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Washington, Jan VA - Ín the tenate yesterday u bilí was introduce! to provide for a minimum invalid pension of eight dollarB a month. The feature of the procee Jiugs was the Bpeech of Senator Hale (Me.) pon his resolution of inquiry as to how the President had euiried out the Civil-Service law. He arraigued the Admiuisirution for violations of the law, and said a continuous removal of Federal office -holders for poiitical reasons had been in progress ever since the present Administration caine into power; that Federal ottice-holders had been pcriuitted to monopolizo tbe management ef poiitical oampafgna and conventions; that the President had himself infterfered improperly in New York City politics, and that the Democratie Administration had countenanced the worst forma of poiitical dictation and interfered with eleetions. Ho read a table giving changes made In all the departments of the Government up to June 11, 1887, and said remováis had been going on at a rato unexampled in any other Administration in the country's history. Washington, Jan. 13 -Bills were introduced yesterday authorizing the eale of timber on the lands of the Menomonee Indians in Wisconsin, and providing that the legislative power of the Territory of Utah shall be vested in the Governor and a legislativo assembly to te appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate. The nomination of General Edward S. ]!ragir, of Wisconsin, to be M nister to Mexico, w;is reoelred trom the President A resolution directiug the Judiciary Committee to invcKtigiite the alleged suppression of the negro vot; in the recent mun'cipal clection in Jai.'kson, Miss. , was adopted by a strict party voto. WA8HM9T0N, Jan. l-l. -In the Seuate yeRt 'rdiiy the time was chiefly occujiied by senator (Irny (Del ) In discussing the lilair Ec'ucational bill and by Senator Vanee (N. C.) on the resolutiou to abolish internal revi une taxation. A motion to go into executi (■ s islon was defeated Adjouined to tbe Kitli. Washington, Jan. 1 7. - Iii the Senate resterday bilis were Introduced to preserve the foresta; to estabüsti a bureau of harbors and waterwavs; üo créate a comaiission to inquire into uil report on the progTess of the colored ruco since 186Ö, and granting a pension, in adilition to tüeir retired pay, to ül mttit iv oittcers retired ior disease or wounds inenrred in the line if duty. In executivo s"ssini the following nominations Were conflrined: L. Q. G Larnar, to li Associate Jnsiice of the United States Kupreme Court, by a vote of ü'.! to 28; William F. Vilas, to be Secretary of the Interior; Don II. Dickloson, to be Postmasi ter-General, and Edward y. Bragg, to be Minister to Mexico. Washington, Jan. 18. - In the Senate yesterday a bill was passed forbidding the acquirement of tribal property by white uien vrho marry Indian women. Bills were reported favorably to increase to seventytwo dollars per month the pension for total helplessness; to increase to thirty dollars per month the pension for total deafness, and to reimburse the depositors in the ïteedinen's Bank. The bill passed by the House relating to permissible printing or writing on second, third nnd fourth-class mail matt r was considered and passed. THE HOUSE. Washington. Jan. 12. - In the House yesberday the Lutle Deflciency bill vaspas3ed, and the Committee on Military Aftairs reportcd favo-ably the Boutelle resolution Lrallin upon the áecretary of War for a report upon the proposed return of rebel flags. Washington, Jan. 1H - In the House yesterday a bill was passed to punisb robbery, Tïurglary and larceny in the Indian Territory. It flxes the máximum pnnishment of these offenses at !(il,000 line and fiftcen years' imprisonment A bill relating to perinissable marke, printing orwriting upon second, third and iourth-class matter was reported f rom the Post-Offlce Committee and placed on the House calendar. Eepresentative Townsend (111.) reported ïiack the Boutelle "battle-tiag" resolution es amended by the Committee on Military Affaire Mr. Boutelle said he had no objection lt the amendments and the House adopted the resolution. Washinoton. Jan. 14. - In the House yesterday the bill relating to permissible marks, writlag or printing on second, third and fourth-clas9 maü-matter was passed. A bilí was reported making appropriations to carry into effect the provisions of the act to establish experimental agriiiütural station. A petition was preeented front the gold and silver beaters of the l'nlted States, praying