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Indiana Republicans

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InniANJurou. Ind., Deo. 21. - Over 60C represen tative Republicana inet here yeatorduy in response to a cali issiied by Cbairman Huston. of the Bepublican State Central Committee, for a conference of party leaders to conaiderthe bubjectof the org-anization of the party for early work. Bpeeches were made by ex-Senator Harriaon, ex-Governor Porter and othera, and resoiutlons were adop'.ed as followa: Thej declare 1hat the Republicans of Indiana, believe the protcction of American Interest! - industrial, commercial, social and economie- to be tho imperativo duty of the American OongreBB and an American administraron. They favor the reeognition of the just oluims of the Boldiers of the Union army and condema the moYoment to restore their battla fliwrs to tha Boathern troops and the elevation of ex-Con federates to office. The renolutions favor the "expenditure of the present surplus, or of such portion of It as may be required,uyou necessar] works of public defense and safaty, and auch revUion of the revenue, both interna ndtariff, as shall adjust and eqnulize burden and beuent. promote the welfare of our own people, and protect our own enterprise and labor. To secure these resulta," they say, "we believe t is essential that the ptopoaed rovislon shouid be committed to the hands of the friends and not ihe enem es of the principie of protcction, aron whlch thj present pros perity of the country has been go largely buili op." The pos tion of the purty in the last oam paign in relatlon to temperiince legtslatlon ig re afflnned. Ttie other resoiutlons donounce the Democratie abuses In the management of State Instttutlons, the dlsfranchisement of Rdpublloan voters by the gerrymander. and the revulution in the Utet General Assembly.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register