Wagner & Co.
1-2 Pil IJtp 1-2 For a fewdays only, we offer our en tire Stock of Heayy Weight Oyercoats at One-Ialf WHAT THE GOODS ARE MARKED. All 820.00 OVERCOATS, for io 00 All 15.00 " " 7 50 All 810.00 " $5'00 All 88.00 " 84 00 AH 6.00 " 8300 All 8.OU BOTS' OVERCOATS, " $4 o0 All 6.00 " $3[00 All 4.00 " j200 All 3.00 " 9uao We have too many Overcoats, we need the room and although we will lose money by this offer, we are determined to move the Goods. Clothiers.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register