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OUR 33 CENT (III.11. lv6rttsements, ench as To Rent, For Sale, ot Wnts, not exceeding three Unes, can be Insertcd '" weeks for 3(1 cents. SAWS Gummed and flled, Furniture repaired, Chairs bottomed. St. Clair, 33 N. Fourth-st. FOUND - A red sük crochet purse. Owner can have it y valling at UiLs office and paying for advertisenieiit. F[OUND- A roll of mustc Owner can have it by calling at ibis office and paylng for this notice. TOUND- A suiall amount of money at The 1 Bazar. Owner may have iftme on tatisfactory proof, and paying for ihis advertitement. 680-2 LOST-near División and William-sts, Tuesday night, a white fur carriage robe, Please leave at 42 Kast Liberty-st. 681,{ L OR SALE- Cow and cal f. Apply to J S. Mann, V on Whilmore luke road. jLOR SaLE- Farm of 150 acres, good buildings, V fences. timber, soil. &c, Ji mile nonh of Delhi Mills. Wm. W. Tubbs. ' 682-89 17OR SALE- At a nargain. Horse and bnggy. F Inquire of Wrs. U. M. Henley, cor. División and Madisou. C82-4 (TOR A Note for íii.OOO.OOat 6 p;r cent. F Btcurtd by a I8t mortgage m real eMate valued and insured at over Í6.000.00. Addrets or euquire of J. D. D., 76 Millei Ave. C'OR SALE - Five thoroughbred Shropshire F E we Lamí ; good tsize, well-wooled, bred from(Reg) im Webster- ó miles north of Dexter. P. o. Dexter, Mtch. Valentine Bros. h'OR SALE- Single Sleigh, 2 Seats, new last Winter, litfle used. Built by Wurster & McLean. Inquire at 61 Washtenaw Aveime. IpOR SALE- Forty acres land for fruit and vegetables, or graiti and stock, on the lieddes road, xi miles east of campus. P. O. box, 1233. 678 80 tX)R SALE- Farm of 80 acres, good buildings, soil, etc. Location unsurpassed. Long time, low rate of interest and on easy terms, or will 3xchange. Correspondence solicited. G. 0. Crane, Stony Creek Mich. 636- t f. fOR SALE OR EXCHANGE- For City icsid1 ence, farm of 65 acres, one mile south west 01 City. Or will sell or exchanee 15 acres with buildings. Enquire at S6 Soutli otn St. 8. AJJenion. 656 t f. FpOR SALE AT A BAKGAIN- House and lot, Ño. 28 Mayuard st. Location desirable for student boarders. Iiquire of E. B. I'ond, 6 N. Main-st 640tf FOR SALE- A note; face Í5,4'"O; 7 per cent, interest; loag time; amply seeured by first mortgage on farm. Addres Box 7M. C83 9 ÍOR SALE- Horae Wagón and Cutter, Jersey Vow and Calf, three Fire Proof Safes, Stock of Hate, Cais and Fura. House on University Ave. for rent. Nov. 9th, 18S7. C U. Richmoud. 672 tf hfOR KENT- My new house qa Monroest. near East University ave. Iuquire at 41 E. U. ave. L. L. Janes. 682-i TO RENT;- A New House.- Seven Rooms.- Qood I-ocaiion.- Inquire at 41 N. Firüi-et. ''PO RENT. Hnite of rooms heated by furnace X and furnished, 65 S. Fourth tt. 63I-8 FpOR REN f.- Rooms for Families iu two houses. Good locatlous. Inquire at CO E Washington street, Anu Arbor. REAL ESTÁTE FOR SALE OR RENT.- Houses and lots valned from 81 Ü00 to $6,000 and contHiiiitig from one-lifth 01 an acre totwenty acres- ali iu the city limits. Houses rented on reasouable terms in central loeaüties. harina exchanged lor city property. Enquire of J. Q. A.SESSION3, 632tt Attorney and Real Estáte Acent Office over Exp'ess Office. Main St.. Ann Arbor. H'OK RENT- The rooms formerly occupied by Dr. H. C Allen for an office. Fir.-t ll'ior of the Uamilton block. Apply to A. V. Uamilton. 681-83 WANTED.- youug man to take a course in snorthand and pay hin tuition by dolngjanitor work. Apply at once to a. A. Moran, 19 S. Statest, 1 to 2 p. m. CS1-8 WANTED IMMED1ATELY - Two good reliable Coat-makers and oue Vest-maker. Good prices. Plenty of work. Solid iron. Fleasant fhop. Cash every week. N. H. Winans, Battle Creek, Mich. 672 tf WANTED- AGENT8.- For Washtenawanrt adjoiutng counties to canvass for the Star Dish Washer attachments needed in every family. Cheap and valuablc. Star Manufacturin; Co. , Toleilo, O. 678-83 (St 1 ,noo To loan at peven per cent. on real estáte pisecurlty. Apply 10 John R. Miner. 681-3 I UANING - Mnuey to loan on rut clans real tu estáte mortgages at current ratee 8f Interest. Utlsfactory arrangement made with capitalista leêlriug such investment. Evcry conveyance nd transactlon in abstracte of titlt-K carefully ex I inttned au to legal ellect. Zlua F. Klnft. Aon I Arbor Mich. tf.


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Ann Arbor Register