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Bargains in clothing made to order. A discount of 10 to 20 percent, on all heavy weight goods. Vagner & Co., Merchant Tailors. We are offering extraordinary value in pants to order. All $6 50 ar,d $7.00 heavy weights for $0.00. Wagner & Co., Merchant Tailors. Nice line of Dried Fruitg at W. B. Warner's, S'.ate-8t. Do not fil to purehase a fine ,uit of clothes of Wm. W. Douglas before they are all gone. These goods must be sold at once. California Canned goods at W. B. Warner's, 24 State st. A fine all wool suit can be purchased at Wm. W. Douglas's for seven dollars - warranted in every respect. Whnt a I.iltle rtoiiey wlll Buy at AnIri'ivs Co.'a. Complete photographing outfit, $2,50. lirass trimmed curtain poles, complete, for 30c. Pen, pencil and rubber stamp, your name. 26c. Engraved ealling cards. plate, 50 cards, 11.50. 3-inch gold picture frames, 15c per foot. Fine cream ragged dye stationery, 25c per box. Our 25c buckskin purses, closing at 10c. Cut rates on subscrlptions to magazines. Wall papéis. 3c, 5c, 8c per roll. Gold papers, 15c. Window shades, fringe, spring fixture and pulls, 50c. Ladies' gold pens, best quality made, 7óc. Great Reduction Sale ! k Wahr's Bookstore offer ] J for the next 30 days a M ö Grand Reduction Sale on O 00 all Miscellaneous Books, O k Standard Books in Sets, Stay j tionery, Fancy Goods, Wall [t O Paper, in short, everything j Q n their line sroes in this _ co o sale. Don't make any g q chases, until you axamine t 6 their prices. WAHR'S BODKSTDRE. WE ARE HEUE At the Same Oíd Stand, i s ii mm, First (rocery East of Post-Offlce, WHERE YOU ARE INVITED TO CALL! For Sugars that are Strlctly Pure, For Coffees that are Perfect in Flavor, For Teas that never turn Red. For Spices that are nol Adulterated, For Flour that Beats them AU, For Kerosene that sives the Best Light, For Goods of the Highest Quality, For the Lowest Living Prices. Also a full line of Crockery, Glassware and Lamps. Remember tbe place, .o. 5 Ann-st., An ii Arbor. J. D. STIMSON & SON. GRAND OPERA HOUSE! Saturday, Feb. llth.. Three Seasons and a Bril Mant Success MR. FRANK" JONES IN HIS DOMESTIC PLAY ENTITLED, THE THRESHING MACHINE AGT. A Cyclone of Fun ! The Pughtown Farmer Band Parade daily. Full Orchestra, (9 Pieces). Great Comedy Co. The Threshing Machine at work on the Stage. No other Company on the road like it. PHICES, 35, 50 and 75 ets. Reserved Seats now on Sale at Wahr's. GRAND OPERA HOUSE! Monday, February 13. MISS NELLIE McHENRYl The Oreat Ku 11:11 it kers, Salsbury's Troubadours Acknowledged the most COMPLETE COMEDY AND MUSICAL OEGANIZATION IN AMERICA, In the Latest New York Craze "THE HUMMING BIRD," Beplete with Exquisito Musical Selections. ADMISSION, 35, 50 and 75 ots. Reserved Seata at Wahr's Bookstore.


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