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Mrs. Eliza H. Dewey died Dec. 17, near Milan, aged 84 years. Mre. Joanna Blythe died in Manchester, recently, aged 74 years. Jay Corey and Nettie Tuthill, of Manchester, were married Dec. 21. L. Haner, of Milán, has just received an increase of pension from 1863. Mr. and Mrs. Nate Caverly, of Salem, have a boy who is now nine days old. Jasper Newell, of Dundee, and Miss Bertha Dyke of Milan, were married Dec. 15. Wm. L. Hawker and Harriet Bardine are to be married today in Augusta township. The Saline Presbyterian Sundayschool has just added $60 worth of new books to their library. Wm. McMullen closed his school last week in the Lewis district near Moorville, on account of scarlet fever. Mrs. Jennie Westfall, of Lima, is soon to join her husband in Oregon, who has a farm there of 340 acres. J. A. Gilmour, Charles Schmitt, and John Gabel were in Detroit recently as witnesseB in a prosecution of a pickpocket. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Gieske. of Manchester have a dauehter bom Ttp.r.. 19; and Mr. and Mrs. John HaeuBsler, ditto, Dec. 15. Chas. M. Fellows, of Sharon, and Thomas Van Gieson, of Bridgewater, attended the sheep-breeders' meeting in Lansing recently. Dr. C. F. Ashley, of Ypsilanti, was elected vice-president for Washtenaw county of the Southeastern Michigan bee-keepers' association in Adrián, Dec. 15. The onion raisers on the Pittsfield swamps were so successful this year, that thev propose going into the business on a grander scale than ever, next fceason. - Saline Observer. William Ball, of Hamburg, read a paper at the cattle breeders' meeting in Lanaing on "What is the best family of Short Horns to breed from ?" W. E. Boyden, of Delhi Mills, was elected vicepresidect of theassociation. On Christmas day, 1887, at the home of the bride's father in Salem, Walter Sober and Miss Ada Brokaw were married by the Rev. S. L. Ramtdell. A few friends were present, a bountiful dinner was served and the presents were fine and appropriate. Two swindlers were almost too much for W. F. Stevens of the depot restaurant at Milan recently, in the making change trick, and secured $5 more than they ought to have received ; but Stevens discovered it and overhauled them juet as they boarded the train and was refunded the money. Bridgewater Center has a very successful literary society, in which James Kress, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Palmer, Master Clyde Knight, Frankie Kress, Geo. RawBon, Mrs. Van Gieson, Mrs. Columbus Aulls, E. O. Allen, S. Tate and J. Benham, are among the active workers. They have had papers on Coal and Petroleum, and probably will get to Natural Gas next. In Milan, Christmas eve the cantata "Caught Napping," was presented. E. A. Reynolds personated Santa Claus; Fitch Allen was King 8omnambulaMiss IdaAüen, Queen Somnámbula; Wilmer Butler was Dr. Buddah Bo Alvo W. Reynolds, Prince Elbert ; Fred! Butler, Prince Victor ; Miss May Reynolds, Princesa Eugenia; Torn Lacy, Plump ; Maud Reynolds, Princess Genevieve ; Mabel Gauntlett, Princess esa; May Alderman, Princess Buttercup. Salem. Sarah Bissell, aged 10, died at her home in Custer, Masón county, Mich., Dec. 16, of consumption. She carne to Salem two years ago to attend school and lived with her únele, F. J. Comstock. Last fall failing health compelled her to return to her home. The news of her death spread a gloom over her large circle of friends here. Her Sunday school class have adopted resolutions expressing their sorrow at the loss, and they are sijtned by Martha Van Aken, teacher, and by Mertie Bussey and Ida McCormick. Wbltmore I.nkc Patnck Wall, of Eagle station, greets old fnends here.- H. C. Nickels of Ann Arbor, spent Christmas at Wm. Rane's - Fred S. Horner spends his Christmas at his home, Cherry Hill. - Mr. and Mrs Payne, of Port Clinton, Ohio, are guests of E. W. Snell.- Toledo men are talking up an ice house at this place. They propose, if the project proves a success to employ 100 men this winter and store' 15,000 tons of ice.- New Year's hop at the Lake house Friday evening.- Highway commissioner Murphy has laid out the new streets in our village, and they will doubtless be in good order.- New Year hop at the Clifton house Fridav evening. Dexter. Mrs. Hayes, an old lady of Dexter feil down stairs last week and iniured herself quite badly. Her recovery is saidto be doubtful.- Ottmar Andreas has been ïll with inflammation of the bowels Better now.- The new pastor of the Baptist church begins his work next Sunday.- Mrs. James' mother Mr lappan and family of Columbus Mich ' and relatives from Nebraska are visitmg Mrs. James this week.-The schools will reopen Tuesday, Jan. 3, in the new school bmlding.