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Norvin Green estima tes Jay Gould's fomrae at $60,000,000. This is moderato. A number of Americans probóse to eroct statue of Oen, Washington in i iris. Marshall P. Wilder has arranged a professional trip to China, Japan and India ior 1,8. Explorer Greely does not believe thnt the north pol wiU ever t"6 reached axcept by ba!loon. Not one of the f our presidents of the Freneh republic siuce Itsorigln talSïO was boni in Pari. il. Grrvy saw twelve cabinet-, witu 129 ministers, aervt onder hiin -hile president of Franco. Andrew D. White, of Cornoll, says poker will sixin Ix a neoessary part of a olassieal education. M. (itvv slept soundly for eight honrs the night after lus risignation- for the first time in six weeks. Congressman Bcott will spend f 2.",000 ih:rIng the winter on social entertaiiinu;ntsathis Washington home. Mohini M. Chatterjee, the young philosopher who carne to this country last year, has ï-eturned to India. Morell Mackenzie has reeeived L8,r(W tij) to the present time for his atU'mianco on the prinoe imperial of Germany. Gens. Sherman and Sheridan will review the state military exercises at the centennial celebration in Ohio next September. The Conrt Journal says that Kaiser William wants to abdícate in favor of his son, the coronation to take place in May. The first words of Rev. Joseph Parker tijKin his arrival in Liverpool were that öe staould never come to America again. The Duke of Newcastle will winter in Florida and pftj a fl ving visit to Pliiladelphia. He is young, unmarried and has a cork leg. Louis Kossuth, now well on his SHth year, is in capital health of mind and body, and constantly busies himself with literary work. It appears that Bismarck has au eider brother, who has been under prefect of Mingard since 1H41, and is about to retire, aged 77. M E. Ingalls, of Cincimiati, carries an of K0O,000 on his life- the largest sum carried, it is said, by any resident of that city. At the ball of the Pelican club, where Sullivan lattly sparred before the Prince of Wales, the Pelieans all appearud in Pelieau waisteoats. Complaint is made in Washington that William Walter Phelps is wearing the same rusty brown suit whuh became a chestnut some years ago. Sam Small announccs that he has given up his labors as an evangelist, and is now a preacher in the Methodist church South at Washiugtén, D. C. Samuel Spencer, wbo has been made president of the Baltimore and ühiu railroad at a salary of 5,0OU a year, was a rodman earning a scant salary a few years ago. He is not yet 40 years old. The new Frenen president belongs to a family of Scotch origiu. The original naino was Cairn, the Kienen diruinutive of whick would be Cairnot, or little carn. ïhis was sooii corrupted into Caraot. Prince Regent Luitpold, of Bavaria, was bitten in the hand while huutiiig liy a dog, which it is feared was niad. Fortunately the wounds aje not deep, aud do uot deprive the prince of the use of his hand. Carter Harrison wants all the American woqiea to dren as per the Chinese rule. "We .,,iiM ilu'ii have our better halves dressed," be says, "to please an artistic eye, without the present waste of female houlLh and strength.' Amtonneemedt is made that within thn-c weeks Manrfce Bamhfirdt, who as almost os well known in New York as his divine and mother's tiger pat, wifl lead to the matrimonial altar e oelebrted beauty, "Princesa Tarka JobownsJuu" The other morning early a little curly headed girl of 0 or 7 years went to the Maine stote house and asked an ortieer, "Is Governor Uinlwell dead:" was the reply.' "Oh, he used to give me candyl" she exclaimed, and turned uvay crying bitterly. Mr. Laliourhcir is down on the tall hat. He says: "1 do w luathe it that it' the present miuistry wmild ileul it a coup de grace by iuvariably appearing in pot liats I almost tliink that gratitude would oblige me to turn ïory oven at the risk oí havilig iny liead stiwl in by a To'y constable." John B. Alley, of Massachusetts, is said to I bc wortli COU8iderably over $10,000,000. He I is the riohtst Repubücan In the old Bay I state and is fond of politics. The greater I part of his fortune was made in speeulation I and he is constantly adding to it. Mr. AUey I is 70 years old. The , reniains of President Carnot's I trious graiKlfather are in the cemetery at I Magdeburg, and an attempt will now be made to huve them brought home to France. He died an exile, proscribed by the restored Bourbons for having voted for the killing of Louis XVI. Mr. and Mrs. Blaine, Miss Blaine and Miss Dodge (Gail Hamllton) have gone to Marseilles. Mr. Blaine thinks seriously of going to Algiers, whenoe h may sail for Naples. He has left his heavy luggage at Paris. It is aid that he may, on his return to Paris, put up with Mr. and Mrs. Morton. Paul Philippoteaux, the painter of the Gettysburg and Niágara Falls cycloramas, haa just finished a work uion which he has been engaged tor two years, consisting of thirty pictures of scènes in the life of Gen. Grant, beginning with liis infancy and ending with his funeral. They are to be exhibited flrst at Boston and tuen throughout the country. Mr. Frederick Villiers, the well known war correspondant and arlist of Tlie London Graphic, has entored the lecture field. Ha went with Mr. Archibald Forbes through the Franco-German, Servian and Russo-Turkish wars and has a great fund of intere.sting experiences, wliich be relates with graphic quence. Jay Cíould netrer smoked but one cigar in i his Ufe. It made him so ill that he uever I tried another. It seems hard that many a I man who lovss good eigarscan't afford tobuy I tbem, while Jay Goulil, who eould have tho J ftnest weeds in the world without seriously I impairing his inconie, has no taste for I bacco. The Prinoe of Wales waa slightly wounded inthenoseby a Swedish nobleinan, Baron Oscar Dickaon, while shooting at Sandringham, but the incident was oonaidered much too trifting to prevent either his royal highness or Col. Ellis, the other guest who was lightly shot, trom continuing to shoot the rest of the daj'. Citizen Train isagainon the editorial I pod. He blooms forth now as thu associate editor of Thu Weekly Record, of Sussex, N. B. He says: "And now safely anchored íd Bussex, N. B., in sanctum sauutorium all bj himself. Warm fire. Good air. Expatrited. Exiled. No longer republican, liut cosmopolitnn ! Como and seo us.J'


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