aNcwspnm AdvertlslnK Buroau ( lOSpruoe St.j. where ndvertlslnj ■jotiacts i-aiv -: 'iiada tor lt Ut HKH ÏOI11C gfj PENNYROYAL WAFFRS WÁ Are Buccessfully mei m-jnthly by over HXKB ■f Ijulioa. Are Safe, KffectSat and PUasant. 11 ■ JIr box y uialf, or at drutajlHts. Scaleá i'urT - licular '2 imsUu;h Htamps. AddrcsA W The Eühüka Chemical Ooïpaut, ' Plsher Block. 131 Woodward ave., Detroit, Úk. LADIES, GENTLEMEN, AND STUDENFS! The tirrat luslh l'i.v r ipiiou will restore that ltt Vila'.ity and a KugReil, Healthy Oondition fotlnw iv uso. Buy at your druRKisf's, one packape. í i ; six for $5 KUREKA OHEMICAL CO.. DETKorr, MlCH. Sold by 11. .ƒ. Broten On.


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Ann Arbor Register