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oi'K ss cent colmenar. Advertlsements, sucli as To Rent, For Sale, or Wants, not ezceedlng three Unes, can be Inserted i ree weeks for ars cents. AÜCTION SALE- A Farm of 187 Acres vrith good buildings and largeorohard;ail personal proeriy, s ch as c;ws, hofres, hogs, and aíl tarm írnplements, also hy and grain, oue ralle nonh of ihe villaje ol Saline, on the 8th day of March. 188), at 10 1 mi Mre. L. D. Wheeler. ATEAMSTEK, wlth good Team, would like steídy employmeut Cali at No. 10 Mann-st, or addreaa B, Box 113o, Ann Arbor, Mlch. MAGNKTIC PHYSICIAN-Mra. N. H. Plerce can diagnose diw as by letter. Send name. ge, lock of Bair, and one leadiiig-eymptom, and recflve free by return mail a clalrroysut diagnosis of your disease. Address Mra. N. H. Pierce, box 1253, Ann Arbor. MONKY TO LOAN.- On farmers only, from one to flveyear8, interest payable annually, wlth privilege of paying tlOO oí over at auy time, and stuck interest. No commlss.on charged For parUculais, cali on or address. W. J. Permar, tf. No. 6 South Maln-at. DRKSSMAKINa-Misi BuAVa Dressmaktng Room, at 68 S. Main-êt Cloaks ana Wraps a specialty. T 03T-I1CW BUI on Maln-st . or oetween RinJL sey& Seabolt's Storj and 3t. Return to Einkey & seabolt and receive revrard. HOUSE TO RENT-Well furnUhed. For particulars, iliquire at iü S. Ingalla-st. I7URNISHE0 nd unfurnished rooms for rent f ai No. 13. North Divlaion-st. T-0 RENT on Shares, l}i Acres of land in the city, buitable lorOmoua or Celery. Addreas Heury U Waldron, Worden, Mich. T"O RENT- Two Suites of Furnished Rooms X No 6a Nurth ut. ' THAT very desirable House and Lot, No.678. Liiv.son-st., lor ale. lnquire at the Farmers' and Mtjhautc3' iiauk. TO FARMKR3-We have about 100 los. stout Twine, guod lor bag siringa, and bandy to have arouuj at any üine. Will iell it cleap. KBGisTita Uryics. SAWS Uumuiedand flled, Furaiture repalred Chaira üottunied. au Ualr, ii N. Fuunh-sú F'OR SALE- A strong, wetl made phaeton In guod uiniiitiuu. Cnii bo een at Nu. 28 N Statest. For terms inquire at 23 K. Caiheriiie st FfOR SALE- Gentleman 8 Drlring and Saddle Horse; Bríghi By. BettSadrile Hotse In the Couuty. J. M. Aileu, Dexter. Mich. F-OR SALfi, OHEAP- Four or flve grade Jersey Cow, uew SJileli, juat the Cows for faniilr use. L. P. Hall. L OR SALE- Fruit Firm,50 Acres, near city of ' A nu Arbur, % mile irotn court Uoune on Whitmore lake ruad. Brick House Krame Barn Hen House, üraiiarjr and Crlb. 3 guod Wdm Pead O cbard, Appl.a, Fears, Quince), Chtrries, Piuuis, Uriipe, -trawoernes, lii .1 knerrns Kaspberric, all cholee varleüe. Price, Í6.0UO. (ieo. L Loomifl, A ti 11 Arhot. F-OR SALE- 10,(X cholee Snyder Black-berry, Ko!8 ai per 100U. Apply to m. Looker or to Juan K. Jlutr, KtgisttrBuild ng. tf LARM FOR 8 ALK- 66 Acres: can be divided". F Located In M1U11. one of the best towns in Southern Mich. öiUmhIkI Farm, flue locatlon, Tenuü reasouable. Kur pariúu.ars, cali on or Addreaa H. H. Allen, Milan, Ml. fa. F'OH SALE- House and Lot wilh Barn aod SUble, romer Hadlïon aud DIviilou. Aiiply toMr. H.M. HciJtry. IpOR SALE- A Paris Range Cook Stove, been A usidsix months, cnsifrí;, wlii lako f25. Cali at 26 E. Willlaam fur lurtlier uinrinatloit. FX)R .SaLB- Farm of 150 acres, good building?, felices, timber. soll. Sic.. li uiiie nuriii ot Delhl Milla. Win. W Tubbs. C82-S9 FOR SAtE- Farm of 80 acre. go d buildings. Boíl. etc. LtMHiiou uusurpssed. l.oug time, low rate of Uiterst and on easy terms, or will' ixchwiKe. Correspoudeuee sollciied. G. C. Crané, Stony Orcek Mich. , 6u6- i. F"OR SALE OR EXCHANGE- For City tesldence. farm of 65 eres, one miie South west oi City. Orwill sell or exchauge 15 aerrs with buildings. Euquire at S6 South 5th St 8 A. Heuioil. 656 tt lOR 8ALE- Horse Wagon and Cutter, Jersey (ow and C'alf, three Fire Proof 8afes. Stock of Hats, Caps and Furs. House on Univtrsity Ave for rent. Noy, ath. 1887. C H. Richmond. 6?2 tf ' "pROFITABLK EMPLOYAIENTfor any Gentle A man or Lady Ki ra prcentae, lmmedlaie returns. norik. Agenta wanted losell The MUsln8Ube ; wils ea.-ily at sig t ; no subsenptiona needed. Addreaa C. W WooldrióVe, Aun Arbor Mlch, or cali at 45 8. Ingal.s-M. ' REAL ESTÁTE FOR SALE OR RENT.-Housesand lntsralued from $1 000 to J6.00I) and conwliii.,g froui oue flfth ol an acre totweuty acres- ali in the city limits. iiou-es rented oá reasoiiable terms in central locallties. tarms exohaoged lor city property. Enquire of .TOè, J. Q. A.SE8SION3, 6tf Attorney and Real Estáte Aeent Office over Express Office, Main tíu. Ann Arbor. VlANTED- Bj ayoung Idy, office worlc or TT writing of any kind. Address l)ck Bx. 84. ANTED IMMEPIATELY-Two good reliable C'oat-makets and one Vest-maker Good prices. Hemy of work. Solid irom. Fleas- ant shop. ('ash every week. N. H. Wmans, Battle Lrcfk, Mico. qj jf f OANING- Money to loan on flrst clasa real Li estáte mortgages at current rates of interest jatlsfactory arraunemeuU made wlth capitalista' Jeslriiig such lnvestmeut. Every conveyance nd trausactlon in abstracts of tltlt carefully exAbSr6 Mh10 leSlil ZlDa P" K% Ann


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