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BUSNESS CARDS. ALEX. W. HAMILTON Attorney at luw. Wlll practice in both State and United States Courts. Office Rooms, one and two, lst floor o the new brick block, corner of Huron and Fourth Streets, Ann Arbor, Michigan. iDia. n. e,. .A-K-isrrDT. (Offlce over First National Bank.) Hointa: 10:30 to 12 ie and 2:30 to 3:30 p. m Can be reached atresidence, West Hurón st., a the " Prof. Nichol place " ; by telephone No. 97 and will reply to calis in the evening. KELLEY' PEERLESS TRUSS I glven on trial and warranted to give satisfacción or money refunded. CHRONIC CASES A 8PECIALITY. Office, No. 6 "Washington-st. Over Rinsey & Seabolt's Store, Ann Arbor. O. HOWELL, M. D.t PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Office in Masonic Block, ROOM 4. Teleptaone Connecttons, Ann Arbor NICHOLS BROS., DENTAL OFFICE Second Floor Masonic Block, over StIiiks limik. Ann Arbor, Mlcll. rceth extracted without pain by the use of gas or vitalized air. ÊeLlWtmm EGAN'S IMPERIAL TRÜ8S. ■I HP Spirftl Spring wlth graded pre 3 sure 1 to 6 ponnds. Worn day and % night by an Infant a week old o adulto 80 years. Ladies' Trusse ssmmm a specialty. Endose stamps fo f b Testimonial of Cures, measnre■ments, etc EGAN'S IMPERIA! " TRUSS CO., Hamilton Block, Ann Arbor, Micb. I wish to lnform the public that I keep con stantly on hand the best grades of Black liiamond Coal, in all sizes; also the Jackson HUI soft coal, which I can sell at lowest marke prices. Will deliver to any part of the city. Give me a cali at No. 11 west Washington-st. STABLER. WM. BIGGS. Contractor ! Builder And all kinds of nork In connectlon iili tbe above prompt I j execnted. ta Shop Cor. of Church-st and üniversity ave Telephone 9 ; P. O. Box 1248. WILLIAM ABN0LD, SKT.T.3 1847 Ri GERS BROS.' SPOONS, FORKS ANU KKTIVE3 , At bottom prices, engravin? injlud( ( foll line of the Justly celebiekd HOCKFOBD WALTHAM and ELaiN WATOHES. Open face, Key and winding always on hand and regulated, ready for a man s pocket. If you canuot readthis get ene of Johnstoi & Co .s eye-glasses or spéctacles for sale by WM. ARNOLD, 36 Main St. Ann Arbor, Mich . shingleU The best Rooflng In the world Is Waïter'sPatentShrngles Made of Ir on, TIn or Steel. Cheapet More Durable and Ornamenatl Than Slate Warranted to give eatlsfactlon. For partloulara and prlcea address CEOHGI SCOTT, Architect. Sole Agent forWashtenow County. SURE CURE FOR NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM, HEAOACHE, BACKACHE, HEART CORRECTOR, OR PAINS. It 18 the (rrandest fkm ale remed v known. It is the ladies' f riend. Try it. No one should ba without It. Valuable Testimoniáis. DON'T USB THB KNIFE. A Rkmarkable Case.- Doctors gave her up as incurable and her jaw bone must be removed , bu t is saved by the use of Steketee's Neuralgia Drops. The undersigned herewith wishes to say what a remarkable cure Steketee's Neuralgia Drops done in curing the undersigned of neuralgia. I had been troubled wlth pain in my jaw for a long time. I employed a skillful physician in this city. He declded that my case was incurable unless my jaw bone was removed. I called on Mr. Steketee for advise. Headvised af tor havingr examinedmy case tousehis Neu ralgia Drops. The result of using one.ttalf bottU of said Neuralgia Drops entirely cured me, and without the use of a knite or violence. Miss G. Roest. Corner of Clancy and Cedar Streets. Grand Rapids, Mich., Dec. 6, 1883. Many people have written me if the above writing are true. I now answer all inquires that everv word of tho above writing is true. It is nearly f our years slnce I was cured ; had no more pain nor neuralgia. It is worth the weight in g-old to me. Miss G. Roest, November 1, 1887. Now Mrs. B De Korne. Ask your druggist for Steketee's Neuralgia Drops. If they havo not it for sale, then take nothing else, but send direct to G. G. Steketee, Grand Rapids, Mich., who will send three bottles on receipt of 11.50; expresa paid. P. S.- Trial bottle sent on receipt of 12 centa in U. S. postage stampa. GEO. G. STEKETEE, Grand Rapids, - Mich.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register