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AMON THE rM.TTI. tANS. ■ uu, Fia . Veb B3 -The Republicana will hold their H - c'y April i!l 1" !"■ deeg-teïto the N.ttiona! oonvetmon PMtidékce, II. I. 1 b. -.; in ccnvention in thi citj veste! lj i ProhtbltloniBttBomin ted :i StaH Ocorge W. OonJd ftr;ul tifr the tal noailnee torGovnor. jgAHj . , . ; . . 23 ' ■ ' rohibltikmiste inct in H .i e i onyeotion in tbip c ty Testerday and eieoled deiejates to tho NaLonal oonvention at Indiuna] Detooit. M ( ■;-., Feh ÜJl- ïae tliird anual banfjiut nt tbc Mnhipan lippublican CJub was holri at the Detroit rmk laBt oicht. Covers were laid lor 1,000 sueste The speaker were Governor Luce; Senator Joeeph Hawley, of C'onnecücnt; (ieneral HarriBon, of Indiana: Conressmen McKinley of Ohio, ('annon of Illinois, McCoirjae of Maryland ; John F Fin rty, of Chicago, and OnTal Grein B Ranm, if Cht',ago Dbtboit. Mich , Feb 2-'i - Severa! hundred Bepnbicans froro all sectione of the State roet in this city yestcrday ani organized loe Michigan Itèpublican ]a(rne Ojlone) .'ohn Atkinson, of Detroit was elected pieBident roBTLiND, Ore , Kh 24.- The üepublican State convention wili be JicW in thif city Apiil 11. Hiurix. N R, I rli. "21 The Nova Hooüan rarliament wau opened yesterday '6y Jjieuttfnant-Govornor }'. chi y Küibkïh, N. G, Feb. 24.- The Democrat i.i North Carolina will hold theïr Htate oon■(.Qtion in this city May 3(1 (UiBOi III., Feb. 24 - Th Kuights of labor met in convention in thiB city yesterday and norninated T. T. liobinson, of yoniona, ,I;ukKin Gonnty, for donsrress. Ottawa, Ont., FeK 24- The Dominion Tarllainent waf formaüy opened yesterday hy Lord Lansdowpe. Thp Oovernor-Gen.ra] made commendatory rilusion to the flshcrk's ir ty. New (Iii.eans, l't'h i.'" - Th c&nvam of 't 16 city titinc made by the Onraroittee ol HttBdred to revise ih r gristration has !y reRoltei] in hndin;." ;ili.n '-.'4,000 aame jllepally r (.:■ j. h uot all fraudulently Betww ö and 20,000 wJJ bc thrown ont JliijKKiH. N. ( '., Feh 25 - Thf Democratie ftate convcniimi will mecv at Raleigh on May 3O. The I ■ ■ Btate üommittee ■ ,,ai resolatiooa in l.ivor of ahoüsbing whole Internal-revenne Kvstem. Poktlaxi), Ore, Toh 23.- The Ilepnblic!U5 State Committcc called the Slate conTentioo to meet at TortlaiKl April IL There will bc abont iCJO delegatea ■Washisoton, Feb. Ü5- The Naüonal Tentjon of tbc " Industrial lieJorm party was held in thiF city Wednesday and Thnre(iay. About fiity people were present The eonvention nominated National ticket made rap of A. Jï Iiedston. of (california, f,r President, and J. A. Colvin, of KansaB, foi Vloe-President The platform demande lTeenba;k money to be ífhu1 by the Govfmment, the immdiate redetap ion of in■.ciestrbearin? bonde anij the wiping ont of t'ankp of tMma TÜPafhinííto-n, Feb. 27 - A úiKprtch sent tothe New Yurk World hüvk Wilham R iflorrifioii, of the intiT-Stiit Commerce rkjmmiesion, has decided to become a candidate for Vicr-PrcBident ,on the ticket with Mr. Cleveland, and durinfr a raeetánp ■ f the Tr,jnacTntí: National Committec here '.Jhisweck announcel his depire to saveral Toembers of that organjzation whose ttupïort he solflited. New Ypf.k, Y■■: U7- Advices r ctived re state tbat over 1,000 Kepublican clnbB ndthirtecn rtat leaynea have len orpanized since December. Atiranta, ( a , Feb. 27- The Ilepablicane wül meet in State convention in tbis city r,n the 18th of April to elect lou-patii to the National conveiitioa Louisviij.e, Ky.. Fe k 27- The Repubicanp wi!l bold their State oonvention in 1,his city on the 21 of May U eiect deletrates to the National convention. New yoBK, Feb, 27.- The World pub"lahee an interyiew betwoen Hon. James ii Bla'ne and its correspondent in Flornce, Italy, in which Mr. lUaiEf, if made to ( mphaBize bis letter of declination, which was printed recently, mi establishes the tact that he is out of the Premdcntial Tactand does not wish to be nominated or to bave his name presen ted as a candidate. Laxsikg. Micü., Feb. ü!t - The official Tass Monday of the returns of the Eleventh Michigan diM.ri; pivM Keymour a plurality oí 402 over Breen. Tbeotojj, N. J.. Feb. '2i- The State rrof.jbiüon convention met ye6t:rday, and ajv f-ointed four delegates at larfre 10 the Na. ;:onal l'rohibition convention at Indianapolis. General Clinton R Fiskc.who heads ihe delcjtation, is rcnonjinatJ athe caDdidate lor Tresident IYttsbpbch, Pa, Feb. ü Senator onkling has written t üie secretary of s ïocal club, formed in hiB honor, etaticg tbat he if not au aspirant for politica! referment (in the Preeidential line), bot hoping that the club shall contribot to the rcinstatement of the Rcpunücan party, the brave and bonest cbampion of the rightf, tbe welfare anl tbe proprew of (;;i,(XK),000 ■ ! people." MiLWACKEE, Wis.. Feb. í!9- It has been itded that the convention of the Citi■.ene' party shall be held March IQ Pbovidekce, II 1, Feb. 2!- Tbe Demoittte will hold their State convention os the lftth of March to elect ie lcira:s totJbe Valionol convention.


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