-The deal for the establishment of the roller process in the peninsular milis has not been completi j J of East. Saginaw, concluded not to in vest. Tpsllantl. 4uThL Hdge-Champion wedding ut the Baptist church, Tuesday evenine was a very brilliant affair. Many Detroit and Ann Arbor guests were in attendance.-Prof. and Mrs. Phillips of Manchester are spending the week with relatives in our city.-Mr. and Mrs. Max Pease returned Monday from their wedding trip to Niágara Falls.-The pleasing operetta, " The Naiaid Queen," is charming the public at the opera huse this week. It is under the personal management of Prof. W. M. fekinner h % Bu-7eh drilled his immense chorus of children that every one is delighted with his success. Mrs. Marv Tyler has the role of queen.-One of ttie nnest concerts of the season was given at the opera house Monday I night under the supervisión of Messrs. McCorkle & Skinner. It was a success every way but financially.- Capt. Alien was received borne last Saturday evening with open arms by about flfty warmhearted friends, who met at his pleasant home and greeted him with numerous attentions and substantial Christmas mementos. Theexcitement, howeyer, was too mach for the gallant captain, and he has been suffering severely from rheumatism this week. Webster. Social tomorrow evening at residence of A. Olsaver, for benefit of the reading circle.- Some special evening meetings are being held at the Congregational church. - Annual business meeting of the Webster Congregational church and society this week, Saturday afternoon. - Miss Mattie McColl and Miss Nettie Latson are at home for vacation.- Mr. and Mrs. Ova McColl carne home last week to bury their infant daughter.- At the annual meeting of the Webster Farmers' Club last Saturday the followiug officers were elected : President, Ira Backus; secretary, Miss Ida Kenny ; corresponding sec'y, Cyrus M. Starke. The club has planned to have a course of Iectures this winter. Prof. A. G. Cook of tbe Agricultural college is talked of as the flrst lecturer. The next regular meeting of the club is to be held at the residence of Ira Backus. - After 3 p. m. today Henry Queal must be addressed at Hamburg, Mich.- The annual meeting of thereading circlefor the election of officers and other business will be held at the residence of John Alexander, Friday evening, Jan. 6 Saline. Mrs. E. R. Aldrich, one of Saline's most respected citizens, died at her residence Dec. 22. Mr. Aldrich left the evening before for Detroit, where Mrs. A. had been treating for cáncer. She had been away for thirteen weeks, and seemed better, and desired a merry Christmas at home with her family. She seemed to stand the ride until she srrived at Ypsilanti, where she feil into a drowse, after which it is doubtful if she was ever conscious. She died shortly after reaching home. She leaves a husband, E. R. Aldrich, of the firm of Burkhart & Aldrich, two daughters, Edessa and Edna, and two sons, Burt and Tommy, to mourn her loss. - P. H. Rouse is undergoing an examination for a place in the First Baptist church choir, Detroit. - A few invited guests met at the residence of M. Reynolds on Dec. 24 and enjoyed a good time.- Wm. Pease, of Pittsfield is always jolly, but more so now, because his turkeys weighed so much- 20 pounds each, dressed. - A. Rhinefrank, agent at Bridgewater station, Sundayed at home. -Chas. Reynolds, of Detroit enjoyed his Christmas with his brother and sister, Mrs. H. T. Nichols and Mart.- Robert Baxter from the northern part of the state is visiting old friends.- The Christmas tree at the Presbyterian cnurcn JUec. 24, was Iargely attended.- Severa] of our young men are packing their trunks, making daily calis and writing long letters to their girls, just prior to their leaving for Honduras. - Mrs. B. Spokes, of Ann Arbor, is visiting her mother, Mrs. C. Hauser, Chicago-st.- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Emmert, of Eaton Rapids, spent Sunday in town.- Walter Joslyn of Ypsilanti is the guest of Roy H. Marsh, this week.- Burt Clark and Will Bassett of Ann Arbor visited the high school Dec. 23.- Fred Sturms of the Ann Arbor high school is home for the holidays.- Mr. and Mrs. Barnard and Burt Aldrich of Lansing, Mr. Parker and Mrs. Cooper and son of Lafayette, Ind., Mrs. Murdock of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Valentine of Adrián and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Aldrich, of Brooklyn, attended the funeral of Mrs E. R. Aldrich, Dec. 25.- Ex-sheriff E W. Wallace received from his son if red, at Chattanooga, Tenn., a very elegant gold-headed cañe for Christmas.- Miss Lester of Albion is visiting at W P. Davis'.


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Ann Arbor Register