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The latest theory relative to the object ot the pyramids of Egypt is that ttiey were built for tobosesn slides - Herald. For neuralgia, rhentnatism, gout, burns, wounds, etc., use Salvation Oil. Price 26 cents a bottle. The woman -who '-calc'latea" is last.- Holmes. __________- Credit is due the Germán women and physicians for first using recTclover blosoms as a medicine. Best results are obtained when combined with other medicinal roots and herbs, as in Dr. Jones Red Clover Tonic, which is the best known remedy for all blood diseases, stomach and liver troubles, pimples, costiveness, bad breath, piles, agüe and malaria diseases, indigestión, loss of appetite, low spirits, headache and all diñases of ihe kidney?. Price 50 cents, of Eberbaoh & Bon. ________ A "doublé lile' means a unit of rascality. " Mr. Hyde " alwys dowos " Dr. Jekyll" injhe end. - World. Clara huw is the baby ? Oh. he is as chirp as a lark. That Hibbard'i Throat and Lang Balsam U, a ereat remedy These doses relieved his Bufifering, jmi h was ready fer plav. Queen Victoria's crown was a miss fit btore she roarried Prii.ce Albert.- Ohronicle. ._ thousands suffering from Asthma, Consumption, Cougbs, etc. Did yott ever try Acker's English liemedy? It is the best preparation known for all LuDg Troubles, gold on a positive guarantee at 10c, 50c. John Moorf,, Diuggist. Even beneath a crazy qu lt may be s'.ept a sleep of pieoe. - News ____ 3 VThe Best and Purest Medicínela ll$. EVER MADE. UI I AW TfwindrivetheHnmorfromyonrl I I VXíTv" ' and mako your skinUl HATrc-niinil emooth. Thosel I IIS,. imples and Blotche?0 Ua oav: AZtwliïchmar your Deauiym □ -J } 5Caré causcd bv ImpureM Eg Ve.% O; Ablood, ancf can bell II -?a 9%, V SW"80 and use III ü medicine. Try ft, "V: Vo Wfc Hl U Get it of your Drugglat. % H Q DONT Wait. Gbt it atonce". jt - I H yon are Bnfferln? from k ■■■lUrthasrevolationized the work durIN Vilfl ilürtleist m n Ue. wondere of inIII ! Uil I '" vcutive progresa íb a method and FVKtem of work that can De perfonned all over the country without separatmg the workers from heiri'raes Pay liberal; any one can do the work either ex, yo.mK or old ; no gpecia abi. 1 tv reo ulrod Cai.iUl not needed ; you are starttd than anythiiiKee inthe woilá.nrandnutjilfree. Address Tkue & Co., Augusta, Mame, THE CHCAU of all BOOKS of ADVEHME Condoled into One Volume. PIONEER m DA5SÍG HEROE8 ANU DEEDS. Pawaand wild beasts, over our "hole oou-ty from the earliesi time to the present Urjl .nd famoiiK cxnloits of üesoto, La-allc, Standibli, 3r for p%TAtEfdox6hwrMof PIIILDKLPHIA, Pi.. OR ST. I.OÜIB, MO. An Excellent Bonte. Tourists, ousiness men, aettlcrs and otber dwlnug to reach any place in Central or NorthiM Montana, Dakota, Minnesota, or Pngei Sound aiul Paoitic :oat poiuts ghould inyestl l'AU-reSiirdmgtueratta and advautages offen-d br tliis route. A ratelrom Obicasoor St.l'aul ti Puóst Sound or Haciflc Coast points 5.001ower than via any other line in guarauteed. AoeomBOdarB m STtFWUL A l onh 1;MaüítobAí fon.lfl HAILWAX J%Moutana; Watertown, Aberdeen, EDendali', Fort Buford and Bottineau. Dakota, are a lew oí the principal poluta reached vi recent eitenslonsor tliia road. For mapa or other Information addressC. H. Wabren, General Paweniwr Aent, Ht. Pmil. Mitin., or D. W. H. Morlnd. Travfli.ig PMMiiger Aent, 179 Jeflerson At., DeUcit. ÍUok -u.l for ntw mp oí Korthwtit.


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