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What ' Peculiar " Means. Applieá to Hood's Sarsapariil, (he word Peculiar is of great importancp. It raears that Hood's Sarsaparilla ia different trom other pnparations in macy vital poiv.t!, which mnke it a thoroughly honest and Miable medicine. It is Peculiar, in a stricly medicinal sense; first, in the com i .iation of remedial agents used ; serond, in the proportioo ia which they are prennred ; third, ia the pr c-8 hy which the aonve curative propcrtifs of the medicine reeecured. S udy these poir.ts well. Tnev mean volumes. They make Hood s Sarsuparilla P. culiir in ks curative powei-s, as it aooompli-hes wonderful cures hiihenounknown, and whioh give t Hood's Sarsaparilla a clear nght to the tiile of ' The gre fa st blood punfier ever dit.coverpd." N. tice of sopeal- Inviiations to an npli paring.- Boston Commercial Bulletin. A Mach Married Woman. Mrs. Fowler, of this city, was married last January to her sixth husband, and strarge as it may seem, 6ve oí them died ex:ictlv two yearg from their marriage day. Her present husband bas been gick for the last four month' with chronio jxundice, ar.fl was given up by Lour of our b'Rt physiciacs; as a last resort he beHn using Sulphur Bitter, and yesterday t ld our that they ad saved his life smilirirlv savins that he tuessed Mrs. Fowler would be unable to take a aevenrh netter half for some time to come. - Exchar ge. Thfre are a good many papers ramed Sunday Tru h, but not all of them deserve the name. Joiis, please cali t the drug store and eet another bottle of' Hibbard's Throat and Lung Bulsam. It has do-ie my cough more gond than anything 1 have ever used, ond is so pleassnt to take. Dn't forget that a promi.'sory note in the hands of innocent, third parties for valué finita all defenses usually made on coutracts. FOR and Liver Complaint, you have a prinfpd guarantee on every bo'.'le of Shiloh's Vitalizer. Ir. never fails to cure. Soli by Ebeibach & Son. Whisky lowers the man and raises the devil - Whitehail Times. What Am I To Do? The symptoms of Biliousness are unhapply bit too well known. They dlfier in different individuals to some extentA Bilious man is seldom a breakfast eater. Too frequently, alac, he haa ao excellent appeñte for 1 quors but none for tolids of a morning. His tongue will harJly bear inf pection at any time; if it is not white and fuired, it is rough, at all events. The üiyes'ivt) system ïswhcl'y out of order and Diarrhea or Constipalion may be a symptom, or the two may altérnate. There are often Ht morrhoids or even loss of blood. There may be giddiness and oten headache and auidity or flatulence and tendetness in the pit of the gtomach. To correct all this if not effect a cure try 6 eea's Auust Flower; it coets but a trine a:id thousands attest its efficacy. It is a waste of time to praciice wii irg 1888. Almost before we know it 1889 wiil be here. Tlie years seemed to have mastered the problem of rapid transit. - Consul u ion. WHY WILL YOU cough when Shiloh'a Cure will give immeriiate relief. Pnce 10 ets., 50 ets. and $1. Sold by Eoerbach & Son. Don't think that a proinise to marry will be void because no time is fixed. The law will ailow a reasonable time. results, are Acker's Dyspepsia Tableta. Becommended by physician3 and endorsed by all who have nsed them. The best remedy f or Dyspepsia, Flatulency.and Constipation. Guaranteed, and sold at 25c. by John Moore, Druggist. Amateur field sportsmen are always in want of position. Those who believe that nature will work off a cough or cold should underetand that this is done at the expense of the conslitution. Each time this weakens the system, and we all know that the termination of thip dangerous practico is a coms umptive's grave. Don't take the chances, when a fifty cent bottle of Dr. Bigelow's Positive Cure will sately and promptly cure any recent cough, cold or throat or lung trouble. Buy the dollarbottle of Bberbach & Son, for chronic cases or family use. A nickel counter - The treasurer of a street car company. Bucklen's Árnica Salve. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcera, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chillblaing, CornB, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cure Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to 5ive perfect satistaction, or money reïnnded. Price 25 cents per box. Forsale ty Bberbach & Son. A New Year's resolution gives it author great consolation even if it lasts only five minutes. - Judge. ■ -■■■ Tired Out. "I do not thtnk I can stand this terrible sufferIng f rom the Rheumatism much longer. The pain has not left me for one minute during the past week." "lam sorry for you. but it is yourown fault. You should use one of Pomeroy's Piasters, lts effect is quick and sure." Sach was the statement and answer made by two partios In the writer's presenee. and it is the truth. No other remedy has cured so many cases of Kheumatigm, Backache. Neuralgia. Lumbago, etc., as Pomeroy's Petroline Piasters. But in order that you may not be deceived by an imitation, always insist upon having Pomerf y's Petroline Piasters, in envelopes. For Sale by H. J. Brown, District Agent for Ann Albor. Kiralfy say9 that "tights are not iujurious." Doesn't that depend on the kind of tight? - Nashville American. " HACKMETACK," a lasting and fragrant perfume. Price 25 and 50 cents. Sold by Eberbach Sc Son. Among Dew year resolutions one to lay in a Urge stock of coal next