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Many Idle Miners

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Reading, Pa., Jan. -i.-ïlie minors have challenged President Corbin of 8 Kesötog Kailroad Company co battje. and the latter savi he is ready. Every oolUery owned by the Beadinif Company with a dafly capaolty of 33 WK) toi of ooal Is die. Th w carded by busmew men throuartout the entire SchuylkiU rejrlons and Eastern Pennevlvania wiihpr.'at ai:um. 'lacréis praotioally uo ooal of anv consequeBca anywhere-, and. . with a pioraacted Bixlka, great loss oulil ensuu. The lteatüng Cüiupany temporaiUy suspended about 150 ciewB 'ast evemi.g ancl this isiuterpretea to mean umi; .-.■ are making preparations tor a L Mtter Btruggle. They .ay tbey are Ma termined to down the hmghts of Labor, aad feel contident that they will succeed. Saldan offlcer lastnight: "We have driven the order from the raüroad, and we propose to serve the miners in the same manatt'l8 estimated that 15,000 miners in the Schnyliúll región are idie. At Shamokin the strike went into effect vesterday morninrandall the Kearting collieries except tw'o were without men. The miners in the individual collieries also struck, but an arrangement was entered into at the Neilson haft. the Excelsior, the Hlckory Kidge, theHickory Swump and the Lancaster collieries whereby the proprieiors agree to pay the old rats of wg s unül the strike is ia-A TY,O enlliRries now idie in Shamokin gave employment to o.aOO men. Advices received from a number of points in the coal regions show that very few collieries are working. In most oases the employés did not go to work yesterday morning, and it is believed a long and buter struggle will De the result The headinK collieries at Shamokin and all between Ashland and that place are also ïdle lüe railroad ís working smoothly, and little difficulty is experlenced in moving freight and c?aL tjg0 . The strike, if prolouged, will cause great loss and suftering froin laok of coal. ïsone iron works or fumaces have more shan, a weeks supply, and Ihcy depend for their daily wipplj on the BeadlnK ra;lroa(l Of the sixty-eight colLencs m the bcliuylkUl legión, forly of iho 1; rgest of which are controlled by the Beuüing ixnnpny, "" ■lx are at work. Tlie member of the Kniotot of Labor in Phüftdelpbla. whlle refiismrto strike, haye promised tine Sehuylkül uiinera timuudu support, the same astheyaregivinir the men in tne Lcüign regiem, Thero is a moveincnt uu foot the business men oï the hchuylkill valley" to. hold a meeting and bring Bnch pressure t bear upon President Corbln as to eause him to consent to arbitrationof the miners' strike at least It is argued that the immense industries of the easterusection of the State can not aflord such a fearful paralysis of business and trade. The strike will not only throw 30iinn minors, out of emoloymeut, but .0,OUU iionworkers as wel!. General Master Workraan Towderly has advised that no strike ïake place. He has íelegrapted here that he conaidered it mad;ible. Lancaster. Pa. Jan. 4.-W 140 tramps aonfinediu the work-house here twentytive have signed a pappr agreeing to go to Reading to take the places ol the striking sallway employés.


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