CongTes to increase the duty on their goode. Adjourned to the Kjth. Washington, Jan. 17 - Among the bilis introduced in the House yesterday were the following: By Mr. Outhwaite (O), to fund the dcbt oí ttie Pacific ruílroads; by Mr. Wheeler (Ala.), provldünR for certatn works of coast defenscs ;lt apjwopriates ifv!8,0)0;, by Mr. Payson (111.), a resolution grantlng the State o( Illinois all the public liwuls, some 10,0.10 acres, within the Stat to satisfy lts clüim for swamp land indemnity; by Mr. Andorson (Kan.). directlng tho Secretary of the Treasury t lssne within thirty days aftcr the reredemption of National bank notes a oorrespondlng amount oC United States notes; by Mr. Tarsney (Mich.) to construct Government buildings in every city havmg a postmaster, the cost to range Irom f20,000 in places of 10.0OJ inhabitants, to 1150,000 in cities of M),000 inhab it-ants; by Mr. Landes (111.) to reduce the plus by nuying a bounty of twenty-flve cents a bushel for whoat sent to foréign countrics; by Mr. Hovey (Ind.) to pay solüiers of the late war a sum eqnal to 40 per cent, on th amount of their original pay to make good the difterence betwcen the greenbacks iu which ttiey veru paid and the gold coln in which the greenbacks wt-re eventnally redeemed: by Mr. Mills (Tex.), author2ing the Secretaryof the Treasury to apply the surplus to the purchase or redemption or TJnited States bonds; by Mr. Anderson (111.), t establlsh a National ccmctery at Quincy, 111.; by Mr. Masón (IU.), to provide for the retirement of United States bonds before maturity; by Mr. Lawler (111. ), to test the science of spelling-reform, and to establish 100 schools íor that purpose ; by Mr. Townshend (111.), to retire National bank notes and to substituto Treusury notes therefor; by Mr. McComas (IU.), to prohibit peculation by offlcers of National banking aseociations ; by Mr. Rice (Minn.), to place lumber, coal and salt on the free lisf, by Mr. Kilgore (Tex.l, aboh&hing tne tax on tobáceo and the dut y on lumber, coal, salt, wool and blankets: by Mr. Dockcry iMo.), placing all kinds of wool on the tree list; also to repeal the law for the payment of attorney fees on claims lor inercase of pension on account of increase of disability. Washington, Jan. 18. - In the House yeBterday S. H. Cox was chosen to preside during the illnesa oL Sreaker Carllsle. The blll to provide for the issue oí oirculating notes to National bank ussociutions was taken up, but filibustoriiiL' tactios preTented any autiou or any uther bueineas during the Btssion. The Cominittee ou Elections reported adversely to Thoebe in his contest case against f-peaker Carlisle. OTUEB NOTES. Washington-, Jan. 14.- The Pénate Thnrsday confirmed the nomination of F. ü. Hoyne to be apuralser of merchandise at Chicago nd Benton J. Hall, of Iowa, to be Comnrissioner of Patents. Washington, Jan. 13.- TLe reuioval of Law Clerk 1 Barnes, of the Interior Department, by Recretary Lámar continúes to be the subject of a good deal of discussion. Congressman Weaver, of Iowa, says he will offer a renolution of investigation traless the Presiden t takes action. The charge is openly made that the removal by Lamar was for the purpose of making friends with the land-grMit railroad people. Another possible reaxon for the removal of Le Barnes by Limar, instoad of leaving him for Vilas to behead, íb contained in the fact that Vilas was, nntil appointed l'ostmaster, president of the Superior Lamber Company, whose title to fctraber property I Barnes and Sparka had declarad invalid. Warhin(;ton, Jan. IK- pe-iker Carlisle has been a very ill man but his physicians say that he wiil pet along unless he snfforB a relapsa froin cold or excitement Drs. Garnett mul Howeit are in charge of him, and are tlio best physicians in the city. WABJHIHOTOS, Jan. IS.- Renator and Mrs. Bbanford gave a din ner last nitrht in honor of Mrs. General Grant. Among those present were Senator Jones, of Nevada; Mme. Hornero, Oenend Beale, Adnüral Porter, General Rocker uud Senator Stewart Washington, Jan. 18.- The President yesterday transmitted the Paolflo railroad reports to ('ongress, with a message strongly condemning the management of the lines, and recommending legislation to protect the interests of the Government Washington, Jan. 18. - The commissions of Justice Lamar, Secretary Vilas and Postmaster-General Dickinson were signed by the President yesterday; and the two latter took the oath of office in time to attend a Cabinet meeting in the afternoon.


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