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No more fun killing rabbits. Time isup. Miss Emma Banfield has returned from her visit in ChBrlotte. Uoity club will have ita annual sleighride tomorrow evening. AuguRt Mopk feil on the ice recently, spraining hig wrist badly. Mrs. Jerome Stebbins, of Ypsilanti, died suddenly Tuesday night. The Michigan furniture company has declared a dividend of 8 per cent. Justice Frueauff sent Jerome Skimmerhorn to Ionia last Fridayfor 90 days. The directora of the First National bank reelected its present officers, Tueaday. ín The Regi-stf.r presa room in 1887, over 2,192,000 impressions were mde. Luick Bros. planing mili is shut down this week for repairs on boiler and engine. Hendrickson has sold his store on Statest., occnpied by Cady, the grocer, to J. D. Baldwin. About $100 of the booming fund were paid in, about one-third of which has been returned. J. M. Swift & Co.'s flour mili is undergoing repairs, and eteam-heating apparatus is beiog put in. William Kelly, of Chelgea, on Saturday, ws sent to jail for 15 days by Justice Pond, for drunkennesB. David Hyde íb secretary and treasurer, and Arthur Tagge librarían of the Presbyterian Sunday school. Mrs. William Barry, of Fifth-st, died on Sunday of paralysie after a long sickcesB and muoh suffering. The Ann Arbor Savinga bank has a report of ts condition on January 2, 1888, in this number of Thï Rsgistkr. Tbe Christmas social at the Presbyterian church netted $60.00, and will be distribnted among the poor and needy. George Clarken 8 down for examination Jan. 19, before Justice Pond, chanr,ed with keeping open his saloon on Jan. 2. Miohael J. Noy, of Chel-ea, was in Ann Arbor on Monday, looking after his father, David W. Noyes, who was very sick. Solomon Zeeb, eharged wito oruelty to animáis, had a jury trial before Jusiioe Fraeauff, yesterday, and was found not guilty. Charles Nsylor, of Northfield, on Tuesday was before Justce Pond, eharged wilh bMtardy, and was bound over for trial ia the March term of the circuit court. Charles SchDeider, arrested for being drunk; fined Í2 and $3 costs, and paid up, yesterday, before Justice Frueauff. Rev. S. Haskell went to Plymouth on Tuesday to attend the funeral of Rev. H. C. Beals who was well known in this vioinity. Ellen M. Butler, wife of Rev. James E. Butler, of Webster, died Jan. 9, and the funeral occurred yesterday at the residence. The lecture room of the AI. E. church has just been supplied with new chairs purchased from our townsmen, Richmond & Treadwell. The examination of Geo. Cavenauzh of Ypeilanti, was dismissed by Justice Pond last Thuraday because the prosecution refused to prosecute. The board of trustees of the Forest Hill cemetery on Monday reelcted J. Austin Scott president, and W. W. Wines secretary and treasurer. Prof. Henry Wade RogerB commences a series of lectures to youog people at the M. E. church next Sunday immediately alter morning service. Jenetta, wife of Abner Crump, of the Fifth ward, died Jan. 8, aged 32, of consumption, and the funeral occurred yesterday at the A. M. E. church. H. Krapt, of the Central planing mili, had a sliver run into hi hand about two months ago, and has been having a serious time since with that hand. J. H. Stark, P. L. Page, F. Stofflst, and their wives, and others, took a sleigh-ride out two miles to Mr. Williams' on the Ypsilanti road, Tuesday evening, and had a good time. A. A. Meuth's delivery horse ran away, Tuesday, starting from Èlizabeth-st down North ét, and at Detroitst ran into John Allen's team. A tbill struck one of Mr. Allen's horses and killed it. August Duizlapf, while crosaing the T. A. A. R. R. at the Main-st crossing, Tuesday, was struck by an engine. His sled was pmashed, the horses shaken up, but not hurt, and Mr. Dutzlapf was badly cut in the head. The Knights of Labor in Ann Arbor last week elected officers as followinp: AI. W., C. T. Houghtby ; W. F., G. P. S:auch; R. S, J. Sharp; K. S., J. E. Flynn ; treasurer, W. J. Clark; statistician, T. E. Keating. Regina Staebler on Saturday made complaint ot Maria Kajuska, tor being a railer and brawler, before Justice Frueauff. Upon paying costs, Maria was allowed to depart with the understanding that peace should hereafter reign. The womau's executive committee of the Presbyteiian home missionary society, is 8endinL out black petitions for signatures against the admission of Utah as a state. Those who desire to sign it can probably find one in the postoffice. A. P. Ferguson manutactured about 2000 road carts since March, 1887, when he came to Ann Arbor. He expects to make 0,000 this year, giving employment to a large number oL men. He reeently shipped several of the carts to Australia. Stanley E. Parkill and Albert Todd, of Owosso, were in Ann Arbor yesterday, looking up the question of electric light. They are a part ot a committee of Owosso, gentlemen who are thinking oí investing their money in an electric light plant for that city. One of our physicians (Dr. Kapp) says he will dónate $1,000 to any charitable institution in the city if all who are owing him will come in and square up their accounts this month. Wbat a 6ne scheme ! We would like to give $500 more in the same way. E. W. Hills and D. G. Coolidge students, raised money by subscripiion, bought a ticket to Milwaukee, took Wm. Printz to the train, gave him a large lunch, and sent him on his way last Friday. Printz