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Local Option Address

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The local option exccutive couamittee has issued an address to ihe citizeos of Waehteaaw coun'y, of which the 'ollowing is a copy. To the Citiuns of Wathtenaw Coiuitj:- The voters of Washtenaw county are called upon to decide, under tbe law, whether, alter next May, the saloon business shall be legal within its borders. We urge all citizens to ponder this question carefully, lf they have not already done so. and especially the followlng consideraeions : 1. Prohibition lessens the saloon Influence immediately. when applied over so large an rea as one county. 2. Allhough prohibition may not entirely stop the drinking of intoxicating liquon, yet it is the beet method of dealing with the saloon. Anything that is so wrong as is the saloon, should be prohibited by law. Society cannot aöord to let any business that panders to the lowest human passions go without condemnation. The gambling houses, dives ol all kinds, and baloons, should all be prohibited, and ihe laws should be enforced. 3. Because laws against an evll thingare not as well enforced as we would like, is no r.ason why the laws should not extst. If that were to hold, our legislatura would have to repeal our laws against all torms of vtce. But laws have a powerful iufluence. The risiug generatious are sure of belng freerof the Baloou infiuence if we apply prohibition now. Do not be diverted from the point by Htseriions that prohibition cannot be entorced. It will be enlorced well enough to drive the liquor traffic outofsight. The open sdioons will stop entirely. In view of these considerations we cali upon all the temperance people of Wasbtenaw couuty to vote against tne saloons ou Kebruary 27th. We urge tuat on the Suiiday preceding uie electiou a temperance service be held in every church in the county. The conimittee believes that prohibition can be carried in Washtenaw county if the temperance people of all pañíes will unite in the eöört. We would suggest that w far as possible at least one meeting be held in each school district, to be addressed by men from all the parties. In order to do this, the township committees should see that dihtrict commiUees are appuiuled. Every legitímate etïort should be put forth to carry the eiection. Victory lor prohibition in the county contain:ng the formal school aud the Michigan Uuiversuy would be heralded abroad as a very auspicioas eveni. It would add to the numbers who attend those imtituiions, and incieate their inüuence. Nearly all intelligent citizens desire to place themselves in accord and harmony with the upward movement ol mankind. In thai civilizatiou which maukind is destined toreach, there will be no place for the saloen. Let us destroy it now ! By order of the county committee.


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Ann Arbor Register