August will be remembered by many. - New Haven News. i "11 lie SwclllllR. Mr. M. S. Ilamlii), one of the test known insurance raen in rorth Carolina, writes írom Winston, as follows : " Kvar since I ■was seven years of age I hve had what the doctors cali hip disease, and which I cali -white swelling. My hip was drawn out of place. There was a swelling at the knee-joint, where there is a profuse running, which has been there for years. Of course this has greatly depleted my system, together with surgical operation on the leg bone. I tried very known blood purifier to build up my system, but none did me good until I took S. S. S. I use it every spring. It always builds me up, giving me appetite and digestión, and enables me to stand the long, trying, enervating, hot summer days. To me there is no such medicine for purifying the blood and building up the wated system as S. S. S. On using it I soon became strong of body and easy of mind. My color changed from a palé, worn look to a healthy, robust complexion " Mr. Gr. N. Frizzel, of Farmersville, Texas, writes : " About August lst, 1865, an eruption appeared on my arms and legs, which pained me much and seemed to affect my physieal condition generally. On the advice of a physician at this place, 1 finally commenced using Swift's Specific. I am glad to say that after using three large bottlcs the ores have all healed " ïrcatise on Blood and Skin Diseases inailed frce. Tus SwiFT SrKClFlC Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta, (ia. D n't thir.k tnat compound interest will render a contract UMUnous. Many in ia or--, bnt no equ..l has Dr. Sage's C.itarrh Rem-iiy Don't accept chwel mort gage uulesg the schedule anti. xe i tains eveiy a-ticle to be c vcred by th" hen. P. H. Kilmartin. [iotmn8!er and peneral merchin' t Ora ge, Mi(„ í"vs HibbarJ's Rht-umatic Stmp ' #onderful in ih care o si-it o riiBm'i-m. D n'tfoig-'i 'hi' clmi el m rtgage is in fact a condilio " 1 " H of a'eSHILOH 8 OATAEK.H KÜMEDY- a positive ciireloi ■ C-nairh. DinhUiena and Canker Month. .Sold hy Eberb.t.:li & Son. Don't sue tor oue halt of a deinand unless you want to lo-e theother. It is said of an old pbytioixn ;n Philadelphi. when caHeri upO prescribe tor a cough or cold, tat l,e iiv riably retuses to do so, hut ree mmt-iids pi.nents to take Dr. B-iH Cough Sffrnp. Don't retuse the cali of ttie ihériff to aid him in making an arrest. A NASAL INJECüOR tree witb each bottle of Stiil h'8 Ctarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. S. U by Eberbacb & Son. D n't rely on a witntsa who can't go into detail. Terrible are Kidncy and Liver diseaseo, and when onoo they have seoured añrm hold on the human system there is no time to be loat if Ufe ia to be savcd. Many remedies have been tiied, but none have been so auo oessful as Ath-lo-pho-ron. M any unaolioited testimoniáis hfi79 proved that Ath-lo-pho-ros has oura these diseases whon phy,;iciLns nnd all other remedies liad i' ilad. Backache, pain in the side, dnllness, weariness, and üisdacíu, nrs often symptoms cí túij fsirlu! isoases. Athlophoros, in coneation with Athlophoros Pilis, will give soeedy relief. If your druggist doesn't keep them, write to THE ATHLOPHOROS CO., IÍ2W3! I. ST., 9. ?. JJHtíwj Af ter Forty years" %í mSmMvl'l experience in tas tfBi Hl Q V'lt W preparation of more ES lMüfc" tban One Hundred 63 Thousand appücationB for patentó ia KJ ■ the United States and Foreign counKí ■ tries the publishers of the Scientino JjtY American continue to act as Bolicitors ■■■ I for patenta, caveats, trade-mark, copynJ riehts etc., for the United States, and lo obtin patent in Canada, England, France, Cermany, aod all other conntries. Theireipennce ís uneiualed nd their lacilltie are uníurDrawin(W and specificationa prepared and filed in the Patent Office on Bhort notice. lerm very leasonable. No charge for eiamination of inodels r drawing. Adrice by mail freí. . PatentsohtainedthrOQKh Miinn0o.arenoticed nthe SCIKSTIFIC AMBIUCAN, b Ihe largest circaiat ,on and ia the most influent al newspíper of it kind publiahed in the world. The advantagee of such a notice ovory patentee "ïï'largeand plendidly illostrated newspaper ïliihed WÉEKLV at 3.00ayear, ana n Mmá ka be the best paper devoted to science, uiTea. teventions, engineering norks, and rtmenU of industrial progres, pubin any It contains the ñames of -istKB and title of erery invention patented ee. Try it foui montha íor one dollar. all newsdealers. ju ha u in.Tenion to patent wilt t nnn & Co. pnbhshers oí Scientific Amion, 3H Broadway, New York. ,. ._. Uandbook about patenta mailed tn. PATENTS FRANKLIN H. HOUGH, Solicitor of American & Foreip Patents, 95Í5 F St., ncar l". S. Patent OOM, WASHINGTON, D. C All business beforc the TTni tod states Patent Office attended to for moderate fees. Patenta procured intheUnltedStatesandallForelgn Countries. Trade Markt and I.alrh regUtered. Rejectfd appllcations revivid and proaecuted. Inforinution and :ul ce as to obt&tning Patents elieerfully furnished without charge. Send Sketch or Model for f ree opinión as to patentability. Copies of Patents furnished for 20 cents each. JK9 Correspondence invited. I wish to inform the public that I keep conBtantly on hand the best grades of Black Dia. mond Coal.lnall sizes; also the Jackson HUI soft coal, which I can sell at lowest market prices. WiU dcliver to any part of the city. Give me a cali at No. 11 west Washington-st M. STABLER.


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