Make No Mistake
Read andRemember LEW. H. CLEMENT, !bq The Square Music Dealer, ggEj " HAS REMOVED form 25 S. Fourth-st. TO 38 S. MAIN-ST., where at all times g: 3=a can be obtained anything and everything Ú Í3 in the line of Sheet Music, Music Books g ■ and Musical Merchaudise at the Honest Elï xS price. Sole agent in Washtenaw County for ra Haines Bros.' Celebrated Upright %L E3 Pianos and Famous Estey Organs. Sê It is a fact that nothing will be sold un- - -- less positively guaran teed as represented. Remember the new location. 1% 38 SOÜTH Mi STREEtJN Bmmálliniini And The " Square " MHgic Dealer. KSM!l!t!linilffi
Old News
Ann Arbor Register