is the man who was found insensible in front of the Presbyterian cliurch. Mr. Kinne's first official act as circuit judge was preformed on Jan. 9. In oase of Susan 8. Runion vs. George W. Runion, divorce was granteii. In case of Howard F. Nichols vs. Marvin Davenport, a judgment for plaintiff by default was given for $253.83 and costs. Dr. Vaughan's paper on the presence of Tyrotoxicon in poisonous ice cream and its probable relation to cholera infantum uppears in full in a recent number of the Archiv fur Higiene, published in Munich and Leipsic, G:rmany, one of the greatest journals oí its class in the world. The directora of th Star Mountain mining company met Alonday in W. W. Whedon's office. Mr. Whedon was chosen vice-president, and John J. Robison secretary. A block of 4,000 sliares of stock was ordered placed up-n the market for sale, to enable the compaay to push work on a large scale. The committeesof Forest Hill cemetery are as followg for this year: Lots and spaces, W. W. Wines, Fred. Schmid, J. Austin Scott; finance, H S. Dean, Daniel Hiscock, and Wm. Waguer; avenues and puths. C. H. Richmond, J. M. Wheeler, W. C. Stevens; employment of men, Soott, Wines, and D'an. Dr. Eddy will gever his connection with the Presbyterian churcb nextSunday, and, partly for his health, will gpend the balance of the winter and the spring in Florida. The ladies of the Presbyterian society will give a soci4 and supper at 6 p. m. next Saturday evening, at wuich time Dr. Bddy will be an honored gueet. Mra. Charlotte D. Puy died in Jamestown, Dnkota, Dec. 30, of what ig called typho-mxlarial (ever. Thig lady was the wife of Dr. R. G. DePiy, well known in A.nn A.rbor. Sne leaves a boy of six month and a girl ot three yearg of age, beaide the hugDand, to mourn her losa The Jame6town Alert of Dec. 30, payg a high tribute to her worlh. One of our uinzeus who has been traTeling in some of tlie countieg where the elecuon for local option hag secured prohi bii ion, pays the voterg lor the meaaure will gee Uut the law will be obeyed in every pamcular. Even men who are no atrictly trmperatu are glad that the saloons where so matiy of uur young men aie be ing ruined, are to be abolished. The well-known proprietor of Osborne's milis, H. M. Osborne, has made an assignment to John J. Robison, of Ann Arbor. The milis are three miles west of the city. Not inchiding the book accounts, the asaets are $15,000, and the liabilities are about $12,000. His brother has a second mortgas;e on the mili and the Ann Arbor Savings bank has $3,000. It was a great surprise to most people. The following new books have been received at the Ladies library: An Unknowo Country, Mrs. Craik; Kobert Browning's Poetical and Dramatic Works; Love and Theology, C. P. Woolley; No. XIII, or the Story of the Lost Vestal, E. Marshall ; Marzio'a Crucifix, E. M. Crawford ; A Daughter of Fife, A. E. Barr; The Ladies of the White House, L. C. Holloway. A family on Washington-st had two house8, the rooms of which they desired to rent to small families. Time passed on and the rooms did not rent, although they adopted various expedienta. At last, they put a three line advertisement in the popular advertising column on the first page of The Register, and on the next day wo applicants called forthe rooms, saying hat they had seen the advertisement in 'iik Register. The school board wood committee opened bids for wood on Monday, and let ontracts to the following lowest bidders : Christian Frey, 10 cords, $3 70, white and vellow oak ; R. F. Brokaw, 15 cords. $3.75; William Manly, 25 cords, $3 98; F. tfarkan, 15 cords, maple, $4.50 ; Christian Braun, J0 cords, hickory, $5.00; Wm. Alexander. 2 cords, $4 50 ; Chas. Allmand, 5 cords. $5.00; Ed. Hammell, '20 cords, asswood, $2 25. The Knight-templars, of Ann Arbor, are o be congratuhted on being a little late. 'heir flag and deoorations, worth at least 1200, were to have gone to Detroit Satrday to be on hand at the great recepion set down for today. Through some elay, they were not sent On Sunday, he building in Detroit in which they would have been stored, was destroyed by fire, as well as Knight-templars flags nd decorations valued at $2,000. The University dramatic club that has lways been so popular and proved itself o many times, under the leadership of 'rof. de Pont, excellently able to enterain Ihis community, wil! present a very nteresting drama - The Mystic Bell of lonquerelles - at the opera house Jan. 27. 'he club consists, mostly, though by no means exclusively, of gtudents ol the University ; and under the careful drilling of kir. de Pont, will render the Mystic Bell n a most excellent manner. It will only e necessary to recall the success of their reviou8 entertainments to vou:h for the [ualiiy of the coming one. The executive board of Company A lected Monday evening the following : Resident, Charles M. King; vice presilent, William Goetz; secretary, James Barker ; treasurer, Geo. E. Apfel ; quarermaster, William Armstrong. The folowing non-commissioned offlcers were elected: First sergeant, George E. Apfel ; econd sergeant, George Dengler ; ihird ergeant, John Burns ; fourth sergeant, Dbarles Roehm ; fifth sergeant, John "ischer, color . sergeant, Louis Hoelzle. orporals, Sheldon Granger, Winfield Tate, William (xoetz, John Buchholz, James Marker, Paul Tessmer, Frank Campion, Victor Mogk.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register