KapNi tr. Central f8 Jietü tpjluni Polnis .U o w utcTSifaii GOINO F.AST. El L Si 2 o fts "'S vin o. . STATIONS. gl -Q 1 i? Hfl I 3 d S aS 55 z A. M. A. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. A. M Chicago.Lv 6 50 9 (K) 8 10 8 15 9 10 Kalamazio 12 17 1 501 6 58 12 33 2 27 6 45 BattleCreek 1 12 2 27 7 33 1 251 8 181 7 31 Jackson 3 15 4 20 8 49 3 15 j 4 60 9 15 Ohelsea 3 59 5 35 9 55 Dexter 4 14 5 50 10 08 Delhi Mills 4 22 io 17 Ann Arbor 4 83 5 30; 9 45 4 3 6 08 10 33 Ypsilanti 4 50 5 45 9 56 4 52 6 2410 47 Wayne Jun 5 15 6 05i 5 15 6 47 1109 Detroit 6 00 6 45 10 45 6 00 7 30 11 50 Niágara Falls 2 21 1 4 59 1 22 6 50 .. Buffalo 4 35 7 15 3 40 9 05 P. M. A. M. A. M. A. M. A. M. A .M. GOIN8 WK8T. STATUS. „ 3 S? 3 s-3 Í _"LÖ !M a P. M A M. A. M. A. M. P. M. Buffalo 11 80 5 35 6 05 9 00 1 00 NiagaraFalls 12 45 8 43 2 15 A. M. A. M. P. M. P. M. P. M _ Detroit, Lv 7 00 9 10 1 30 4 00 8 00 10 15 Wayue Jun 7 41 9 53 2 03 4 45 8 37 10 55 Ypsilanti 8 03 10 12 2 20 5 12 8 58 11 18 Ann Arbor 8 18 10 30 2 32 5 30 9 12 11 85 Delhi Mills 8 28 5 4-2 Dexter 8 87 5 50 9 32 .... Chelsea 8 52 6 05 9 52 Jackson 9 45 11 35 3 32 7 10 10 52 12 54 BatUe Creek 11 20 1 12 4 40 8 52 12 12 2 2 Kalamazoo 12 17 1 50 5 15 1 20 8 07 Chicago, Ar„ 5 40 6 40 9 30 7 00 7 45 P M. P. M. P. M. P. M. A. M. A. M. O. W. RUGGLES. H. W. HAYES, G. P. & T. A., Chicago. Local Ag't, Ann Arbor. Toledo, Ann Arbor & Nortn MicMpn Yi Time Table going into effect Sunday, Oct. 9, '67. Going North. Going South. STATIONS. Pakjpük M'l. Standard Time. ;y P. M. P. M.!a. M. Lv'El [ABB A. M. P. M. P. M. 3 15 6 25 5 15 .Toledo 9 00 1 10 8 42 4 05, 7 51 6 02 Monroe Junct'n 8 10 12 31 7 51 4 12 8 05 6 10 Dundee 8 03 12 24 7 40 4 35 8 35 6 35 MUan 7 45 12 04 7 20 4 53 9 05 7 00 Pittsfleld 7 26 11 43 7 10 5 10; 9 25 7 15 „Ann Arbor... 7 15 11 30 6 50 5 30' 9 50 7 33 Leland's 6 30 11 14 6 30 5 45 p. M. 7 46 Whitmore Lake A. M. 11 09 6 16 5 52 7 53 Hamburg 10 55 6 10 6 28[ 8 30 Howel' 10 20 5 33 7 20 9 30 Durand „ 9 30 4 36 7 46 9 55 Corunna 9 08 i 15 7 55 10 01 Owosso j 9 00 4 08 9 15 1116 Ithaca 1 7 46 2 46 9 33 11 35 St. Louis 7 27 2 26 9 41 11 41 Alma 7 20 2 20 10 30 12 30 ...Mt. Pleasant 6 30 1 80 r. M. p. M. 1 A. M. P. M. All passenger trains run daily except Sunday. ConnecttouB at Toledo with rallroads diverglng. At Manhattan Junction with Wheeling A Lake Brie E. R. At Alexis Junction witb M. C R. R.. L. B. ü'y and F. & P. M R R A Monroe Junctlor wiin L. 8. di. M. a. K'y. At Dundee with L. 8 & M. S.. and M. & O. Ry . At Milan with W., St L. 6t P. Ry. At Pittsfield with L. 8. A M. 8. E'y. At Ann Arbor with Michigan Central R. R.t and at 8outh Lyon with Detroit, I-ansrag and Northern R. R,, and G. T. Ry. H. W. ASHLEY. W. H.BENNKTT, Superintendent, Gen. Passenger Agent. A. J. PAISLEY, Agent, Ann Arbor. At Ashley with the Toledo, Saginaw & Muskegon railway. REPORT OF TH1S UüNDITION OF THE AnnÁrbor Savings Bank AT ANN ARBOR, MICH., ON MONDAY, Jan. 2d, A. D. 1888, HADE In Accorclance wltli Sectlona 18, 19 and 67 of the General Bankinx Luw as Amended In 1871. RESOURCES. Loans and Discount J 264,369 44 Bonds and Mortgages 203,359 18 Overdrafts 149 89 Furniture and Fixtures. 1,930 85 Due frem National and State Banka.... 101330 80 Cash on hand 34,699 16 f 605,839 32 LIABIUTIE8. Capital Stock f 50,000 00 Surplus Fund 50,000 00 Profit and Loss 30,612 06 Jan. Dividend 2,735 00 Due Depositara 472,492 26 f 605,839 32 I do Bolemnly swear that the above statement ík true, to the best of my knowledge and belief. CHAS. E. HISCOCK, Cwhier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 2d day of Jan., 1888. L. GRUNER, Notary Public. It is Generally conceded by physicians that the spring trueg is the best known instrument for retaininft hernia, giving a uniform pressure and conformIng to the various positions of the body. They are clean, comfortable and durable. Our stock is large, embracing all the leadinp makes. We guarantee satisfaction. Browne A Sharpo nalr Clipper Ho. 1 M.BO % Poataice 15e. Browne A Sharpe Home Clipper No. 2 s.oo ; Postase 25e. M ANN BRO'8, Druagists, Ann Arbor. I nlO rAl tKatthe Newxpaper Adver. 1 'w r"' "' ""'"r 'r-r ' Messrs. N. W. AVER SON. our authorlzed agenta. töOLB MEDAL, PARI8, 1878. BAKERS - MM Cocoa. W Warranted ábsolutély pure Cocoa, f rom which the exceea of Olí has been remoTed. It has three timet the strength of Cocoa mixed with 8tarcb, Arrowroot orSngar, and ia therefore far more economical, casting lest than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourlehing, etrengthening, eaeily digceted, and admirably adapted for invalida as well as for pereonii In health. Seld by Brocera ererrffhere. W. BAKER & CO., Dorctiester, Mass.
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Ann Arbor Register