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INSURANCE, KEAL ESTÁTE AND LOAN AGENÜY OF A. W. HAMILTON Offices, No. 1 and 2, First Floor, Hamilton Block. Parties desiring to buy or sell Real Estáte wiU flad ltto their advantage to cali on me. I repre aent the followlng flrst-class Pire Insurance Com pañíes, havlng an aggregate capital of orer 8,000.000: The Grniíd Kapids Flre Ins. Co., The Oblo Farmer's Ins. Co., (iiisure only dwelllngs). Tbe Herman Flre Ins. '.. Tbe Concordia Fire Ins. ',. I lio Cltlzens' Flre Ins. ■... Toe Wertchester Flre Ins. Co., Tbe Nilwaukec Mcchanic's Mutual Fire Ins. Co., Tbe New llainpshire Firc Ins. Co., Tbc AmazoH Fire Ins. Co. Ratea Lew. Loases Hberally adjusted and oromptly paid. I also iBsue Life and Inrestmeut Folíeles In the Oonn. Mutual Life Insurance Company. A■ets $55,000,000. Persons desiring Accident Int vi ranoe, can nave yearly PoHoles wrltten for them oí Traveler's Coupon Insurance Tickets lsgued at Low Ratee In the Standard Accident Insurance Companj of North America. Money to Loan at Cnrrent Ratea. Office hours from 8 i. ít. to 12 m., and 2 te r. h. ALEX. W. HAMILTON, Ramllton Block. Adams Express Company. Letter from tbe Ansistant Foremnn of the Dellvery Itepartinent- A Subject in nliicli Tbonsands are deeply C'onccmed. About five yeara ago I suffered from painful urination and great pain and weakness in the lower part of my back, pain in Üie limbs, bad taste in the mouth, disgust at food, and great mental and bodily dcpression. I live ftt Ml York street, Jersey City, and on arriving home one night I fonnd a copy of the Shaher Almanac that had been left during the day. I read the article, ' Wbat is this Disease that is Coming üpon Us? " It described mysymptoms and feellngs better than I could if I had written a whole book. My trouble was indeed '■ like a thief in the night." for it had been stealing upon me unawan-s for yeara. I sent for a bottle of Shaker Extract of Roots, or Seigel's Syrup, and before I had taken one half of it I feit the welcome relief. Iu a few weeks I was liko my old self. I enjoyed and digested my food. My kidneys soon recovered tone and strength, and the urinary trouble vanished. I was well. Millions of people need some medicine simply to act on the bowels. To thtm I commend Mbaker Extract in thestrongest posinle terus, It is the gentlost, pit asantest, stiilt and surest purgatire in this world. The most delicate women and children may take it. One point more : I have all the moreconnnence in this medicine because it is preparid by the Shakers. I may claim to be a religiouü man myself and I admire the Shakers for their zeal, coniíitency and tiict business integrity. What they make may be tmsled by the public. W. H. Hall For sale by all druggists and by A. 1. White, 64 Warren street. New York.


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Ann Arbor Register